Muela del Diablo - Muela del Diablo

Muela del Diablo
The 150 meters high of the

Muela del Diablo (in Italian "Tooth of the devil") is located near La Paz in Bolivia.

To know

The Molar of the Devil is a rock formation, the remnant of a now extinct volcano, located about fifteen kilometers east-south-east from the center of the city of La Paz. It offers fantastic views of the city and surrounding landscape along the way to reach it.

When to go

The best season for hiking in the whole Bolivia it is winter, but in general there are good conditions throughout the period from March to September. During the summer, frequent tropical rains often make communications difficult, if not impossible, due to the road network that is only partially paved.

Territories and tourist destinations

How to get

La Muela del Diablo, seen coming from the Pedregal path

There are two possible routes to reach the Muela del Diablo. One starting from Pedregal, the other that instead starts from MallasaThe ascent through the path that starts from Pedregal it is suitable for all categories of hikers, as it does not involve any kind of technical difficulty or risky passages. It is a short ascent, with sections of path and sections of mule track, always well marked and rarely steep. The only difficulty can be represented by the altitude. See the section on this safety for La Paz. Conversely, the second route, which starts from Mallasa presents a medium difficulty, involving passages that can be dangerous for inexperienced hikers.

By bus

A minibus from the center costs 2.30Bs. The same will be the cost of returning from Mallasa.

How to get around

What see


How to do it

No equipment of any kind is required for the first route, which climbs from Pedregal to the foot of the Muela. Trekking shoes are recommended but not essential.It is necessary, as usual for excursions in these areas, to bring a good supply of water as it cannot be found along the way. Given the altitude and the absence of hat shelters and high sun protection factor creams are necessary.

For the descent towards Mallasa it might be advisable to obtain the topographic map (5944-02 IGM).

Description of the itinerary

The Chiaraque valley, at the foot of the Muela del Diablo

The recommended main route starts from Pedregal. To reach this village located about 15 km south-east of La Paz it is necessary to take a minibus from the center that carries the indicated destination Pedregal. Useful minibuses pass by the Prado, descending on Avenida 6 de Agosto, finally crossing the southern area, Obrajes and Calacoto. From the center it takes about 30 minutes. Once in Pedregal, get off at the terminus and continue on foot on the main dirt road, climbing towards the cemetery. After about 200 meters you will find the sign indicating the start of the path, on the left of the main road. Pedregal is the last place where you can buy water and other drinks in the small ones tiendidas The ascent is not particularly tiring, and you can always choose whether to keep the path or opt for the more accessible mule track. The path will avoid the numerous hairpin bends by climbing more directly in the direction of the Muela. Chiaraque, at the foot of the Muela del Diablo. At this point, continue along the valley, bypassing the village keeping the muela to the right, to finally reach the foot of the rock formation.

The descent can take place along the same road from which you arrived, or on the southern facade, in the direction of Mallasa. Warning! For this second option, suitable equipment is recommended: mountain boots and water supply for a few hours. The journey towards Mallasa, following the path that goes counterclockwise around the Muela, in fact, it requires a few hours (4-6) and an average level of experience as a hiker. Although there are no dangerous passages per se, much of the path, often subject to landslides, skirts deep canyons and partly unstable ridges. After about half an hour the path will turn sharply to the left heading towards the canyon, until it descends. Cross the rivulet and resume the path that continues ideally following the suspended telephone line.Once you reach the valley, heading left, you can follow the course of the river and reach the bridge that will take you back, in half an hour of ascent, to the main road for Mallasa, which is still a couple of kilometers away.

At the time of the exploration (March 2010) part of the path leading to the bridge had been eroded by the river itself, resulting in the need to wade (not recommended) or climb the steep bank a couple of meters to reach the bridge.

Variations to the main itinerary

It is possible to follow the route in reverse, going up from Mallasa to go down to Pedregal. This option, however, is particularly harder, given the slope and the uphill difference in height that from Mallasa can involve several hours of walking more.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but also contains information on how to get there and on the main attractions or activities to be carried out.