Dumyāṭ (governorate) - Dumyāṭ (Gouvernement)

Dumyāṭ Governorate
محافظة دمياط
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The egyptian Governorate Dumyat (Arabic:محافظة دمياط‎, Muḥāfaẓat Dumyāṭ) is in the east Nile Delta. It borders on that in the north Mediterranean Sea and in the south to the governorate ed-Daqahlīya. The administrative center is Dumyāṭ (Damietta). The governorate was separated from the ed-Daqahlīya governorate in 1960.


Location map of Dumyāṭ Governorate
  • 1 Dumyāṭ, Damietta - capital of the governorate with several Islamic and Christian monuments.
  • 2 ʿIzbat el Castle - City in the north of Dumyat with the remains of the fortress of Dumyat, the Ahmed 'Urabi tower.
  • 3 Raʾs el-Barr - Mediterranean holiday resort in the north of Dumyat.
  • 4 Fāraskūr - City in the south of Dumyat, location of the El Hadidi Mosque.


getting there


Tourist Attractions


In addition to the national holidays, May 8th is also celebrated as a government holiday in the governorate. On May 8, 1250, the French king had to Louis IX and his crusader army left Egypt.


Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, Dumyāṭ has a mild climate all year round. Temperatures reach an average of 14 ° C in January and an average of 27 ° C in August. From October to March, mainly in December and January, rain and storms are to be expected.

Port Said, El GamilJanFebMarchAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec  
Mean highest air temperature in ° C171819222528303029272319O23.9
Average air temperature in ° C141517202225272726242016O21.1
Mean lowest air temperature in ° C111213161922242423211813O18
Precipitation in mm1812105400038716Σ83


The governorate national day is celebrated on May 8th.


Individual evidence

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