Meshushin the pool - Meshushim Pool

The Meshushim Stream Reserve with the Meshushin the pool ("Hexagon Pool") is a national park in the Golan Heights.

Meshushim Pool or Hexagon Pool
1  Meshushim Pool Nature Reserve. Tel.: (0)4-682-0238, (0)4-696-3043. Open: 8 am-5pm, winter October-March 8 am-4pm.Price: 22/10 NIS together with Yehudiya Forest Reserve.


In the area of ​​five rivers that drain the southern Golan towards the Sea of ​​Galilee, several natural parks were established on 134 km² - from Nahal Daliyot over the area around the Nahal Yehudiya and Nahal Zavitan to the Meshushim Stream.

The Meshushim Stream is the northwesternmost of the five rivers and runs in its own deeply incised river valley (roughly parallel to the Jordan) to unite with the Nahal Zavitan before it flows into the Sea of ​​Galilee. From its source at the foot of Mount Avital and the second source En Neshut, the river runs a little southwest of Qatzrin past. The Meshushim was never caught, dammed and is one of the few rivers that are not used for irrigation purposes.

The catchment area of ​​the river running in a canyon is around 160 km², in times of rain in the Golan it can rise sharply within a short time, so that staying in the river bed can be dangerous. In the mouth area in the Lake genezareth a lagoon area has developed.

Hiking signpost


When you descend into the river valley you cross the old country road, the gravel road was the only road connection into the Golan during the Syrian rule.


The park encompasses the area around the Nahal Meshushim, which runs in a ravine, the path from the parking lot leads down the slope in bends. The Meshushim Pool, framed by octagonal basalt columns, forms the lower end of the park area, further downstream you are not allowed to go.

Flora and fauna

The slopes are covered with sparse trees of Atlantic pistachio and Tabo oak, in addition to the storax tree (from whose resin balsam was obtained) and Christ thorn, in the meadows with wild oats, barley and wild wheat, crown anemones (Anemone corona, March ), the pink flax (Linum pubescens), the blue-reddish plantain-leaved adder's head (Echium plantagineum), tree-like milkweed plants (Euphorbia hierosolymitana). Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) bloom here until February / beginning of March, in March red ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus) replace the red anemones, the Hermon's iris (Iris hermona) blooms as the largest flowering plant from March to April.

The white sea twing (Urginea maritima) blooms in autumn, followed by crocuses in October, gold crocus (Sternbergia colchiciflora) in November and daffodils (Narcissus tazetta) in December.

In the case of large animals, one can encounter wild boar, the golden jackal, red fox, porcupine and rock slate; Numerous birds of prey nest on the rocky slopes of the stream valleys, especially griffon vultures and Egyptian vultures, snake vultures and falcons. A particularly noteworthy insect is the carnivorous saddle (hay) insect.


The Golan has an arid Mediterranean climate with rainfall in the winter months, from around April it remains mostly dry into autumn.

getting there

The Meshushim Car Park can from the street 888 can be easily reached from the northwest on an asphalt road. Drinks, ice cream and hiking maps are available in the park administration building, toilets and drinking water points at the car park.

Fees / permits

NIS 22/10 (a single entry also entitles you to visit the Yehudiya Stream Park on the day of purchase), the two-week pass is valid.


The paths down to the Meshushim pool have to be covered on foot, only a short tour to the viewpoint is suitable for wheelchairs and prams.

Tourist Attractions

Dolmen (on the "Dolmen Trail")
Way to Meshushim Pool
Meshushin the pool
  • Lookout Trail: a short easy to walk Flatly (green marking; 0.3 km, 10 min., barrier-freebarrier-free) leads to a 2 Lookout point with a good view of the Nahal Meshushim valley.
  • Dolmen Trail: on a footpath (0.7 km, 20 min.) from the lookout point, a short circular path leads to you 3 Dolmen.
  • Pool trail: a partly steep but well-developed footpath (sneakers or trekking sandals recommended) leads down into the gorge of the Nahal Meshushim. Halfway there will be a 4 Crossing with gravel roadDirt road crossed the old connecting road into the Golan, you can go north (red marking, direction Beth Hamekhes / main road 888) or south (green marking, road 87) are tracked. Most hikers will cross it and descend further into Nahal Meshushim.
The red marked path continues down into the gorge.
After 650 m you can turn left (north) on a blue marked path 5 Stream Trail junction branch off and take a short circular hike (a good 800 m) along the upper section of the Meshushim Stream do.
The goal of the hike is 6 Meshushin the pool or Hexagon pool into which the Meshushim river flows with a waterfall. The basin of volcanic origin was washed out by the river, exposing the 5 m high hexagonal (hexagonal) basalt columns on the flanks, which were created by solidifying lava flows.
The footpath circles the pond above a cliff and ends at the pond under shady trees; In view of the summer heat, one or the other Israelis let themselves be carried away to a bath in the cool, blackish - cloudy water (colored by the basalt sand); no lifeguards!
  • the Ascent (approx. 1 km) on the same way back to the parking lot can be sweaty in the summer heat and only runs a little in the shade of trees in places.
  • Stream Trail: Halfway down the descent into the river valley, you can turn left (northwards) onto a blue path ("Stream Trail") and a short one Circular hike (a good 800 m) along the upper section of the Meshushim Stream do. The river becomes one 7 River crossing on Stepping stones crossed, you have to go up about 3 m Iron steps climb the rocks on the opposite bank, unsuitable for preschoolers.
The circular path then leads downstream on the left bank of the Neshushim Stream, meets the path from Nahal Zavitan and crosses the river on one Wooden bridge slightly above the Meshushim pool.
The red marked hiking trail begins at the wooden bridge and leads to the other entrance of the (according to information in six hours, 8 km, sometimes a bit impassable in the stream bed) Nahal Zavitan / Yehudiya Nature Reserve leads.


Map of Meshushim Pool
  • Hike to the Meshushim Pool / "Hexagon Pool", a refreshing swim is recommended for swimmers in summer (bring your swimming trunks!). In the summer of 2018, the pool was closed due to health concerns (outbreaks of leptospirosis; carcasses of animals falling into the water upstream), follow the instructions of the park rangers.


Self-catering can bring groceries and other necessities in Qatzrin get drinks, snacks and ice cream at the shop at the park entrance.



In the Meshushim Stream Reserve it is not allowed to stay overnight in the nearby Yehudiya Reserve there is a campsite.


The security situation is harmless; the risk of heat damage and lack of fluids is much greater. On a tour down to the Meshushim pool in summer, it is recommended that you take 3 liters of liquid with you and also check whether you have water with you. After several incidents with collapse events, after visitors jumped overheated into ice-cold water, the controls are carried out conscientiously.

You can swim in the Metshushim pool with its cold water even in summer, but you are not allowed to jump into the water that is clouded by the basalt sand. No lifeguards!



  • Visitors are given a map of the Meshushim Stream Reserve.
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