Monaco - Mónaco


Monaco, officially the Principality of Monaco (in French, Principality of Monaco) is a city-state, the second smallest independent state in the world after the Vatican City. This small principality is nestled in the Blue Coastfrench, very close to the border of this country with Italy. Monaco is an important and glamorous tourist destination, attracting millionaires from around the world to enjoy its beautiful urban landscapes, its famous casino and its coastlines on the Mediterranean.


This is the second smallest independent state in the world (after the Vatican) and it is completely urban. Monte Carlo it is not the capital of Monaco, but a government district. The country is divided into nine sectors: Monaco-Ville (the old city), Condamine (port district), Monte-Carlo (business and recreation) and Fontvieille (recreation, second port for smaller boats and light industry) are the most well - known among them. With no natural resources to exploit other than its location and climate, the principality has become a tourist hub for tourists and a tax haven for the wealthy. Monaco is six times the size of the Vatican and the most densely populated country in the world. While its borders have not moved since 1861 (when de jure lost more than 80% of its territory to France), Monaco has still grown its territory by creating artificial lands from the sea, which is how the Fontvielle area emerged.


  • Rainier and grace , reissued as Grace of Monaco , by Jeffrey Robinson. An account of the lives of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco, intertwined with the history of the country. The author knew Rainier and Grace personally and interviewed members of the royal family for the book.


Monaco's climate is mild Mediterranean, with wet winters and hot, dry summers.


The terrain is based mainly on hills, and a rugged and rugged relief located in a steep "valley" that falls towards the Mediterranean.


In the second half of the 19th century, there was great economic growth due to the arrival of the railway that connected a large part of France with the Casino de Monte Carlo. After that, seeing the wonderful features of the landscape, the weather and the spectacular casino facilities, Monaco became a famous destination for tourists from all over the world.

To get

By plane

The closest international airport is Nice Côte-d'Azur International [1]. It is located approximately 20 km. From the center of the city. It has daily flights with the main cities of the world, such as Paris Y London. There are also buses that connect Monte Carlo with the Nice airport terminals, and in addition, there are always taxis available outside the airport terminals, but if you take one, make sure the parking meter is on from the beginning of the trip, as taxi drivers The French have a bad reputation for deceiving tourists, whether the meter is on beforehand, or they don't turn it on and charge what they want.

By train

The Monaco-Monte Carlo station has a very good service connecting 2-4 times per hour Nice, Cannes, Menton, Ventimiglia (Italy) with the city. There is also the fast TGV train, which runs between Nice and Paris, a TGV between Monte Carlo and Paris can take six and a half hours. Make sure not to leave luggage at any train station or any other part of Monaco as no tourist office or police will help you.


Monaco has two ports in which mainly private yachts dock. The Port Hercule, it is extremely beautiful, and offers several possibilities for the navigator. It has capacity for 500 boats, some of which are immensely large (because of this, some tourists stay in the harbor bar just to admire the water and the huge yachts). The Port of Fontvieille located in the new district, it has a capacity for 60 boats of 30 meters long.

By car

Monaco, is very well connected with France and Italy through a network of motorways. The most used is the A8 that runs east connecting Monaco with the Italian border and west with Nice Y Marseilles. Between Nice and Monaco, there are also three picturesque routes: La Basse Corniche (Highway 98) that runs along the Mediterranean; the Moyenne Corniche (Highway 7) that runs through Eze-Village, a very picturesque French village and the Grande Corniche (Great Coastal Route) that runs through La Turbie and Col d'Eze. All these roads offer a spectacular view of the sea.

By bus

There are no bus stations in Monaco. But there are different stops throughout the city. Regular buses, Rapide Cote D’Azur, connect with Nice and other cities of France.


Monaco Map


Walking is the best way to get to know Monaco, however, there are some areas, such as the Exotic Gardens, that have elevations and slopes which make the climb difficult and exhausting. There are also seven escalators and elevators (all free) that help smooth the steep slopes around Monaco.

By car

Renting a car to explore Monaco is almost useless since you will spend more time looking for a place to park than it would take if you walked or simply took a taxi.

By tourist train

To be able to visit in a comfortable and educational way, there is a train with headphones and the possibility of following the guided tourist route in several languages. The train can be taken in the ocean next to the royal palace.


In Monaco, both French and Italian are spoken, as well as other languages ​​such as British English. French is the official and most widely used language. Monagasco, the historic language of the native population, is offered (but rarely taught) in schools, but in practice it is rarely used outside of official documents and street signs. Due to Monaco's status as a destination for wealthy visitors, English is widely understood, as are many other languages, especially Italian (many jobs in Monaco require a solid knowledge of Italian), German, and increasingly, the Russian.

Mobile phones

As an independent state, Monaco has its own mobile phone networks. Although these are provided by the same multinationals operating in France, if your phone connects to a Monaco network, it will count as 'roaming' in a new country, and as it is outside the EU, EU directives and offers from individual companies on roaming cost may not apply. If you are traveling through Monaco by train, the mobile signal at the station will be Monaco, so you can get caught up in this even if you never get off the train. Similarly, when traveling in France or on the high seas near the Monaco border, the strongest signal may come from a Monaco network.


