Marsā Maṭrūḥ - Marsā Maṭrūḥ

Marsā Maṭrūḥ ·مرسى مطروح
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Mersa Matruh (also Marsa Matrouh, Mersa Matruh, Mersa Matrouh, Arabic:مرسى مطروح‎, Marsā Maṭrūḥ, Greek Παραιτόνιον, Paraitonion, Latin Paraetonium, later too Bareton and Port Alberton) is a port city and an important resort for the Egyptians in the northwest Egypt at the Mediterranean coast. The city is the capital of the governorate Maṭrūḥ. The city is located approximately 270 km west of Alexandria and has about 68,000 inhabitants (2006)[1]. Through the city the road leads west to the Libyan border.


Settlement has been documented at least since the ancient Egyptian New Kingdom. King Ramses II left a border fortress west of what is now Marsā Maṭrūḥ Zāwiyat Umm er-Racham Moor on the way to Libya. It is also known that Cypriot traders landed here with their ships.

Alexander the Great landed on his way there Siwa in 332 BC At this point - he names it Amonia / ammonia (Ἀμμωνία) - at. Also Cleopatra cherished the local picturesque rocky bays and left a palace here for themselves and Mark Antony create, of which only the name "Cleopatra's bath" survived the times. In addition, the city served in Cleopatra's time as a naval base against the fleet of the Augustus.

Even in Roman times, the city existed under the name Paraetonium gone and became under emperor Diocletian through an administrative reform capital of the Roman province Libya inferior. Even if the provincial capital later resembles today's libyanDarna was lost, so she became under emperor Justinian I. expanded to a garrison town. The place later housed several churches and had been a bishopric for at least 325.[2][3] Excavations in es-Sawānī el-Baḥrīya east of Marsā Maṭrūḥ in 2001 brought to light the remains of a Coptic church from the 5th century, which was housed in former rock tombs.

In Islamic times, the city continued to serve as a port, e.g. for transports to Spain and southern France. Diving for sponges was also an important line of business.

At the end of the 19th century the city became a British fortified city. But there are no more remains of the fortress. During the First World War, the site was used to station British troops.

During the Second World War, the city was a transit station for German, Italian and British troops. Field Marshal Rommel temporarily set up his headquarters here.

In 1977 the local military facilities were destroyed in Libyan air strikes during the Egyptian-Libyan border conflict.

Today the city is the capital of a governorate. The branches of business today are trade with Libya and tourism for the Egyptian middle class in the summer months from the end of June to the beginning of October.

getting there

City map of Marsā Maṭrūḥ

By plane

Marsa Matruh owns the 1 Marsa Matruh International AirportMarsa Matruh International Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMarsa Matruh International Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMarsa Matruh International Airport (Q651557) in the Wikidata database(IATA: MUH) about three and a half kilometers south of the city. It originated from a former military airport. It flies because of the low number of passengers EgyptAir only in summer, twice a week from Cairo, on Sundays and Thursdays. A one-way ticket costs LE 542 (as of 8/2010).

EgyptAir has a branch in El Matar St., Tel. 20 (0) 46 493 4398.

By bus

The central one 2 Bus station(31 ° 20 ′ 18 ″ N.27 ° 14 '59 "E) is located in the south of the city on the trunk road to Alexandria, about one and a half kilometers southeast of the train station. There is a snack at the bus stop.

A journey can be made with regular buses Cairo (West delta: during the day about every two hours from 7 a.m., Turgoman bus station, travel time five hours and more, about LE 40; other stops in Cairo are Almaza (Heliopolis), Giza and in front of the motorway entrance) Alexandria (West Delta, Sidi Gaber station, Super Jet, Sidi Gabar station, approximately every 1–2 hours during the day, travel time around four hours) and Siwa (West Delta: 7:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m., travel time 4 hours, around LE 15).

Kiosk at the central bus stop in Marsā Maṭrūḥ

Buses from Super jet run every hour between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The stops are Almaza (Heliopolis) and Midan Tahrir. The ticket costs LE 60. The GO Bus Company departs from Cairo twice a day (Midan Tahrir, across from Ramses Hilton) at 12:45 and 19:30. The ticket costs LE 70.

To Siwa West Delta buses depart at 7:30 am, 1:30 pm, 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm.

Of Alexandria, new bus station, buses run daily between 6:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. (at night), every hour during the day. In the opposite direction, buses run between 6 a.m. and 2 a.m. on the hour. The journey time is four hours. A trip costs LE 20.

