Eastern Inner Mongolia - Mongolia Interna orientale

Eastern Inner Mongolia
Herd of cows near the river Argun '

Eastern Inner Mongolia is a region of the province of Inner Mongolia in China.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

       Xing'an League

Urban centers

Xing'an League

  • Arxan (阿尔山; Ā'ěrshān) - Small mountain town characterized by particularly harsh winters.
  • Ulanhot (乌兰浩特; Wūlánhàotè) - Just outside the city there is a temple dedicated to Genghis Khan.


  • Ergun (额 尔古纳; É'ěrgǔnà) - On the right (southeastern) bank of the Argun River, which forms the boundary of the China with the Russia (Territory of Transbajkalia).
  • Genhe (根 河; Gēnhé) - City in the far northeast of Mongolia.
  • Hailar (海拉尔) - Founded in 1734 as a Chinese fort, today an important agricultural market
  • Manzhouli (满洲里; Mǎnzhōulǐ) - On the border with Russia is Mongolia, Manzhouli forms the basis for excursions to the boundless grasslands of Hulunbuir.
  • Yakeshi (牙克石; Yákèshí) - Connected by rail to Harbin is Hailar.
  • Zhalantun (扎兰屯; Zhālántún) - This is an area of ​​outstanding natural beauty, including forests and waterways, as well as the Yalu River.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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