Mixed candidate - Mischandid

Mixed candidate ·مشندد
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Mixed candidate (also Muschandid, Mixed indid, Arabic:عزبة مشندد‎, ʿIzbat mixed candidate, „Hamlet Mischandid“) Is a hamlet about 32 kilometers west of the city Siwabelonging to the area of el-Marāqī belongs.


Mischandid consists of two hamlets, the northern and larger one is called Mischandid el-Kabīra (عزبة مشندد الكبيرة‎, Izbat Mishandid al-Kabīra). The smaller hamlet is about 350 meters further south.

The area around Chamīsa is one of the most fertile areas in Siwa. Primarily olives and dates are grown. The water for this comes from several sources. The local houses are inhabited by farm workers, mostly settled Bedouins, while the owners of the land live in Siwa.

getting there

For the journey you can use the asphalt road from Siwa to Bahī ed-Dīn, which is laid out on the north side of Lake Siwa, use. The paths between the hamlets are just slopes. Pickups or all-terrain all-wheel drive vehicles are suitable for this.

Tourist Attractions

The 1 hamlet(29 ° 13 ′ 3 ″ N.25 ° 24 '14 "E) apart from its palm gardens and fields, it has hardly any sights worth seeing.

To the north of Mischandid is one of the largest 1 swell(29 ° 13 '15 "N.25 ° 24 '14 "E) in el-Marāqī.

300 meters west-northwest of Chamīsa, about 800 meters to Mischandid is another one 2 source(29 ° 12 '48 "N.25 ° 24 ′ 27 ″ E)which is surrounded by a palm garden.


A hike through the palm gardens z. B. in the direction of Chamīsa is worthwhile.


There are restaurants in the nearby town Siwa.


Accommodation is available in the nearby town Siwa.


The visit to the village parallels that of the archaeological site Bilād er-Rūm, about 1,300 meters further north, Chamīsa and Bahī ed-Dīn connect.

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