Coast of Tanzania - Litorale della Tanzania

Coast of Tanzania

Coast of Tanzania is a hot and humid region of the Tanzania also including the former capital Dar es Salaam.

To know

Spoken languages

As in the rest of the Tanzania, Swahili is the main language, but tribal dialects such as Makonde or a mix of the two can be encountered. L'English it is spoken sporadically because tourists are rare around here so there has never been a real incentive to spur locals to learn foreign languages.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Bagamoyo - Before the founding of Dar es Salaam, Bagamoyo was the most important port of the coast on the Indian Ocean for trade between the hinterland and the island of Zanzibar.
  • 2 Dar es Salaam - Capital of the Tanzania until 1973, Dar es Salaam is still the main urban center of the country.
  • 3 Clean - Port city overlooking the mouth of the Lukuledi River.
  • 4 Lushoto - Located in the Usumbara mountains at an average altitude of 1,200 m a.s.l., Lushoto it was a popular climatic resort in colonial times and still has several buildings built by the Germans.
  • 5 Masasi - A fairly large city within the Mtwara region.
  • 6 Mikindani - Small town with a fort renovated in colonial style and as colonial are the other buildings in the city.
  • 7 Mtwara - New town created by the British as a deep water port, now the main town in the area.
  • 8 Ndanda - A small town built around an old German mission settlement.
  • Newala - The main settlement on the Makonde plateau.
  • 9 Pangani - Located on the mouth of the river of the same name, Pangani it was in the colonial period an important center of sugar cane production. Today the center appears decayed but boasts beautiful beaches and a marine reserve centered on the coral island of Maziwi which can be a pleasant stop for those who have decided to undertake the journey by land from Mombasa to Dar es Salaam or viceversa.
  • 10 Tandahimba - Between Mtwara and Newala.
  • 11 Thong - Important industrial port near the border with the Kenya, Thong constitutes an alternative embarkation point for the island of Pemba, as well as boasting a number of attractions in its immediate surroundings, such as Mwarongo beach, the caves of Amboni, the island of Toten, the ruins of Tongoni and the village of Ndumi.

Other destinations

  • 1 Pemba Island (Al Kuh Dra) - Located about 50 kilometers north-east of Zanzibar.
  • 2 Kilwa Kisiwani - Island containing the ruins of a historic Arab city protected by theUNESCO.
  • 3 Mafia (or Chole Samba) - Located in the Indian Ocean about 25 km from the coast of the continent. Whose coasts and the seabed surrounding the island are a real paradise.
  • 4 Saadani National Park - The only coastal park in the Tanzania. The fauna consists of hippos, crocodiles and various ornithological species.
  • 5 Mkomazi National Park - Border park, contiguous to Tsavo National Park, in Kenya, appreciated for the opportunity it offers to observe elephants and rhinos.
  • 6 Selous Wildlife Reserve - Huge park covering an area of ​​54,600 square kilometers, divided into two areas: North Selous and South Selous. Photo safaris take place in the north (about 20% of the reserve) while the remaining 80% (South Selous) is almost exclusively reserved for hunting safaris. Animals such as elephants, hippos, wild dogs and crocodiles are present in concentrations higher than those of any other African park.
  • 7 Amani Nature Reserve - It occupies a portion of the rainforest that covers the Usambara mountains. The entrance to the reserve and the botanical gardens is located in the village of the same name which also offers the possibility of staying overnight on site. There reserve it is interesting for the flora while the fauna is limited to small mammals. Elephants and leopards are no longer present.

How to get

By plane

Julius Nyerere International Airport is the main airport of Dar es Salaam and is located about 10 km west of the city.

On boat

Dar es Salaam is the main port of entry for most visitors to not just the region but the entire country as a whole, whether by boat or plane.

How to get around

By plane

There are flights that cover the route on an almost daily basis Dar es Salaam-Mtwara.

On boat

A weekly ferry connects the ports of Dar es Salaam is Mtwara, but be aware that it can be cramped and uncomfortable.

By bus

There are daily buses departing from Dar es Salaam and which run along the coast through Kilwa is Clean before arriving in Mtwara.

Regular buses connect all major towns in the area, while smaller ones cover connections from towns to surrounding villages.

What see

What to do

At the table
