Southern Lebanon - Libano meridionale

Southern Lebanon
Source of water in Arabsallim

Southern Lebanon is a region of Lebanon bordering on Israel.

To know

Southern Lebanon is a historical and archaeological delight. Its history dates back 6,000 years with the Assyrians. Roman and Phoenician ruins, the remains of the Crusades, and the major Phoenician trading centers of Sidon is Shot. Through the ancient cities of the region it is possible to fully explore the ancient civilizations and the history of the Mediterranean, with remains of the civilizations of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Ottomans.

Geographical notes

The region is hilly, the average height of which tends to decrease as the sandy Mediterranean coasts approach, dotted with biblical sites.

Spoken languages

Like the rest of the Lebanon, L'Arabic it is the most widespread language. L'English and the French they are spoken in large cities.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Jezzin - Capital of the district of the same name about 73 km from Beirut.
  • Marjayoun - Capital of the district of the same name about 98 km from Beirut.
  • Nabatiye - Large country town and capital of the homonymous governorate
  • Sidon (Ṣāīdā) - A famous Phoenician city-state, Sidon retains many vestiges of its long and illustrious past. Capital of the governorate of South Lebanon.
  • Shot - Ancient Phoenician port founded, according to Herodotus, in 2750 BC. The archaeological site of Shot figure in the list of World Heritage Sites of HumanityUNESCO.

Other destinations

  • Tibnin - village characterized by a mild climate, a beautiful landscape and monuments of historical and tourist interest, such as the stronghold which has about a millennium and a half of life.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Southern Lebanon
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