The bus station is located about 2 km east of the city of Marsa Matruh. The city can be reached by taxi (approx. LE 5, status 9/2010) or by minibuses (approx. 50 piasters).

In addition, minibuses run from Alexandria (Moharrim Bey) to Marsa Matruh (almost) at any time of the day. The journey time is around 3.5 hours, the price around LE 12. The stop for the minibuses in Marsa Matruh is Shari 'Omar el-Muchtar.

About 200 meters south of the government building is el-Gala 'St. die in the south 3 bus stop the microbuses after ʿAgība.

By train

The 4 Marsā Maṭrūḥ train station(31 ° 20 ′ 56 ″ N.27 ° 14 ′ 44 ″ E) The train station is in the south of the city center. It is the terminus of the Alexandria railway line.

There are roughly three pairs of trains to and from Alexandria (from Alexandria: 6:40 am, 11:00 am, but Marsa Matruh: 3:45 pm). The trains run very slowly.


In the city you can take taxis, they are painted white and blue. There are bike rental shops in the Corniche or in the Shari 'Gala'a. The costs for this are around LE 30 per day.

Tourist Attractions

There is little to see in Marsā Maṭrūḥ.

Entrance to the Rommel cave
Cleopatra bath
1  Rommel Museum. The museum, a rock cave, is located on a headland to the east to the east of the city. A corridor with thirteen pictures of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel on the walls leads to a small room in which a bust and the coat of the general, a swastika flag, cards and a box are on display. The pieces come from Rommel's son Manfred. Rommel is still revered by the locals here.Open: in summer daily from 10 am to 3 pm, in winter Saturday to Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm.Price: LE 40, for foreign students LE 20, plus LE 1 for Rommel Beach (as of 11/2019).(31 ° 21 '56 "N.27 ° 14 ′ 54 ″ E)

In addition, they are Remains of sunken or sunk ships seen in the sea. This also includes the British cargo ship Volo, which was torpedoed by a German submarine in December 1941.

200 meters southeast of the government building is the 2 Great mosque, Arabic:الجامع الكبير‎, al-Ǧamiʿ al-Kabīr.

There are several in the coastal area Bayssome of which have been used as docks since ancient times. That is what gives it its name 5 Marsā Maṭrūḥ harbor basinwhich is bounded in the north by some underwater rocks. The largest rock protrudes as 3 White island, Arabic:الجزيرة البيضاء‎, al-Ǧazīra al-Baiḍāʾ, out of the water. From the main port basin branch to the west of the 4 West harbor or the el Gharam Bay, Arabic:خليج الغرام‎, Chalīǧ al-Gharām, as well as to the east the 5 Rommel Bay, Arabic:خليخ رومل‎, Chalīǧ Rūmil, from. The 6 East lagoon supplied with water from the Rommel Bay. To the east of the Ostlagunge there is one about 140 meters long 7 islandunder the name of el-King Island, Arabic:جزيرة الكينج, Qabīla-el-Afrād Island, Arabic:جزيرة قبيلة الأفراد‎, Ǧazīrat Qabīla al-Afrād, or Bates Island, English: Bates ’Island, is known. There are two more lakes further east.

After twelve kilometers from the city center you come to the cape 8 Raʾs ʿAlam er-Rūm, Arabic:رأس علم الروم‎.

This is located on the north side of the headland that separates el-Gharām Bay from the sea 1 Cleopatra bath, Arabic:حمام كليوباترا‎, Ḥammām Kliyūbātrā, or the Cleopatra Beach, Arabic:شاطئ كليوباترا‎, Shāṭiʾ Kliyūbātrā. A large bust of Queen Cleopatra near the street and the parking lot makes it easy to find. From the parking lot, after about 400 meters in a north-westerly direction, you reach the approximately circular bay, the actual Cleopatra bath. Legend has it that Cleopatra and Mark Antony bathed here together. Admission is free. Many visitors use the stay to take photos or climb around on the rocks. Since summer 2019, a so-called "glass walkway" has led from the beach to the rock. Admission is LE 5.

There are several, especially in the west of the city beaches. See more under trips.


Beach in the north of the east lagoon
  • swim on the Mediterranean beaches. The fine sandy beaches are sometimes given the name Riviera. Make sure that there are much stricter clothing rules here than on the Red Sea. Women in European swimwear are quickly haunted by gawkers. Outside the city there are other beaches to the west (el-Ubaiyid, 14 km away, and Agība, 24 km away).