The Principality of Monaco offers a great balance of historical and modern attractions. There are several museums and palaces to visit, as well as shopping malls and casinos. Monaco also offers places of relaxation along the harbor and even around the attractions. Navigating Monte Carlo and Monaco is relatively easy if you take the time to learn where the various "shortcuts" are. City maps are generally available at most news vendor and store stalls for a small fee. all 10 Tourist information It could be a good starting point before venturing out to explore the city.

  • 1 Monte Carlo Casino (Grand Casino), Place du Casino, [98 06 41 51], [[2]] .2: 00-04: 00. The Monte Carlo Casino is a gaming and entertainment complex that includes a casino, the Monaco Opera and the Les Ballets de Monte Carlo office. Owned and operated by the Société des bains de mer de Monaco (SBM), a public company in which the government of Monaco and the ruling family have a majority stake. The company also owns Monaco's major hotels, sports clubs, food service establishments and nightclubs. If your wallet allows, try your luck at the Grand Casino and play alongside the richest and often the most famous in the world. You will need your passport to enter (as Monégasque citizens are prohibited from playing at the casino), and entrance fees vary wildly depending on the room you go to, often from € 30 to hundreds. The dress code indoors is extremely strict: men must wear coats and ties, and casual shoes are prohibited. The game rooms themselves are spectacular, with stained glass windows, paintings and sculptures everywhere. It is possible to enter the casino as a guest from 10: 00-13: 00 for € 17. The casino is not open for business at that time of day, but visitors are provided with a half-hour audio guide and are allowed to freely walk around the premises. Minors are also allowed in at this time, and the dress code is less strictly enforced. The casino is not open for business at that time of day, but visitors are provided with a half-hour audio guide and are allowed to freely walk around the premises. Minors are also allowed in at this time, and the dress code is less strictly enforced. The casino is not open for business at that time of day, but visitors are provided with a half-hour audio guide and are allowed to freely walk around the premises. Minors are also allowed in at this time, and the dress code is less strictly enforced.
  • 2 Monaco Opera (Monaco Opera) (At the back of the Casino), [98 06 28 00]. Tue-Sat 10: 00-17: 30; His M off. The Monaco Opera or "Salle Garnier" was built by the famous architect Charles Garnier. The auditorium of the opera house is decorated in red and gold and has frescoes and sculptures around the auditorium. Looking up at the ceiling of the auditorium, the visitor will be impressed by the magnificent paintings. The opera house is extravagant but at the same time very beautiful. There have been some of the most superior international performances of ballet, opera and concerts held at the opera house for more than a century; consider attending a show during your visit ... but expect to pay the best price!
  • 3 Monaco-Ville (City of Monaco). Take a walk through Monaco-Ville, also known as "Le Rocher" or "The Rock". Monaco-Ville is still a medieval town at heart and an astonishingly picturesque site. It is made up almost entirely of streets and pedestrian walkways and most of the houses from the previous century are still preserved. There are a number of hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops where tourists can stay, eat and shop. You can also visit the Prince's Palace, the Cathedral, the Oceanographic Museum, the City Hall and the San Martín Gardens.
    • 4 Palais Princier (Prince's Palace), [93 25 18 31], [[3]] .Closed until April 2021. 10: 00-18: 00; July 10: 00-19: 00; From October 17 to March 25. The Palais Princier is located in the old Monaco-Ville and is worth a visit. There are audio guided tours of the palace at your own pace. The palace also offers an impressive panoramic view of the port and Monte Carlo. Every day at 11:55, in front of the main entrance of the Palace, visitors can witness the changing of the guard ceremony performed by the "Carabineros". The “carabineros” not only take care of the princes' security but also offer them a guard of honor and, on special occasions, are their escorts. The “Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince” has a military band (Fanfare), which performs at public concerts, official occasions, sporting events and international military music festivals. € 8. (Updated September 2016 | edit)Notre-Dame-Immaculée Cathedral
    • 5 Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée (Cathedral of Saint Nicholas), [7 93 30 87 70], [[4]]. October-April: 08: 30-18: 00; May-September: 08: 00-19: 00. Monaco Cathedral was built in 1875 and stands on the site of a previous 13th century church. It is a Romanesque-Byzantine church dedicated to Saint Nicholas and houses the remains of the former princes of Monaco and Princess Grace. The church square also contains some of the best restaurants in Monaco-Ville. (updated September 2016 | edit)
    • 6 Jardins Saint-Martin (Gardens of Saint-Martin), Avenue Saint-Martin (South of Cathédrale Notre-Dame-Immaculée). Beautiful park along the ridge at the southern end of Le Rocher. (updated September 2016 | edit)Musée Océanographique facing the sea
