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Lake Biwa
(琵琶湖 (Biwa-ko))
Beach at Wanihama
Beach at Wanihama
35 ° 20 ′ 0 ″ N 136 ° 10 ′ 0 ″ E

the lake biwa (琵琶湖 Biwa-ko) is the largest freshwater lake in Japan and the prominent feature of the shiga prefecture.


The lake is probably named after the Japanese string instrument biwa, whose shape resembles that of the lake. The entire lake is now protected as a quasi-national natural park.


Other destinations

  • Mount Hiei - a temple complex housing the esoteric Tendai sect of Buddhism
  • The islands of Chikubu and of Takeshima are popular pilgrimage sites
  • The island Okishima, inside the lake, is the only inhabited island in Japan and on a lake.

To go

The JR Tōkaidō Main Line and the Tōkaidō Shinkansen Line run roughly along the southern and eastern coasts of the lake, connecting Ōtsu and Hikone To Kyoto and Osaka to the west and to Nagoya to the East.


By train

The quieter west and north coasts are covered by the JR Kosei line (湖西 線).

On a boat

Cruises around the lake and ferries to Chikubu and Okishima depart from Ōtsu and Hikone. The main operator is'Biwako Kisen (site in Japanese only).

To see

Lake Biwa attracts many birds and with them the ornithologists. There are a large number of historic towns that surround the lake, including Hikone (having one of the last 12 original castles remaining in Japan), Omihachiman (having an attractive restored canal area and a number of museums), Sakamoto (where is the Enryaku-ji temple Unesco World Heritage), the famous temple of Ishiyama-dera (where Lady Murasaki wrote the Said of Genji), and Nagahama (where remains the oldest station building in Japan, an attractive historic district, and important temples and shrines, as well as a reconstructed castle). The lake is also known for its beautiful sunsets, especially when viewed from the eastern shore of the lake when the sun sets over the mountains to the west.

  • Ōmi-Maiko Beach (近 江 舞 子) (From Osaka, h by train to JR Ōmi-maiko station; just 30 min from Kyoto) – The water is very clean and the beach is very relaxing. Lots of people flock there on weekends and you can camp there as well. It is better than going to most of the marine beaches in Kansai as it is very clean.


The tourism industry in Lake Biwa lives on peach, the boat rental and an assortment of nautical sports, which even includes the diving for those who would like to probe the depths of this rather dark lake. There are a number of hot Springs in the towns and mountains surrounding the lake. There are also good hikes in the mountain Hira-san on the west side of the lake.

A bicycle rental for 500 JPY per day for a “mama-chari” type bicycle (a 26-inch bicycle without speed and with an adjustable and very comfortable seat, and with a basket in the front) just next to the station coming from Osaka. Cycling around Lake Biwa is very pleasant, with wide paved pathways in many places, cycling around the lake making 220 km. The area is well suited to cycling everywhere and you should be able to find places to stay in different places around the lake if you travel by this means.

You may see teams of four men or women rowing the Satagawa River during your visit. You can also take a paddle steamer, the “Michigan”. There are many parks, public toilets, and places to get water or drinks near the southwest part of the bike path. There is a volleyball court on the beach northwest of the bridge to the south and many joggers also share the cycle paths. Fishing from a boat or from the shore, kayaking and sailing are very popular here. Kite flying, if the wind is right, can be fun here too, with no wires to hinder the kite.

To buy


You can bring a portable barbecue at Omi Maiko or Shiga Beach, or in summer enjoy the food vendors at Omi Maiko.

Have a drink / Go out

Load up a cooler full of everything you love. There is a tropical-themed outdoor bar at the east end of Omi Maiko. Part of a hotel, it offers barbecue dinners on brick tables.



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