Handicrafts are part of the Sahara Art sold at the Beach Palace Hotel in summer and at the Beau Site Hotel in winter.


There are several restaurants in the city center, especially at the intersection of El-Gala 'St. and El Iskandariya St., and in the beach areas. In addition to the restaurants listed below, numerous hotels also have public restaurants.


  • Abdou Kofta, Shari 'Gamal Abd el-Nasser. Mobile: 20 (0)122 2314 4989. Open: Daily 11 am–10pm.
  • Abu el-Araby, Shari 'Tahrir.
  • Abu Rabie, Shari 'Iskandariya. Egyptian cuisine.
  • KFC, El Corniche St. (next to the Arouss el Bahr Hotel).
  • MC Donalds, El Corniche St. (opposite the Arouss el Bahr Hotel). Tel.: 20 (0)46 494 9901.
  • Pizza Abu 'Ali, Shari 'Iskandariya. Open: Daily 11 am– midnight.
  • Pizza Hut, El Corniche St. (next to the Arouss el Bahr Hotel).


  • Hammo el-Timsah (Fish restaurant), Shari 'Tahrir (next to Abdou Kofta).
  • Panyotis Greek Restaurant, Shari 'Iskandariya. Greek restaurant.


  • Dance opportunities are available in the amusement parks on the Corniche (quayside) and in the Beau Site Hotel.
  • Bowling center is located opposite the Beau Site Hotel.
  • To the east of the government building is the 2 Kino el Ghazala.


Some hotels, especially the upscale ones, are located well outside of Marsa Matruh.

youth hostel


1 star hotels

  • 4  Rommel House Hotel (فندق رومل هاوس, Funduq Rūmil Hāus), 5 El-Gala'a St.. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 5466, Fax: 20 (0)46 493 2485. 1-star hotel with 60 mostly two-bed rooms and a restaurant.(31 ° 21 ′ 12 ″ N.27 ° 13 '53 "E)

2 star hotels

  • Honey Moon Hotel (فندق هني مون, Funduq Hanī Mūn), El Corniche Road. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 0244, (0)46 493 0243, Fax: 20 (0)46 493 4742. 2-star hotel with 36 double rooms.
  • 10  Santa Monica Resort (فندق سانتا مونيكا, Funduq Sāntā Mūnīkā) (19 kilometers east of Marsa Matruh). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2674 8275, Fax: 20 (0)2 2674 8279. 2-star hotel with 252 mostly two-bed rooms.(31 ° 15 ′ 18 ″ N.27 ° 23 ′ 13 ″ E)

Unclassified hotels


3 star hotels

  • 12  Arouss el Bahr Hotel (فندق عروس البحر, Funduq ʿArūs al-Baḥr), El Corniche St. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 4420, (0)46 493 4419, Fax: 20 (0)46 493 4419, Email: . Well located 3-star hotel with 50 double and multi-bed rooms. The hotel has a fitness center for women. Single and double rooms cost LE 360 or LE 560 (as of 8/2010).(31 ° 21 '24 "N.27 ° 14 ′ 1 ″ E)
  • 13  Beau Site Hotel (فندق بوسيت, Funduq Būsait), El Shatee St., P.O. Box 20. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 4011, (0)46 493 4012, Fax: 20 (0)46 493 3319, Email: . 3-star hotel with 70 mostly two-bed rooms. The hotel has two beaches and two restaurants (Panorama, La Hutte). Double rooms are better than single rooms. Single or double rooms cost $ 172.50 or $ 250 per night including half board (as of 8/2010). The New Beau Site Hotel is part of the hotel complex.(31 ° 21 ′ 45 ″ N.27 ° 13 ′ 16 ″ E)
  • 15  Negresco Hotel (فندق نجرسكو, Funduq Niǧriskū), El Corniche St. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 4492, (0)46 493 4491, Fax: 20 (0)46 493 4493, Email: . 3-star hotel with 70 twin rooms and 20 suites on six floors. The hotel has a restaurant and a café. The overnight stay including half board costs LE 750 in a double room and LE 2000 in the suites (as of 8/2010).(31 ° 21 ′ 28 ″ N.27 ° 13 '37 "E)
  • New Royal Palace Hotel (فندق نيو رويال بالاس, Funduq Nyū Rūyāl Bālās), Corniche el Nile St. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 4294, (0)46 493 4295. 3-star hotel with 93 twin rooms.
  • 16  Riviera Palace Hotel (فندق الريفيرا بالاس, Funduq al-Rīfīrā Bālās), Alexandria St.. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 4530. 3-star hotel with 27 rooms with bathroom, air conditioning, satellite TV, restaurant, café and small bar. Prices: Single LE 260, Double LE 400 and Suite LE 590 with half board (as of 9/2010).(31 ° 21 ′ 19 ″ N.27 ° 14 '23 "E)