    • 7 Musée Oceanographique (Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium), Avenue Saint-Martin, [7 93 15 36 00], [[5]]. October-March: 10: 00-18: 00; April-June September: 10: 00-19: 00; July 10-20; December 25,. The Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium is a world-renowned attraction. Located 279 above sea level, the museum contains impressive collections of marine fauna, numerous specimens of sea creatures (dissected or skeletal-shaped), models of Prince Albert's laboratory ships, and handcrafted items made with natural products from the sea. . On the ground floor, exhibitions and film screenings are presented daily in the conference room. In the basement, visitors can enjoy spectacular shows of marine flora and fauna. With 4,000 species of fish and more than 200 families of invertebrates, the aquarium is now an authority on presenting the Mediterranean and tropical marine ecosystem. Finally, visitors can have lunch at “La Terrasse” and visit the museum's gift shop. The price of the ticket depends on the month of the visit. Students can get a discount by showing a valid student ID. You must take bus number 1 or 2 from Monaco Monte Carlo train station to reach this aquarium. € 11 (low season), € 16 (high season).
  • 8 Musée de l'automobile de Monaco (Collection of vintage cars of the Prince of Monaco), Les Terrasses de Fontvieille, [92 05 28 56], [[6]] .10: 00-18: 00; December 25,. For any car enthusiast, this is the place to go. There is everything from carriages and vintage cars to Formula 1 racing cars. Around 100 vehicles are on display here. Adults € 6.50, students € 3
  • 9 Exotic Garden (Exotic gardens),
    • Exotic Garden (Exotic Gardens), 62, Boulevard du Jardin Exotique, [93 15 29 80], [[7]] .Closed until January 2021 . November-January: 09: 00-17: 00; February-April October: 09: 00-18: 00; May-September: 09: 00-19: 00; November 19, December 25,. The Jardin Exotique is one of the many gardens that Monaco has to offer. It is also one of the best tourist attractions in Monaco. Several thousand rare plants from around the world are featured on a walking tour that is quite memorable for the sights as well as the flora and plants. Due to the increased altitude, there are not only many exhibits of desert plants, but there are also a handful of exhibits of subtropical flora. There is also a grotto (cave) that has scheduled guided tours. The tour starts at the beginning of each hour and lasts around 25 minutes. In the cave, you will have to climb the stairs equivalent to around a 6-story building. You must take bus number 2 to get to this garden. You can take this bus from the train station or from the Oceanographic Museum. The ticket price is a bit high (€ 7.20) unless you are under 16 or a student (€ 3.80). (Updated September 2016 | edit)
    • 10 Yacht Club Monaco , Quai Louis II, [93106300]. Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and chaired by Prince Albert II since 1984, the Monaco Yacht Club brings together more than 1,200 members of 60 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly aboard the Monaco Yacht Club, testament to its unique position on the international yachting scene. The new Lord Foster designed building is located in the heart of Port Hercule, opposite YCM Marina. The YCM Gallery is a new area open to the public. Edit
    • 11 La Condamine .is the second oldest district in Monaco, after Monaco-Ville. Here you can stop and admire the many luxury yachts and cruise ships that often grace the docks of the marina. La Condamine is a thriving business district where you can visit the 12 Condamine Market and the 13 Rue Princesse Caroline pedestrian street . With pleasant garden areas and modern buildings, La Condamine is definitely worth a visit. (updated September 2016 | edit)
    • 14 Grimaldi Forum , 10, Avenue Princesse Grace, [99 99 20 00], [[8]] .The Grimaldi Forum is the convention center of Monaco. Completed in 2000, the sun-filled building at sea has a remarkable glass entrance, two convention restaurants, an auditorium for ballet and opera, and two more auditoriums for meetings and other events. The Forum also offers two large exhibition halls that can be used for trade shows or other exhibitions. It is also within walking distance of the surrounding hotels. (updated September 2016 | edit)
    • 15 Champions Walk The winner of the "Golden Foot" soccer player of the year award leaves a permanent cast of his footprints here on the boardwalk. (Updated June 2019 | edit)
    • sixteen Japanese Garden (Japanese garden). 09:00 until sunset. The garden is 0.7 hectares in size and features a stylized mountain, hill, waterfall, beach, stream and a Zen garden for meditation. The garden was designed by Yasuo Beppu, the winner of the 1990 Osaka Flower Show, as a miniature representation of Shinto philosophy. (updated September 2016 | edit)
    • 17 Nouveau Musée National - Villa Sauber (New National Museum - Villa Sauber), Avenue Princesse Grace 17, [98 98 91 26], [[9]] .10: 00-18: 00 during the exhibitions. Art exhibition in one of the last Belle Epoque villas in Monaco. € 6 (Villa Paloma Villa Sauber). (updated May 2018 | edit)
    • 18 Nouveau Musée National - Villa Paloma (New National Museum - Villa Paloma), Boulevard du Jardin Exotique 56, [98 98 48 60], [[10]] .10: 00-18: 00 during the exhibitions. Art exhibition in the second location of the New National Museum. € 6 (Villa Paloma Villa Sauber). (updated May 2018 | edit)
    • 19 One of Monte Carlo (In Casino Square). Find all kinds of luxury establishments and marvel at the beautiful architecture of the residential buildings. Renting an apartment here can cost you up to € 220,000 per month. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
    • 20 Chapel Sainte-Dévote (Église Sainte-Dévote). Beautiful 17th century chapel. In the Monegasque tradition, the bride of the Sovereign Prince of Monaco places her bridal bouquet in the chapel after the wedding ceremony. The first corner of Formula 1 is named after the chapel

