Monkey Mia - Monkey Mia

Monkey Mia is located on the eastern side of the peninsula Shark Bay is famous for its tame dolphins. They come every morning around 8 a.m. to be fed.

Location map of Australia
Monkey Mia
Monkey Mia


In the 1960s, fishermen started feeding the wild dolphins that lived there with their waste. They got used to it and appeared on it regularly. What was an insider tip 30 years ago is unfortunately very touristy now. Usually, depending on the season, 100-600 tourists stand in a row in knee-deep water to watch the spectacle. A ranger walks along this row and with the help of a megaphone tells something about Monkey Mia's dolphins for about 20 minutes. Reports are made about the hunting and living habits of dolphins in general and then the individual dolphins are discussed. The rangers can tell the dolphins by their dorsal fin and have even given them names. Then all tourists have to get out of the water and stand on the beach so that a few tourists selected by the rangers can feed the dolphins with fish.

getting there

For locations to the north or south, see Northern Western Australia.


You don't have to pay anything for feeding the dolphins, only the accommodation costs and the national park fees are added.

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