Unclassified hotels

  • 17  Al-Forsan Hotel (فندق الفرسان, Funduq al-Fursan). Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 4090. Hotel with 80 rooms with refrigerator and television. Hotel-restaurant only open in the season (June to September). Popular hotel, early booking (by April) necessary. Prices like 3-star hotels.(31 ° 21 '32 "N.27 ° 13 ′ 27 ″ E)
  • 18  Bel Air (فندق بل اير, Funduq Bil Aīr), El Shaty St. (west of Riviera Palace). Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 1433. Unclassified hotel with 108 rooms, restaurant and café. Half of the rooms have air conditioning. Prices in the season single room LE 200, double room LE 400 with half board, in winter single room LE 100, double room LE 150 only overnight stay (as of 9/2010).(31 ° 21 ′ 18 ″ N.27 ° 14 ′ 20 ″ E)


The upscale hotels, with the exception of the San Giovanni Cleopatra Hotel & Resort, are all outside the city, usually right on the beach.

4 star hotels

5 star hotels

  • 21  Carol's Beau Rivage (فندق كارولز بوريفاج, Funduq Kārūlz Būrīfāǧ) (12 kilometers west of Marsa Matruh, el-Ubaiyid Beach). Tel.: 20 (0)46 485 1000, Mobile: 20 (0)128 955 5512, Fax: 20 (0)46 485 0333, Email: . The 5-star hotel, located directly on the beach, has 279 rooms and ten suites, all with king-size or two beds, terrace or balcony, air conditioning, satellite TV, tiled bathroom, safe. The hotel has several restaurants (main restaurant La Veranda, Arabesque Oriental (oriental cuisine), Octopus Sea Food (fish restaurant), Café El Harafeesh), two bars (Yanni Lobby Bar, Siwa Pool Bar), Cha Cha Disco, Cleopatra Spa and Wellness Center (with whirlpools, sauna, sports room), three pools (outdoor pool, heated indoor pool, children's pool), children's club, babysitting and ATM. Shuttles to EgyptAir flights. Free WiFi only in the Oriental Café (El Harafesh Café) from 7pm to 11pm. Paid WiFi in the lobby, € 5 per hour. Visa, MasterCard & American Express are accepted. Foreigners and Egyptians pay the same room rates for single, double and triple rooms LE 900/1200/1800 and LE 1100/1450/2175 for rooms with or without a lake view (as of the 2014 main season).(31 ° 23 '37 "N.27 ° 3 '53 "E)
  • 22  Concord Beach Club (San Giovanni Cleopatra Hotel & Resort), el-Gharām beach, P. O. Box 13. Tel.: 20 (0)46 494 7600, (0)46 494 7608, Fax: 20 (0)46 494 7601, Email: . The simple 5-star hotel built in 2003 with 70 mostly two-bed rooms and six suites is located on el-Gharām Bay (western harbor). The double room costs $ 295 per night (as of 8/2010). The hotel includes the Caesar Restaurant (all meals), the Antony Café, a beach with a beach café, a health club (fitness studio) and an open-air cinema, but no swimming pool.(31 ° 22 ′ 18 ″ N.27 ° 12 ′ 2 ″ E)


The Alexandria University maintains a branch in Marsā Maṭrūḥ with faculties for education, tourism and hotel management, veterinary medicine, agriculture and nursing.

At the local branch of the 1 Higher Technological Institute, Arabic:المعهد التكنولوجي العالي‎, al-Maʿhid at-Teknūlūǧī al-ʿĀlī, El Thanaweya El Askareya St. teaches technology management. Further branches of this educational institution are in the 6th of October City and the 10th of Ramadan City.


Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, Marsa Matruh has a mild climate all year round. In January the temperatures reach an average of 14 ° C and in August an average of 26 ° C. From October to March, mainly in January, rain and storms can be expected.