Annual events

  • Monaco Grand Prix (Monaco Grand Prix), [93 15 26 24], [[11]] .The streets of Monaco are home to the most popular Formula 1 Grand Prix. It is also one of the most prominent social events of the year in Europe. The Automobile Club de Monaco (ACM) organizes this spectacular Formula 1 race every year at the end of May. The Grand Prix has 78 laps around 3.34 kilometers of the narrowest and twisting streets of Monte Carlo. The main attraction of the Monaco Grand Prix is ​​the proximity of the fast Formula 1 cars to the spectators of the race. The thrill of screaming engines, smoking tires, and determined drivers also make the Monaco Grand Prix one of the most exciting races in the world. There are more than 37,000 seats available for sale on the track ranging from € 310 (at Boulevard Albert 1er) to € 600 (at Casino Square) for a race day ticket. Monaco residents often rent their terraces for the event with prices ranging from € 8,000 to € 140,000 for the four days. During the rest of the year (except during the Historic Grand Prix and the ePrix; see below), it is possible to walk around the circuit. Tourist office maps have the route clearly marked on their maps, although devotees won't need them! For those who can afford it, they can also take a ride down the track in a high-performance car.
  • Monaco Historical Grand Prix (Grand Prix de Monaco Historique), [93 15 26 24], [[12]] .The famous Grand Prix is ​​not the only race on the streets of Monaco. The ACM also organizes the Historic Grand Prix, held two weeks before the Grand Prix in even-numbered years, with a seven-race series highlighting historic Formula 1 cars from all eras from before WWII to 1980. Races use a shortened version of the famous circuit, and tickets are less expensive than the Grand Prix.
  • EPrix from Monaco (Monaco ePrix), [93 15 26 24], [[13]] .In odd-numbered years, the Historic Grand Prix is ​​replaced by the Monaco ePrix, also organized by ACM and which is part of the international Formula E series. , this is the racing series for you - Formula E cars are electric. The cars run 51 laps of a shorter version of the circuit (1,765 km instead of 3.34 km).
  • International Cirque Festival (International Circus Festival), 5 Avenue des Ligures, [92 05 23 45]. This extraordinary circus festival takes place every year in January. The best artists in the world in their field participate. € 30-190. (updated July 2018 | edit)
  • Monte Carlo tennis masters , [97 98 70 00], [[14]]. This tournament takes place at the end of April each year at the Monte Carlo Country Club on the outskirts of Monaco in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. Rafael Nadal is the record holder. One-day tickets vary between € 25 and € 185. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • Top Marques Monaco , 10, Avenue Princesse Grace (Held at the Grimaldi Forum), [97 70 12 77]. An exhibition, featuring luxury airplanes, cars, banks, boats, footwear, bags, jewelry, real estate, and wine products. The exhibition itself is less attractive than what happens on the street during the fair. People bring their tuned sports cars from all over Europe to drift and speed their cars on the streets while being photographed by hundreds of car watchers. It takes place every third week of April of each year. € 36-50 for adults, € 18-25 for children. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • Monte Carlo Rally , [93 15 26 00], [[15]] .Perhaps the most famous rally event in the world. The stages of the rally take place around Monaco and the French Riviera. The cars gather the day before the first stage in the "tire assembly area" in Casino Square. It is celebrated every year at the end of January. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • Monaco Yacht Show (MYS), Ruta de la Piscine (Entrance near the pool), [93 10 41 70], [[16]]. Held every year in September in Port Hercules, it is considered one of the largest superyacht shows in the world with around 130 boats on display. Walk through the harbor on the blue carpet and marvel at the yachts with a combined net worth of approximately US $ 3 billion. 300 € (day pass. Just make sure you have those extra millions on hand if you want to buy something).
  • 25 Monte Carlo international jump , Route of the Piscine, [97 70 24 14]. At the end of June of each year. It attracts some of the best horsemen in the world. The course is considered very tight and challenging.


