He was eating - Mangareva

He ate
Aerial view of the island of Mangareva
Mangareva - Localization

He ate is one of the Gambier islands in French Polynesia.

To know

Geographical notes

Mangareva is surrounded by other smaller islands: Taravai to the southwest, and Aukena and Akamaru to the southeast. Other small islands are located to the north.

The highest point is Mount Duff, at 441 meters located along the south coast of the island.


The island was colonized by Polynesian navigators around the nineteenth century, during the last phases of the expansion towards the east of those peoples, which had left two millennia earlierAsia, taking crops, pets and their own culture with them. The settlers settled on the flat belt close to the coast, which they used as a base for fishing, cultivating the innermost area. To obtain sharp tools they went to Pitcairn, where settlements were established, reaching as far as Henderson. Numerous evidences have also been found of the existence of a wider trade network, with the Marquesas Islands to the north and le Society Islands to the west and northwest, exchanges that lasted until 1500, when a serious ecological crisis hit the island. The deforestation consequent to the need to obtain new agricultural land led to a strong erosion of the land, reducing the productive capacity of the island, which was no longer able to support the population, which had reached a few thousand inhabitants in its moment of maximum development. This, combined with the impossibility of building new canoes, led to a series of serious social crises, with continuous wars for the control of few resources, and the flourishing of cannibalism.

The first European to arrive in Mangareva was the British captain James Wilson in 1797 with the ship Duff.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

The cathedral of San Michele in 2014

How to get

On boat

From Mangareva it is possible to arrive by private means in the British territory of Pitcairn Islands, which every two months is joined by a ship that leaves from this island.

How to get around

What see

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects