Letgallia - Letgallia

Ruins of Ludza Castle
Letgallia - Flag
Institutional website

Letgallia is the easternmost of the regions of Latvia on the border with Russia and the Belarus.

To know

Spoken languages

Letgallian is a language similar to Latvian (the official one). Unlike the rest of the Latvia, unlike the places where only the cities were heavily Russified during the Soviet period, in Letgallia even most of the rural areas are spoken more Russian that Latvian / Letgallian.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Daugavpils - Bathed by the Daugava River and second largest city in the country by population.
  • Rēzekne - Located on the river of the same name, 242 km east of Line, is an important road and rail hub, with important food and textile industries.

How to get

How to get around

What see

Letgallia has thousands of lakes. Don't miss a cool summer swim in some of them or at least just to see them. Letgallia is quite undulating, although the hills are not high compared to other countries. Letgallia is also famous for its pottery. To visit some ceramic workshops and country houses. A boat trip to the lakes is a good idea.

What to do

At the table

Pork is a delicious traditional dish.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Letgallia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Letgallia
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