Memphite necropolis - Memphitische Nekropole

Memphite necropolis
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The Memphite necropolis includes parts Under- and Central Egypt. It is the generic term for several cemeteries, these are the pyramid fields including the associated burial fields of officials and members of the royal families between Meidum and Abu Rawasch on the western bank of the Nile Cairothat became the capital of the Old Kingdom Memphis belong. This region is part of Egypt Unesco world heritage sites. Most of the sites belong to the governorate Gīza.



The most monumental buildings are undoubtedly the Pyramids, especially those of Gīza, the largest of which, the Great Pyramid of Cheops, is one of the seven wonders of the world.

The ancient Egyptian kings (pharaohs) built it here as an apartment after death. The pyramids do not stand here as individual structures. They are part of a complex of valley temple, on the way from the valley temple to the mortuary temple in the east of the pyramid and the pyramid itself. But the pyramid complex is not to be seen as a huge memorial, monumental tomb or symbol of power for the deceased king - even the names of the kings are missing on many pyramids - but it is the ritually necessary equipment to ensure the continued existence of the deified king and his people. The cult of the dead is carried out at the pyramids until long after their death, the pyramid complexes had their own lands, staff and their own priests for this purpose.

This form of burial was used in the ancient and middle kingdoms. Only at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, in the 11th and the beginning of the 12th dynasty, were the princes and later kings buried in Thebes. Only in the New Kingdom does the form of burial change: the royal tombs are in the Valley of the Kings laid out, the cult of the dead took place in the millions of years old on the edge of the fruit land, far separated from the graves.

Structurally the pyramids of the 4th Dynasty are the absolute highlight.

  • The predecessors of Cheops in the 3rd dynasty and at the beginning of the 4th dynasty erect their pyramids mostly as step pyramids, which were piled up with limestone bricks, e.g. the step pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara. There were two types of construction for the step pyramids: Laying the steps on top of each other (Saqqara) or in the form of a bowl (Meidūm). These step pyramids have been disguised so that they look like real pyramids. But first the kink pyramid of Snefru in Dahshūr is planned and built as the first real pyramid.
  • The pyramids of the 4th dynasty in Gīza are built as real pyramids from huge limestone blocks. This great effort was no longer pursued in the period that followed.
  • In the 5th and 6th dynasties the pyramids are rebuilt with limestone tiles.
  • in the Middle realm further simplifications take place. Only a skeleton made of limestone and Nile mud bricks is erected, which was later filled with sand and rubble. Ultimately (Black Pyramid of Amenemhet III. In Dahshūr is even done away with on the skeleton.
Map of the sites of the Memphite Necropolis

In each case the pyramids were disguised. The lower layers were mostly made of black and rose granite, above which the high-quality white Tura limestone was clad.

In the east of the pyramids, the mortuary temples are mostly built directly onto the pyramid, a long path connects these temples with the valley temple directly on the (then) bank of the Nile. The entrance to the pyramid (which is not visible under the cladding) is mostly on the north side of the pyramid. To the south of the pyramid there is often a second grave, the so-called south grave, which has only ritual significance.

The early pyramids are unlabeled. It was not until the 5th dynasty that the burial chambers were decorated: the Pyramid texts (e.g. visible in the pyramid of Teti in Saqqara).

in the Surrounding the pyramids became more or less great Necropolises for members of the royal family and high officials created. The graves were usually called simple shaft donors or mastabas (Arabic:مسطبة‎, Masṭaba, „Stone bench, stone platform") Created. Mastabas are made of mud bricks or limestone bricks, their shape is that of a cuboid or a steep truncated pyramid. This superstructure contains the places of worship for the family members, the actual grave complex is underground and usually not accessible.

The sacrificial rooms and partly the burial chambers of the mastabas are usually lavishly decorated. The main purpose is, of course, the care for life after death, so they also have ritual significance. Mainly you will find scenes of daily life and scenes from the everyday working life of the tomb lord, the central place of worship is formed by the so-called false door, which shows the tomb lord at the offering table, as the contact point between the dead and the living is formed. In many graves, the need after death is specified in a list of victims. The burial takes place in stone or wooden coffins.

getting there

Since the necropolises are located in the desert, they are of course not on public transport routes. You will mostly have to use coaches or taxis to get there.


Only the pyramid fields of Giza, Saqqara and Dahshūr have a small road network so that you don't have to walk the entire route. However, a separate ticket must be purchased for vehicles that are taken along. Most of the paths have to be conquered on foot, only sometimes there are wooden slats on the sandy ground To simplify running. Walks through sometimes deep sand cannot always be avoided.

In Giza there is (still) the possibility of bridging short stretches on horseback or camel. However, the prices are not entirely insignificant.

Tourist Attractions

Pyramid fields and necropolis

Step pyramid of Djoser
  • 1 Abū Rawāsch, 4th dynasty.
  • 5 Saqqara, 3rd dynasty, 5th, 6th dynasty.
  • 6 Dahshūr, Beginning of the 4th dynasty (Sneferu), 12th, 13th dynasty.
  • 8 Meidūm, Beginning of the 4th dynasty (Sneferu).

Thematically related sites

  • 9 Abū Ghurāb, Sun Sanctuaries, 5th Dynasty.
  • 10 Memphis, Museum of the Old Empire Capital.


In the vicinity of the pyramid fields there are usually no accommodation options, these are usually in Cairo elected.


  • Climbing the pyramids and mastaba tombs is forbidden and extremely dangerous.
  • Don't forget to bring drinks with you in summer.
  • Put on sturdy shoes.

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