Pyramid of Meidūm - Pyramide von Meidūm

Pyramid of Meidūm ·هرم ميدوم
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The Meidum pyramid or Meidum necropolis, Arabic:هرم ميدوم‎, Haram Maidūm, is an archaeological site in the north Central Egypt and in the north of the government Beni Suef. The three kilometers northwest of the village Meidūm The cemetery and pyramid located in the desert are part of the Memphite necropolis and includes both a royal pyramid and several official graves.


Map of the pyramid of Meidūm

Pyramid of Meidūm is a modern name that derives from the village further southeast 1 MeidūmMeidūm in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMeidūm in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMeidūm (Q1066424) in the Wikidata database derives that itself is still in the fruiting land.

The Meidum pyramid is often attributed to the last king of the 3rd Dynasty, Huni. This is not certain, just as it could, what is much more likely, the (first) tomb of his son Sneferu who himself still has two pyramids in Dahshūr owned. The last assumption is supported by the fact that sons of Sneferu are buried in Meidum.

A construction disaster - probably after the New Kingdom - lets us recognize the structure of the pyramid today: it is a stone pyramid with initially seven levels, later eight levels, the stone layers were laid out in the shape of a jacket around the pyramid. A mastaba cemetery for officials of the 4th Dynasty was created around the pyramid.

getting there

In the street

It makes sense to rent a taxi to visit Meidum.

By bus

From the city el-Giza off is the journey by public bus (Upper Egypt Travel) with destination el-Wāsṭā possible. You ask him to drive on the desert road, which leads directly past the pyramid. The alternative route leads through the orchard, where you get off at the junction to the pyramid (no sign) and have to walk a few more kilometers or hitchhike.

By train

The er-Rikka train station is near the village.


The entrance to the archaeological site is near the pyramid of Meidum so you don't have to walk far. To get to the entrance of the pyramid, you have to walk over the rubble.

The entire cemetery is silted up. You have to walk to the mastabas about 600 meters away.

Tourist Attractions

Pyramid of Meidūm

  • 1  Meidum pyramid. Pyramid of Meidum in the encyclopedia WikipediaPyramid of Meidum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPyramid of Meidum (Q13444093) in the Wikidata database.The reconstructed edge length is 145 m, the original height 92 m. The pyramid is considered to be the first geometrically true pyramid. A downward-going corridor leads to the foot of the corridor system, from which one reaches the burial chamber, which is covered with a cantilever vault, via an upward staircase. On the east side of the pyramid there is a sanctuary, behind which the mortuary temple of the complex is hidden. Two unlabeled steles behind this building are part of the sacrificial complex. Remnants of the path are visible; the location of the valley temple is unknown.Open: Daily 9 am-5pm.Price: Admission price: LE 60, for foreign students LE 30 (as of 11/2019).(29 ° 23 '17 "N.31 ° 9 ′ 25 ″ E)

Mastaba graves of the 4th dynasty

  • 2  Meidum 6. Meidum 6 in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMeidum 6 (Q66098920) in the Wikidata database.Mastaba of Rahotep and his wife Nofret, about 500 m north of the pyramid of Meidum. Rahotep, head of construction and expeditions, and wife Nefert were probably the son and daughter-in-law of Sneferu. The painted limestone statues discovered by Mariette in 1871 are today gems of the Old Kingdom monuments in Cairo Egyptian Museum.(29 ° 23 '46 "N.31 ° 9 ′ 31 ″ E)
  • 3  Meidum 16. Meidum 16 in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMeidum 16 (Q66098773) in the Wikidata database.Mastaba of Nefermaat and wife Atet, about 500 m north of the pyramid of Meidum. Significant representations come from the grave of Nefermaat, probably the son of Sneferu, and Atet. On the one hand, there are the "Geese of Meidum" and the so-called paste reliefs (both today in Cairo Egyptian Museum. The paste reliefs are recessed reliefs with colored pastes embedded in the depressions. This technology was only used in this tomb. Hunting and agricultural scenes were shown.(29 ° 23 '42 "N.31 ° 9 ′ 30 ″ E)
  • 4  Meidum 17 (immediately northeast of the pyramid of Meidum). Meidum 17 in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMeidum 17 in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMeidum 17 (Q15526148) in the Wikidata database.The name of the grave lord is unknown, it is probably also a son of Sneferu. You can enter this adobe mastaba through a grave robber shaft, the corridor is sometimes very narrow. A large granite sarcophagus can be found in a niche in the burial chamber.(29 ° 23 '23 "N.31 ° 9 ′ 31 ″ E)

Of the northern adobe mastabas, only the niche structure of the east facade can be made out today.


Meidum does not have any accommodation options, these are usually in Cairo, less often in Beni Suef elected.


You can visit Meidum with the necropolis of Saqqara, Abu Sir (Abusir) and / or Dahshūr connect.

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