Mombasa - Mombasa

The center of Mombasa seen from the old town
Coat of arms and flag
Mombasa - Coat of Arms
Mombasa - Flag
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Kenya
Institutional website

Mombasa is a city on the southern stretch of the it costs of the Kenya.

To know

Second city of Kenya by number of inhabitants, Mombasa has a strong Arab character. Large sections of its population are in fact made up of descendants of merchants Omani to which is added a large minority of Indians of Muslim belief.

When to go

Any time of year is good to visit Mombasa with the only exception, perhaps, the month of May characterized by more frequent rains.


The city is mentioned by the geographer Ptolemy and served as a stopover for Muslim merchants. THE Portuguese they took over the city in 1505 under the command of Dom Francisco. The city was razed to the ground and rebuilt from scratch. Fort Jesus was built in 1593 and was intended to house the garrison Portuguese.

In 1631 the population revolted against the new rulers and managed to conquer the fort by massacring the soldiers stationed. The following year a fleet sent by Lisbon he managed to reconquer the stronghold and the local population abandoned Mombasa. The Portuguese dominion managed to be maintained until 1698 when they had to give way to the Omani who turned to a lucrative slave trade. THE British they arrived in 1878 and built the railway up to Nairobi.

How to orient yourself


Districts of Mombasa
      Mvita - The central district. The center of Mombasa lies on an island between two rivers, Tudor Creek and Kilindini Harbor. The main road is the Moi Avenue which crosses the entire center horizontally. At its eastern end, where it intersects the Digo Road, the old city of Mombasa begins. Apart from the fort built by Portuguese, almost all the buildings in the old city do not predate the 20th century.
      Changamwe - The district north-west of the center where the airport, the railway station and the suburban bus station are located. It is an industrial area with oil refineries connected to the center by the Makupa bridge.
      Kisauni - The northern district with a series of large hotels lined up on the coast (Nyali district) but also with several slums in the immediate hinterland. It is accessed from the center via the Nyali and Mtwapa bridges. The far north of the district is occupied by the Bamburi district with characteristics similar to those of Nyali. There is the public beach of Mijikenda commonly called "The Pirates" and the Haller Park, a wildlife reserve. Bamburi also has a number of pubs and nightclubs very popular with both locals and passing tourists.
      Likoni - The southern district overlooking the ocean with a sandy coastline that houses wide beaches, the most famous of which is that of Shelly. Unlike Kisauni, Likoni is a low-key area with few and insignificant hotels. A ferry connects Likoni to Mvita.

How to get

By plane

On the train

  • 2 Mombasa Terminus. Inconveniently located in the suburb of Miritini, beyond the international airport, is a new station that replaces the old one in the center, no longer in operation.
Madaraka Express trains from Nairobi (one a day). The luggage must not exceed 30 kilos. As of 2018, the price of a second-class seat was around KES 1,000 in second-class, triple that for first-class seats. From one terminus to the other (472 km), express trains take about 5 hours thanks to speeds exceeding 110 km per hour and short intermediate stops (about 7). Mombasa Terminus (Q61940741) on Wikidata

By bus

  • 3 Suburban bus station, Mwembe Tayari Rd.
Bus lines

How to get around

Traffic on Kenyatta avenue

There is no real public transport service in Mombasa; you move into matatu, minibus with maximum 14 seats. In the past the matatu were collective taxis while today they mostly move on pre-established routes. In Mombasa there are about 3500 and the drivers have been united in two different associations. The matatu were distinguished by their bright colors and loud music but a 2004 law regulated the sector, setting the color of the cars which must be white with a yellow strip showing the maximum number of passengers and the indication of the route followed and forcing the driver and assistant to wear a sort of uniform. The mandatory use of seat belts has also been introduced. However, these rules tend to be observed less and less. Some matatu lines far exceed the urban limits, going as far as Malindi (about two hours for the price of 200 KES) and to the other seaside resorts south of Mombasa.

For your travels you can also count on other private vehicles such as tuk-tuk (motorized tricycles equipped with a passenger cabin), PikiPiki (moped taxi) and boda boda (bicycle-taxi). A race with these means will cause you chills if you are not used to the traffic of third world cities: traffic is chaotic, traffic lights are few and not respected, the elementary rules of the highway code are broken and the possible sight of police officers police do not constitute a qualm. The cost of a tuk-tuk route varies between 70 and 100 KES, that of a PikiPiki is around 60 KES and that of a boda-boda around 20 KES.

Of course, conventional taxis, more or less official, abound. The ride is usually paid in advance by bargaining. Don't be surprised if the driver goes to the gas station to fill up before driving you to your destination.

The Twitter service of the Kenya Red Cross provides real-time information on road events or accidents, which helps motorists avoid traffic jams.

