Territory of Transbajkalia - Territorio della Transbajkalia

Territory of Transbajkalia
Central station of Čita
Territory of Transbajkalia - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Territory of Transbajkalia - Coat of arms
Territory of Transbajkalia - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Territory of Transbajkalia is a region of the Eastern Siberia belonging to Russia.

To know

Geographical notes

The Transbaykalia Territory in Russian: Забайкальский край, transliterated Zabaikal'skij kraj) is a federal entity of Russia, located in Eastern Siberia and established on March 1, 2008 following the merger of the Čita Oblast and the Autonomous District of Aga Buryatia , after a referendum held on 11 March 2007. The territory of the oblast is entirely mountainous (Monti Jablonovyj, Monti Borscovocny). The economy is purely agricultural and forestry even if lately the resources of the subsoil (iron, coal, copper, tin and molybdenum) have been exploited more.

Spoken languages

For centuries the region has been a place of deportation of many political prisoners who then created small communities. If we add to this the proximity to the Mongolian and Chinese borders, we understand how many cultures can intertwine in these places. More than 50 languages ​​are widespread. Among the largest of the Slavic stock there are Russian, Belarusian is Ukrainian in addition to Chinese in border areas.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Čita (Чита ) —
    Church of the Decembrists in Čita
    Čita is a city in Russia, the capital of the Transbaikalia Territory.
  • Aginskoe (Агинское) - The city is located in the valley of the Aga river, a tributary of the Amur and is 150 kilometers from Čita; it was founded in 1811 and has many elements of Buddhist architecture.
  • Krasnokamensk (Краснокаменск) - It is a city in south-eastern Siberian Russia, located at the foot of the Argun 'mountains, 535 km southeast of the capital Čita, not far from the Chinese border.
  • Nerčinsk (Нерчинск) - Important city of the sixteenth century, several times the scene of central events in relations between Russia and China, this city is in a privileged position being located at the confluence of the Neča in another minor tributary of the Amur which create a very fertile landscape and lively.
  • Petrovsk-Zabajkalsky (Петровск-Забайкальский) - Founded in 1789 with the name of Petrovskij Zavod, it was then chosen as a place of confinement for some Decembrists, including Ivan Ivanovich Gorbachevsky, who died there in 1869.

How to get

By plane

Čita, the capital, has an international airport (other places are in small-medium cities).

On the train

In the region passes the Trans-Siberian which is the main means of communication with neighboring regions.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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