  • Walk or drive to Tête de Chien ("Dog's Head") Enjoy one of the most spectacular views of Monaco. 2 Another nice nearby place with an extraordinary panorama it is located just north of the "Fort de la Tête de Chien". A large part of the Formula 1 track can be seen from this vantage point. Equipped with binoculars it is the cheapest and most special way to see the Grand Prix live. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • 3 Hike along the coastal path from Monaco to Carnoles .A beautiful walk with splendid views towards Monaco. It takes about 2 hours from Monte-Carlo to go around Cap-Martin and finally reach the Carnoles train station, where you can catch a train back to Monaco. An alternative to return is by bus number 100. The total distance is about 9 km. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • 4 Azur Express (Exit in front of the Oceanographic museum), [92 05 64 38], [[17]] .The fun tourist trains run daily around Monaco. You will visit the port of Monaco, Monte Carlo and its palaces, the famous Casino and its gardens, the old town of the Town Hall and finally the Royal Prince's Palace. Comments are in English, Italian, German, French and 8 other languages. This pleasant tour lasts about 30 minutes without the possibility of getting off the train. € 10 adults, € 5 children. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • 5 Monte Carlo Sporting (Sporting de Montecarlo). In summer, Monte Carlo lights up with dazzling concerts at the exclusive Salle des Etoiles , which is located within the sports complex. It has featured artists such as Natalie Cole, Andrea Bocelli, the Beach Boys, Lionel Richie and Julio Iglesias. The club also houses a small casino that includes basic casino games. Without minors under 18, the rate per person is € 20. (updated July 2017 | edit)
  • 6 AS Monaco (Stade Louis II), 7 Avenue des Castelans, [92 05 40 21]. Go to a local team soccer game. They play in Ligue 1, the highest level in French football, and they often qualify for European tournaments. The 18,500-seat stadium sits on reclaimed land on Monaco's southern border: one of the few selected where a deflected shot on goal could land the ball in another country. € 15-75. (updated July 2018 | edit)
  • 7 Monaco's open-air cinema , [93 25 86 80]. June 15 to July 31: 20: 45-24: 00; August: 20: 30-23: 30; From September 1 to September 15: 20: 00-23: 00. See a movie in the largest open-air cinema in Europe. The unique setting high up in the Mediterranean Sea makes the experience very special. Every night during the summer a different movie is shown. € 10. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 8 Scenic helicopter flight , Avenue des Ligures, [920505050], [[18]] .Monacair Y Héli Air Monaco They offer scenic flights along the Côte d'Azur. From € 390 (10 min) to € 900 (30 min) by helicopter (6 passengers). (Updated August 2020 | edit)

To buy


Euro exchange rates

As of June 23, 2020:

  • US $ 1 ≈ € 0.89
  • UK £ 1 ≈ € 1.18
  • Australian $ 1 ≈ € 0.61
  • Canadian $ 1 ≈ € 0.69

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available on

Like its neighbor France, Monaco uses the euro. Currency exchange is available for a wide range of currencies. ATMs are common.


Shopping in Monte Carlo is usually quite exclusive and it is certainly not a place for a cheap vacation. There are many places to melt the credit card together with the high rollers of Europe. Chic clothing stores are in the Golden Circle , framed by Avenue Monte Carlo, Avenue des Beaux-Arts and Allées Lumiéres, where Hermès, Christian Dior, Gucci and Prada are present. The Place du Casino area and its surroundings are home to high-end jewelers such as Bulgari, Cartier and Chopard. However, you will find that most tourists will simply enjoy wandering around the area and window shopping, even if they don't buy anything. The usual shopping hours are from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00.

For a more cultured view of shopping in Monte Carlo, try the Condamine market . The market, which is located on the Place d'Armes, has existed since 1880 and is lively and attractive; Many hours can be spent just wandering around, haggling souvenirs from the many small shops, boutiques, and friendly locals. However, if your shopping tastes are more modern, just take a short walk down the esplanade to the pedestrianized shopping center rue Princess Caroline.

The Fontvieille shopping center it's also a more "normal" shopping experience with 36 stores selling electronics, CDs, furniture and clothing, as well as a Carrefour supermarket and McDonald's. The tourist office also issues a useful free shopping guide for the city.

  • 2 Le Métropole shopping center , 17 Avenue des Spélugues, [93 50 15 36], [[19]]. Mon-Sat 10: 00-20: 00; Its off. 80 stores in a beautiful environment. The chandeliers are amazing. (updated September 2016 | edit)

Some stores to browse or buy:

  • Fred Boutique , 6, av des Beaux-Arts, Montecarlo. Located on the exclusive Avenue des Beaux-Arts, this is one of the few Fred boutiques in the world. Official jeweler of the royal family of Monaco and celebrity favorite, you may not be able to pay much at this boutique, but it is worth an amazing visit. If you go to Monte Carlo, don't miss it. Edit
  • Boutique du Rocher , 1, av de la Madone, Montecarlo. Opened by Princess Grace in the 1960s, travelers still flock to buy the best in souvenirs to take home. Choose from hand-carved frames and mirrors, pottery, household items, and toys. Prices are moderate and all proceeds go to local charities. Edit
  • Davidoff , 17, av des Spélugues, Les galeries du Métropole, Monte Carlo. High-end cigar and cigar store, where you are served by staff who know your product well. Edit
  • Galerie Moghadam , 23 and 41, bd des Moulins, Montecarlo. Award-winning specialty store offering superb handwoven tapestries and rugs. Edit
  • Pratoni Monaco , 7, Avenue Princesse Grace (Larvotto). 10: 00-12: 30, 14: 00-19: 30. Monaco fashion brand Pratoni offers a variety of ready-to-wear clothing and accessories for men, as well as a wide range of tailor-made services. All items are of high quality and made in Italy or Monaco.

To eat

Food in Monaco is varied, but generally expensive, and even very basic meals usually cost between € 20 and € 30. Take a look at the menu before entering even shabby restaurants or you may be in for a surprise. There are places where you can find a decent value for your money, but they often require knowing them beforehand. The restaurants where the locals dine are often located a bit far from the seafront and often serve better food at lower prices (however, given that you are in Monaco: nothing is a bargain).

