Mucuchíes - Mucuchíes

Mucuchíes It is one of the largest and best known towns on the páramo route in Merida. Located on a plateau at 3,000 meters above sea level, it is the crossing point of the trans-Andean highway and a reference for its picturesque stables and attractive castles, 20th century buildings that resemble the great European castles. In its vicinity are the access points for several of the activities of the La Culata and Sierra Nevada national parks, such as the La Musui hot springs and the Santo Cristo lagoon.


Castle of Mucuchies.jpg

To get

By bus

Mucuchíes is on the route of the paramo buses that travel from Mérida to Apartaderos and Barinas, the travel time to Mérida is 1:30 hours while for Barinas it takes 2:30 hours.



  • Plaza Bolivar
Church of Santa Lucia
  • Church of Santa Lucia



The most important celebrations of Mucuchíes are of a religious nature, during the last days of December, the procession of San Benito, in honor of the patron of the city, during which blunderbussersThey take to the streets accompanying the image of the saint together with fireworks, dances, and musical bands from the neighboring villages to the center of town and back.

To buy

To eat

To drink


  • Castle San Ignazio, Av. Carabobo.


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