What see

Pembe Za Ndovu
The interior of Fort Jesus with the entrance to the museum on the left
  • 1 Pembe Za Ndovu, Moi Avenue (At the height of the Uhuru gardens). Aluminum structures in the form of elephant tusks that surmount the two carriageways of the central Viale Moi in pairs. They were erected in 1952 on the occasion of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II of England and have been the symbol of Mombasa ever since.
  • 2 Strong Jesus. The best known of Mombasa's not many monuments is this 16th century fort built by the Italian architect Cairati, in the service of the Portuguese and who created other works for them in Goa. In 2011 the fortress was included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites. The name of the fort derives from the fact that the Portuguese fleet sailed under the flag of the Order of Christ (Ordem di Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo).
In addition to accessing the fortifications, you can visit the museum housed in the prisons of the British colonial period. Part of the collections come from the Portuguese frigate Santo António de Tanna which sank in 1697 off the fort. The exhibits mainly consist of ceramics from Africa, India and China, as well as personal belongings of the crew and two bronze cannons. The archaeological section includes finds from excavations carried out along the Kenyan coast.
Arab military equipment, musical instruments and, in the courtyard, a series of naval guns from the 18th and 19th centuries are also exhibited. In the gardens facing the entrance to the fort stand two 105 mm guns of the light cruiser of the German imperial navy SMS Königsberg. Forte Jesus on Wikipedia forte Jesus (Q379080) on Wikidata
  • 3 Holy Spirit Cathedral. Catholic church consecrated in 1898 but rebuilt twenty-five years later in order to accommodate a greater number of faithful. The building has a neo-Romanesque façade flanked by two bell towers. Inside there are polychrome stained glass windows depicting episodes from the life of Saints Francis Xavier, patron saint of Goa and Patrizio, patron saint ofIreland.
In May 1955, with the establishment of the diocese of Mombasa, the church was elevated to a cathedral. Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Mombasa) on Wikipedia Holy Spirit Cathedral (Q21832729) on Wikidata

Events and parties

  • Carnival. Simple icon time.svgNovember. takes place on Viale Moi.

What to do

Haller Park
  • 1 Mamba Village, Links Rd. Park of 20 hectares whose main attraction is a crocodile farm with more than 10,000 specimens. The park also offers the possibility of walks on the back of a dromedary. The best time for a visit is at 5:00 pm, when the park attendants are in charge of feeding the crocodiles. Inside there is a bar / restaurant.
  • 2 Haller Park, Malindi Road (Bamburi neighborhood), 254 41 5485901. - A 75-hectare safari park opened in 1985 on a fossilized coral reef. The park's most famous guests are the hippopotamus Owen, orphaned by the 2004 tsunami and the giant tortoise Mzee, now 100 years old and which, to the great amazement of scientists, has adopted the orphaned hippo.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Forodhani Restaurant. In the old town with river views.
  • 2 Island Dishes, Kibokoni Rd (Old City), 254 710 712221. Popular restaurant with local and North African cuisine.
  • 3 Mubins Cafe, Kisauni Rd. Specialized in barbecue meat dishes.
  • 4 Safari Inn Bar and Restaurant, Serena Road, Shanzu, 254 722 671475. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 09: 00-02: 00. Local and Swiss cuisine as well as sandwiche and similar snacks. It also offers fondue.
  • 5 Sheba, Malindi Road, Nyali (Inside the City mall). Fast-food style Ethiopian cuisine restaurant. Live music or DJs in the evening until late at night.
  • 6 Blue Room (Haile Selassie Avenue corner with Digo Road), 254 721 786868. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 07: 00-22: 00. Self-service restaurant with Indian and Asian cuisine. Burgers and ice cream.
  • 7 Shehnai, Fatemi House, Mungano St, 254 41 2224801, @. Simple icon time.svgYou-Up. Indian cuisine restaurant with vegan options.
  • 8 Bollywood Bites, Tamarind Road, Kongowea (Nyali Cinemax), 254 41 4470000, 254 733 470000, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 17: 00-22: 30PM. Indian / vegetarian restaurant.
  • 9 Maharajah, Malindi Road, Bamburi (in the Indiana Beach Hotel), 254 734 126699, @. Indian restaurant.
  • 10 Il Covo Bamburi, Malindi Road (on the beach), 254 41 5487460, @. Japanese restaurant with sushi bar. It also serves pasta dishes and pizzas.
  • 11 I have, Links Road, Nyali, 254 41 471454. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 12: 00-15: 00 and 18: 00-23: 00. Japanese restaurant. Reservation required.
  • 12 Galaxy Chinese Restaurant Mombasa, Mama Ngina Dr (Inside the Florida nightclub), 254 11 311256. Chinese restaurant.
  • 13 Thalassa Restaurant & Lounge, Nyali Bridge Road, Kongowea, 254 721 242711, @. Restaurant owned by an agency that organizes safaris. Local and French dishes. There is an adjoining nightclub with a dance floor.
  • 14 Smugglers Cove Seafood, Mount Kenya Road, Nyali (Close to the Voyager Beach Resort), 254 702 868430, @. Seafood restaurant.
  • 15 Sea Haven, Off Malindi Road, Shanzu (Close to the Sheba Resorts & Lodges hotel complex). Seafood restaurant with terrace and ocean views.
  • 16 Hunters Steack House, Cement Silo Road (Kongowea - in front of the Tamarind Mombasa), 254 41 957474. International cuisine, barbecue, homemade pastries and desserts.
  • 17 Yul's, Malindi Road, (Bamburi - on the beach), 254 41 5485950, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 10: 00-00: 00.
  • 18 POA Restaurant & Grill, Malindi Road, Bamburi (Inside the Tembo Entertainment Plaza - Nyali shopping center.), 254 722 411873. Night restaurant of international cuisine with a wide selection of dishes including Italian.
  • 19 Moorings, Mtwapa (Near the Mtwapa bridge), @. Seafood restaurant

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Mombasa
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Mombasa
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