There are many restaurants catering to tourists, from the Café de Paris across the street from the casino, to the beachfront restaurants along the Port de Fontvieille. During the winter months, you will find that the restaurants are slightly lower priced. Bouillabaisse es un buen consejo.


Hay una variedad de restaurantes y cafés en la ciudad con un precio moderado y excelente comida. Existen algunos cafés simples a lo largo del lado del puerto deportivo, más como bares de playa que cualquier otra cosa, que sirven comidas simples como pizza, ensaladas y perritos calientes durante todo el día. Estos pueden ser buenos para sentarse durante el caluroso mediodía con una cerveza fría o una copa de vino, un refrigerio para recargar las pilas después de explorar la ciudad y el suave chapoteo del Mediterráneo (y a menudo el rugido de los superdeportivos) en sus oídos. La mayoría de estos restaurantes están equipados con rociadores de agua en los techos que refrescan y refrescan suavemente a la clientela.Socca (izquierda) y Pissaladière (derecha) de Chez Roger

  • 1 Chez Roger (En el mercado al este de Place d'Armes), [[20]]. L-Sá 09: 45-13: 30. Prueba la comida típica de la región. Socca (tortitas de garbanzos, 3 €) y Pissaladière (tarta de cebolla caramelizada y anchoas, 2 €). La especialidad de Monégasque Barbajuan , una especie de buñuelo relleno de espinacas y otros ingredientes, se puede comprar en la tienda a la derecha de Chez Roger's. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 2 Mickey's Pizza ,10 Rue de la Turbie, [[21]], [[22]] .LV 11: 00-14: 00,18: 00-22: 00; Sáb 18: 00-22: 00. Restaurante extremadamente barato para los estándares de Mónaco, pero pizza de buena calidad. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 3 'N' Bares estrellas ,6 quai Antoine-1, [97-97-95-95]. Junio-septiembre: todos los días de 11:00 a 00:00; Octubre-mayo: Ma-Dom 11: 00-00: 00. Bar abierto hasta las 03:00. Bar de deportes de estilo americano con recuerdos deportivos y cinematográficos en vitrinas en las paredes y una sala de juegos para niños. Sirven jugos prensados ​​en frío y un amplio menú de estilo americano con muchos platos mexicanos, todos con ingredientes orgánicos. Un buen lugar para burritos, hamburguesas, pizzas y sándwiches, además de un amplio menú vegetariano orgánico. Valor razonable por su dinero. (actualizado Mar 2020 | editar )
  • 4 Pizzeria Monégasque ,4 rue Terrazzani, [93-30-16-38], [[23]] .Lunes a jueves 12: 00-13: 30,19: 30-21: 30; V 12: 00-13: 30,19: 30-22: 00; Sá 19: 30-22: 00. Para aquellos con un presupuesto limitado, asegúrese de tomar una porción de una de sus deliciosas pizzas gourmet que saben aún mejor cuando se sientan en la terraza al aire libre. Los platos principales también están disponibles desde € 10-22. 12-15 € por una pizza. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 5 McDonald's ,Boulevard Luis II (En las escaleras que bajan desde la curva cerrada de Fairmont hasta la entrada del túnel.), [97 70 37 91]. L-Sa 07: 00-00: 30, Do 07: 00-24: 00. Uno de los pocos lugares de Mónaco con precios razonables. ¡Este debe ser uno de los McDonald's con mejor vista del mundo! Hay una segunda sucursal en el Centro Comercial Fontvieille. (updated September 2016 | edit)

Middle range

Café de París

  • 6 Café de París ,Place du Casino, [98 06 76 23]. Diariamente 08: 00-02: 00. El centro neurálgico de Montecarlo, donde la gente va a ver y ser visto, vibrante con la sensación del antiguo Montecarlo, alrededor de principios del siglo XX. Los elementos del menú cambian con frecuencia, al igual que los camareros, que parecen decididos a apresurar a los clientes en sus comidas. Para observar a la gente, puedes probar una Coca-Cola light por 6 € (vaso de cerveza 14 €, helado 16 €). Se recomienda hacer reservaciones para cenar. (Updated June 2017 | edit)
  • 7 Beefbar ,42 Quai Jean-Charles Rey, [[24]]. Diariamente 14: 30-00: 00. Se ofrecen cortes de carne de calidad, con un precio alto, aunque sorprendentemente valioso. Hay tazas pequeñas de puré disponibles para la carne, aunque una taza adicional (una es demasiado pequeña) cuesta 8,5 €. Las selecciones de vinos se combinan perfectamente con las carnes rojas. Ambiente elegante y el personal es extremadamente atento. (Updated August 2020 | edit)


Cenar en Mónaco puede ser una experiencia muy aleccionadora para quien paga la factura. Quizás los restaurantes más exclusivos y famosos de la ciudad son el Restaurante Louis XV and the Le Grill de L'Hotel de Paris , ambos centrados en el exclusivo Hotel de Paris. Es más que probable que se siente junto a un miembro de los ricos y famosos, y la comida gourmet es simplemente algo fuera de este mundo; sin embargo, ¡estas experiencias tienen un precio bastante elevado!

