Neamț Monastery - Mănăstirea Neamț

Neamț Monastery
RO NT Neamț Monastery Church.JPG
The Church of the Ascension
The profile of the monastery
Founder:Petru Mușat
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Location:West Lothian

Neamț Monastery is a monastery of Neamt County, Moldavia, Romania.


Neamț Monastery is an Orthodox monastery of monks dating from the 14th century and is considered to be the oldest monastic settlement in Moldova.

The monastery church

The “Ascension of the Lord” church, built in Moldovan style, is the foundation of Stephen the Great. It consists of five rooms: porch, tomb, rectangular narthex, nave with two side apses and altar. The exterior walls are supported by nine buttresses. The church has a single octagonal tower with four windows. The painting in the porch and narthex dates from the reign of Petru Rareș and the one in the main apse, nave and tomb from the time of Stephen the Great. Neamț Monastery is on the list of historical monuments in Romania.


The monastic settlement is located in the village of Vânători-Neamț, 16.4 km away. of the city Târgu Neamț. Access is on national road DN15B, on the route: Târgu Neamț - Humulești - Vânători-Neamț - Vânători Neamț National Park.



  • Address: Str. Arch. Chiriac Nicolau 40, Neamț Monastery village; Vânători-Neamț commune
  • Goal.: 0233 251 580 and 0745 823 179
  • Official

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