Mediterranean (Egypt) - Mittelmeer (Ägypten)

Egyptian Mediterranean coast
ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط
Angler on the Mediterranean coast of Abū Qīr

The Egyptian Mediterranean coast (Arabic:ساحل / ضفة البحر الأبيض المتوسط‎, Sāḥil / Ḍiffa al-Baḥr al-Abyaḍ al-Mutawassiṭ) or Egyptian North coast (Arabic:الساحل الشمالي‎, as-Sāḥil al-Shimālī) is the northern limit Egypt. There are several port cities, a few holiday resorts and numerous settlements with holiday apartments.


Map of the Egyptian Mediterranean coast
  • 1 Sallūm - Border town too Libya
  • 4 Abū Qīr (Canopus) - small town in the east of Alexandria
  • 5 Balṭīm - City and resort on the northern tip of the Nile deltas
  • 8 Port Fuad - Sister city of Port Said
  • 10 Rafaḥ - Border town to the Gaza Strip

The governorates border on the Mediterranean Alexandria, el-Buḥeira, Dumyāṭ, ed-Daqahlīya, Kafr esch-Sheikh, Maṭrūḥ and North Sinai.

Holiday settlements

Almost the entire coast west of Alexandria is covered with holiday resorts for locals.

Other goals

ʿAgība Beach
Mārīnā el-ʿAlamein
  • 12 el-ʿAlamein - The site of battles during World War II. Several large military cemeteries.
  • 13 Abū Ṣīr (Taposiris magna) - archaeological site of a Greco-Roman city with a temple.
  • 15 Sīdī Barrānī - Small town with a large proportion of sedentary Bedouins in the population, about 135 kilometers west of Marsā Maṭrūḥ.
  • 16 eḍ-Ḍabʿa - City west of Sīdī ʿAbd er-Raḥman.
  • 17 Sīdī ʿAbd er-Raḥman - Village and port about ten kilometers west of el-ʿAlamein.


getting there

In the street

By bus

By train

By plane


Tourist Attractions





  • monastery Deir Abū Mīnā - Coptic Monastery, a World Heritage Site.
  • El-ʿArab Castle - City south of Lake Maryūṭ, six kilometers from the Mediterranean coast.
  • Dumyāṭ (Damietta) - Dumyāṭ
  • Rashid (Rosetta) - Near town, in Rashid Castle, the Rosetta Stone was found by Napoleonic troops. But more important is the closed ensemble of town houses from the 16th to 19th centuries.
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