Văratec Monastery - Mănăstirea Văratec

Văratec Monastery
The "Assumption" church of the Văratec monastery
The profile of the monastery
Hram:Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Founder:the Olympian scoundrel and the clergyman Joseph
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Location:Văratec, Neamț

Văratec Monastery it is in Neamt County, Moldavia, Romania.


Văratec Monastery, the largest nunnery in Romania, was founded in 1785 by the Olympian schooner, together with the priest Iosif. The ensemble of Văratec Monastery, made up of: "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" Church (main church), "Sf. Ioan Botezătorul" Church, "Schimbarea la Față" Church, together with the bell tower and cells, is on the new list of historical monuments in Neamț County .

Church of the Assumption

The "Assumption" church was built (between 1808-1812) of river stone and brick according to a rectangular plan, without side apses and with a semicircular altar apse. The interior is divided into four rooms: porch, narthex, nave and altar. The place of prayer is supported by four buttresses and is surrounded, under the eaves, by a belt of ocnites. The entrance to the church is made both through the two doors on the north and south sides of the porch, and through a door on the south side of the church. The two towers have a semicircular shape and are supported on polygonal bases. The iconostasis is carved in yew wood and polished with gold in 1816 by Constantin Zugravul. The interior fresco (neo-Byzantine) was made in 1841 and rebuilt in 1882, as an inscription on the north side of the porch tells us.


Văratec Monastery is located in Văratec village (Agapia commune) in Neamț county, 14.2 km. compared to the city of Târgu Neamț (national road DN15C).



The monastery does not offer accommodation. Nearby are the following hotel units:

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