  • 8 Louis XV ,Hôtel de Paris - Place du Casino, [98 06 88 64], [[25]] .Sa Do 12: 00-13: 45, Jue-M 19: 30-21: 45; Tu W apagado. En uno de los mejores hoteles del mundo, dirigido por uno de los mejores chefs del mundo (Alain Ducasse), este restaurante con calificación de 3 estrellas Michelin sirve la perfección gastronómica entre lujosas celebridades. El nivel de sofisticación de todos los platos es difícil de superar, la lubina con alcachofas italianas alcanza regularmente una puntuación de 19/20 por los críticos de restaurantes. El restaurante contiene la bodega de vinos más grande del mundo: 250.000 botellas de vino (muchas de ellas invaluables) escondidas en una cueva de roca. Las reservas son imprescindibles, al igual que chaqueta y corbata para los hombres. A la carta desde 200 € (no incluye bebidas). Almuerzo fijo por 180 € / persona. ( actualizado en agosto de 2020 | editar )
  • 9 Le Grill de L'Hotel de Paris ,En el Hôtel de Paris, place du Casino, [98 06 88 88] [[26]] .12: 00-14: 00,19: 30-21: 45. Aunque a menudo lo pasa por alto el famoso Louis XV , mire hacia arriba en la azotea del Hotel de Paris para ver a su competidor igualmente elegante. Le Grill, menos intimidante que la ciudadela de Ducasse, en la planta baja, ofrece todo tipo de pescado a la parrilla y carnes de los Alpes cercanos. La selección de 600.000 vinos son el acompañamiento perfecto para cada plato, y el servicio es impecable. Cenar en la azotea le ofrece impresionantes vistas panorámicas de Montecarlo y, en verano, un manto de cielo estrellado. A la carta aproximadamente 60-80 € (no incluye bebidas ni entrada). Menú mediodía 65 €.

Drink and go out

El champán tiene el estatus de bebida nacional en Mónaco. ¡Un solo vaso puede costar hasta 40 € en un restaurante de moda!

  • 1 Jimmy'z Montecarlo ,26 avenida Princesse Grace, [98 06 70 68], [[27]] .Abierto toda la noche a partir de las 23:30. El mejor club nocturno en Mónaco (en realidad no está en Monte Carlo), el famoso Jimmy'z es frecuentado por la realeza y los súper ricos, lo cual no es una sorpresa considerando algunos de los altos precios, una cerveza te costará más de 26 €. Si no está dispuesto a pagarlo, hay otros clubes a los que acudir. Hay dos entradas: una, dos pisos más abajo en Le Sporting Club, la otra al nivel de la calle, y muchas estrellas de rock y multimillonarios han atravesado ambas. El personal puede ser bastante grosero, pero también lo son la mayoría de los clientes. Definitivamente una experiencia. (actualizado Mar 2020 | editar )
  • 2 Buddha-Bar Monte-Carlo ,Place du Casino (un breve paseo por las escaleras desde la curva cerrada del hotel Fairmont), [98 06 19 19], [[28]] .Ma-Sa 18: 00-02: 00. El famoso bar y restaurante asiático es un escenario bastante decadente y bastante caro. Espere una cola para el bar y el servicio de mesa con las habituales luces de bengala estilo club después de las 23:00. (updated September 2016 | edit)
  • 3 Café de Gerhard ,42 Quai Jean-Charles Rey, [[29]], [[30]] .Lu-Sa 08: 00-03: 00, Do 11: 00-03: 00. Pub / restaurante sencillo con cocina del sur de Alemania / Austria en medio del elegante distrito de Fontvieille. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 4 Twiga ,Último piso Grimaldi Forum Ave. Princesse Grace, [99 99 25 50], [[31]] .Ma-Do 19: 00-02: 00. Con vistas panorámicas desde el último piso del Grimaldi Forum, la zona de asientos al aire libre ofrece el lugar perfecto para ver los yates navegando hacia el puerto. Las top models y las personas que quieren estar con ellas bailan las madrugadas aquí y te desafiamos a que no hagas lo mismo. La lista de cócteles es impresionante y hay bocadillos disponibles. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 5 El Bar @ Columbus Hotel ,23 Avenue des Papalins Monte Carlo, [92 059000]. Más relajado e informal que algunos de sus contrapartes, su atmósfera tenue es un cambio refrescante de algunos de los bares de alta energía de Mónaco. Adornado en tonos de azul, es casi tan dulce como los martinis de chocolate, que vienen con una gran trufa en cada vaso que se funde lentamente en tus bebidas y tiene un sabor celestial.


Si tiene un presupuesto limitado, Mónaco no es el mejor lugar para estar. Por ejemplo, un hotel de dos estrellas sin desayuno ni baño costará alrededor de 60 € por persona. Una mejor opción es quedarse en una de las muchas ciudades fuera de Mónaco, por ejemplo Ventimiglia, que es una ciudad junto al mar situada en la frontera franco-italiana en el lado italiano. Niza está a solo 1/2 hora de Mónaco y es muy barato usar los trenes frecuentes. Durante la temporada de invierno, un cómodo hotel de dos estrellas solo le costará unos 20 € por persona.

