Zāwiyat el-Aryān - Zāwiyat el-ʿAryān

Zāwiyat el-Aryān ·زاوية العريان
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Zawiyat el-Aryan (Arabic:زاوية العريان‎, Zāwiyat al-ʿAryān; also Zawyet el-Aryan, Saujet el-Arjan) is an archaeological site in Lower Egypt. The pyramid field belongs to Memphite necropolis and is located 6 km north of Saqqara and 6 km south of the pyramid field of Gīza in the same name Governorate.


The necropolis of Zāwiyat el-ʿAryān was used as a burial place from the earliest times to the Roman times. Most of the burials took place in grave pits (early period, 1st dynasty; New Kingdom [grave pits with brick vaults]; Roman times). In the 3rd dynasty, burials were also carried out in brick mastabas.

In the 3rd and 4th dynasties, two pyramids were built at this point, one for King Chaba, 3rd dynasty, who is also equated with Huni, the other for King Nebka or Baka, 4th dynasty. The latter pyramid remained unfinished due to the short reign and shares lot with the pyramid of Abū Rawāsch. The first pyramid could be assigned based on the grave goods in the mastaba Z 500 Chaba.

getting there

The area is probably not accessible because it is in a restricted military area!

Tourist Attractions


  • 1 Southern pyramid of the Chaba(29 ° 55 ′ 58 ″ N.31 ° 9 ′ 40 ″ E), 3rd Dynasty, also known as the “Layer Pyramid” and “Haram el-Medawwarah” (the round or colored bath). This is a probably unfinished 5-step pyramid in shell construction with a base length of 84 m and a reconstructed height of 42 m Pyramid of Meidūm comparable. Mortuary temple, access road and valley temple were not found. The owner could be determined based on the finds in the Mastaba Z 500.
  • 2 Northern pyramid(29 ° 55 '58 "N.31 ° 9 ′ 41 ″ E). A single graffiti suggests the owner: Nebka, Baka or Neferka (3rd - 4th Dynasty), but the reading is controversial. The similarity to the construction of the pyramid of Abū Rawāsch makes the assumption of a king of the 4th Dynasty (Nebka, Baka) probable. The pyramid consists only of a 25 m deep shaft to the burial chamber. The base length of the pyramid is estimated to be 200 m. Mortuary temple, access road and valley temple were also not found.

Mastaba tombs

  • The most important grave is that Mastaba Z 500 east of the southern pyramid. Ceramics and earthenware with the Horus name Chaba were found in it, which made it possible to assign the owner of the named pyramid. It is also discussed that this was not a mastaba, but a sacrificial temple of this pyramid.


Zāwiyat el-ʿAryān has no accommodation facilities, these are usually in Cairo elected.

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