Mersa MatruhJanFebMarchAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec  
Mean highest air temperature in ° C181820232528293028262319O23.9
Average air temperature in ° C131415182023252624221814O19.3
Mean lowest air temperature in ° C9910121519212120171410O14.8
Average water temperature in ° C181717182023252626252220O21.4
Precipitation in mm361911322011191829Σ141
Relative humidity in%716968667373757371706869O70.5



The military hospital should be preferred to the public one.


  • El-Farghaly, Corner of Shari 'Iskandariya and Sh. Alam rum. Tel.: 20 (0)46 493 9390. Open: summer from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., winter from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.


Even if Marsā Maṭrūḥ serves as a holiday resort in summer, you have to behave much more respectfully here in contrast to the resorts on the Red Sea. No expressions of love should be shown or alcohol should be drunk in public. Women should wear clothing that covers the shoulders, torso, and legs.

Practical advice

Tourist information

The 3 Tourist information office, government building(31 ° 21 ′ 21 ″ N.27 ° 14 ′ 22 ″ E) Tourist information is located in the government building on Shari 'Iskandariya, tel. And fax: (046) 493 1841. It is open daily from 9 am to 2 pm. The head of the tourist information, Mr. Nabil, can also be reached via mobile phone ((0) 122 385 1852).


  • 4 police: Shari 'el-Shata'a, southeast of the government building, Tel. (0) 46 493 3376.
  • Tourist Police: Shari 'Iskandariya, near the Tourist Information Office, tel: (0) 46 493 5575.


  • 1 National Bank, Arabic:البنك الاهلي المصري‎, al-Bank al-Ahlī al-Maṣrī, Shari 'Gala'a, west of the west of Mīdān el-Galaʾ, Arabic:ميدان الجلاء, With ATM.
  • In the next side street further south is the 2 Bank of Alexandria, Arabic:بنك الاسكندرية‎.
  • 3 Banque Misr'Shari' Zaher Galal. east of the Great Mosque.

The banks are usually open every day, except on Fridays and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Passport office

The passport office, Tel. (0) 46 493 5351, is located near the train station between Bur said St. and El-Iskandariya St. It is open every day except Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.


The 5 Post office is located southeast of the government building opposite the police in Shari 'el-Shata'a. It is open every day except Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


The telephone code for Marsa Matruh is 046 or 002046 from Germany.

Internet cafes

  • Speed.Net, Shari 'Iskandariya.


  • Marsā Maṭrūḥ is an ideal starting point for visiting the valley Top attractionSiwa.
  • The villages are on the way to the Libyan border Sīdī Barrānī and es-Sallūm.
  • To the west of Marsā Maṭrūḥ are several sandy beaches, some of which are part of holiday resorts. The most popular public beach is the ʿAgība Beach about 25 kilometers away.
  • Not far from ʿAgība beach is the former temple city of Zāwiyat Umm er-Racham. This fortress marks the western border of the Ramses ’d sphere of influence. Size


  • Kees, Hans: Paraitonion. In:Wissowa, Georg (Ed.): Pauly's Realencyclopedia of Classical Classical Studies; Vol.18.3: Palatinus - Paranatellonta. Stuttgart: Slaughterer ; Printing miller, 1949, Col. 1182-1184.
  • White, Donald: Mersa Matruh. In:Bard, Kathryn A. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of the Archeology of Ancient Egypt. London, New York: Routledge, 1999, ISBN 978-0-415-18589-9 , Pp. 469-473.
  • Vivian, Cassandra: The Western Desert of Egypt: an explorer’s handbook. Cairo: The American University at Cairo Press, 2008, ISBN 978-977-416-090-5 , Pp. 288-294 (in English).

Individual evidence

  1. Population according to the 2006 Egyptian census, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, accessed July 26, 2014.
  2. Ward-Perkins, John B.; Goodchild, R. G.: Christian monuments of Cyrenaica. London: Society for Libyan Studies, 2003, Society for Libyan Studies monograph; 4th, ISBN 978-1-900971-01-0 , Pp. 437-441.
  3. Roques, Denis: Synésios de Cyrène et la Cyrénaïque du Bas-Empire. Paris: Center National de la Recherche Scientif, 1987, Etudes d’antiquités africaines, ISBN 978-2-222-03866-5 , P. 110 f.
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