El personal del centro de Turismo de Mónaco también se sentará y hará llamadas telefónicas para ayudar a los visitantes sin cita previa a encontrar alojamiento. Incluso si pides alojamiento "barato".

Middle range

  • 1 Hôtel de France ,6 rue de la Turbie, [[32]]. Hotel sencillo y moderno a buen precio dada la ubicación del hotel. 150 € doble. (Updated August 2020 | edit)
  • 2 Hotel Columbus ,23 Avenue des Papalins (Junto al helipuerto ya unos 200 m del Stade Louis II.), [92 05 90 00]. Este hotel de 3 estrellas fue copropiedad del exitoso hotelero de Glasgow Ken McCulloch, la diseñadora Amanda Rosa y el piloto de carreras británico de F1 David Coulthard (todos los residentes de Mónaco en la actualidad). Hay un excelente restaurante y el vestíbulo es un gran lugar para relajarse en los cómodos sofás. Las habitaciones son modernas. Desde 250 €. ( actualizado en agosto de 2020 | editar )
  • 3 Hotel Ambassador ,esquina de ave Prince Pierre, [97 97 96 96], [[33]] .Hotel sorprendentemente estándar de gama media que tiene una buena relación calidad-precio para viajeros de negocios y aquellos que cuidan sus euros. Las habitaciones están equipadas con la televisión habitual, minibar, aire acondicionado, acceso a Wi-Fi y cable, lo que lo convierte en un toque agradable. Desde 135 €. ( actualizado en agosto de 2020 | editar )


  • Hôtel de París, Place du Casino, [9216 30 00], fax : 377 9216 26 26, [[34]] .Registrarse:15:00, revisa: 12:00. Ofreciendo un nivel de sofisticación que lo ha premiado como uno de los hoteles más famosos del mundo. Con pilares de mármol, candelabros de cristal, sillas Luis XVI y alfombras suntuosas, es una visión del lujo y una de las favoritas entre los viajeros del mundo. Las habitaciones son simplemente enormes, con muebles de mármol y latón y el hotel alberga los dos mejores establecimientos gastronómicos del país, Le Grill de l'Hôtel de Paris y Le Louis XV. La Carte d'Or del SBM ofrece a los huéspedes de Paris transporte y acceso a las instalaciones del Monte Carlo Beach Hotel y al spa Les Thermes Marins. 400 € - 940 € doble; from € 1995 suite. (updated July 2017 | edit)
  • 5 Hôtel Hermitage ,Plaza Beaumarchais, [98 06 40 00], [[35]] .Encaramado en lo alto de un acantilado, el Hermitage ofrece una vida idílica en su máxima expresión. La mayoría de las habitaciones tienen balcones, por lo que los huéspedes pueden tener unas vistas impresionantes desde sus habitaciones. Si bien el hotel es bastante antiguo, todas las comodidades y características son modernas y elegantes en su estilo y una estancia aquí es realmente bien merecida. La Carte d'Or del SBM ofrece a los huéspedes del Hermitage transporte y acceso a las instalaciones del Monte Carlo Beach Hotel y al spa Les Thermes Marins. double 320 € - 528 € ; suite junior 568 € - 792 € ; suite desde € 1596. (updated July 2017 | edit)
  • 6 Hôtel Métropole ,4, avenida de la Madone, [93 15 15 15], [[36]] .Fue construido en 1886 y tiene 126 habitaciones, incluidas 64 suites. Fue diseñado por Hans-Georg Tersling. El príncipe Andrés de Grecia y Dinamarca murió allí en 1944, y el presentador de televisión estadounidense Mike Bongiorno murió allí en 2009. (actualizado en julio de 2017 | editar )
  • 7 Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort ,40, avenida Princesse Grace, [98-06-02-00], fax : 377 98-06-00-03, [[37]] .Registrarse:16:00, revisa: 12:00. Impresionante resort de 4 hectáreas (10 acres). El alto precio refleja la calidad de la estancia. A solo unos pasos de las playas de arena de Montecarlo, más de 3/4 de las habitaciones tienen vistas al mar. Los baños de mármol cuentan con televisores de pantalla plana con bridas, la piscina del hotel tiene una piscina cubierta cubierta con una cúpula de cristal ornamentada, y el bar del hotel no es otro que Jimmy'z's. Los muebles son suelos de piedra arenisca, suaves pasteles mediterráneos y elegantes comodidades modernas. El servicio al detalle es sobresaliente, diferentes champús y toallas en diferentes días, y el personal es educado y atento sin entrometerse. La Carte d'Or del SBM no ofrece a los huéspedes del Bay Hotel acceso a las instalaciones del Monte Carlo Beach Hotel o Les Thermes Marins. El Bay Hotel es bastante autónomo, pero carece de playa. 300 € - 800 € doble; 750 € - 1400 € suite.


  • Otros lugares de la Costa Azul, como Èze, Niza, Antibes, Cannes
  • Ciudades costeras más al este a lo largo de la Riviera francesa, como Saint Tropez y Marsella
  • Maritime alps
  • Italia (costa de Liguria, Génova, Milán, et al.)