Murlo - Murlo

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Murlo is a Italian Parish in the Tuscan province Siena.


The medieval fortress village Castello di Murlo is located in the ancestral home of the Etruscans.

In addition to Castello di Murlo, the municipality also includes the following districts: Casciano di Murlo, Vescovado di Murlo, Bagnaia (privately owned, golf resort), La Befa, Casanova, Fontazzi, Lupompesi, Miniera di Murlo, Montepescini, Poggiobrucoli and Poggiolodoli.

Unless otherwise stated, Murlo usually means Castello di Murlo.

getting there

The municipality is located south of Siena, see also Montagnola senese.

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

Of Siena south on Via Cassia SS 2 bis Monteroni d'Arbia, shortly afterwards in the district of Lucignano d'Arbia you have to leave the main road in a south-westerly direction and immediately cross the railway line. From there the connecting road leads over the district of Savigano and Vescovado to Murlo.

It is possible to get across back roads from Buonconvento to get to Murlo (approx. 10 km).


Map of Murlo

A car or motorcycle is essential, as there is little coverage by public transport. Alternatively by bike, provided you are in good physical condition.

Tourist Attractions


There are some churches worth seeing in the municipality.

  • Chiesa dei Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio, in Bagnaia. Privately owned.
  • Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, in Campriano.
  • Pieve dei Santi Giusto, in Clemente.
  • Pieve di Santa Cecilia, in Crevole. Privately owned.
  • Chiesa di San Biagio, in Filetta.
  • Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo, in Formignano.
  • Chiesa di Sant'Andrea, in Frontignano. Privately owned.
  • Cappella di Santa Maria Assunta alla Befa
  • Pieve di San Michele Arcangelo, in Montepertuso.
  • Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo, in Montepescini.
  • Eremo di Montespecchio, in Murlo.
  • Chiesa di San Fortunato, in Murlo.
  • Cappella di Santa Maria, in Piantasala.
  • Pieve di Santa Maria, in Carli.
  • Chiesa di San Giusto, in Murlo.
  • Chiesa di San Donato, in Vallerano.
  • Chiesa di San Fortunato, in Vescovado di Murlo.


  • 1  Etruscan Museum in Castello di Murlo, Palazzo Vescovile. Finds from the nearby excavation site of the Poggio Civitate necropolis are exhibited in the impressive palazzo.Open: Nov.-Feb. Tue to Sun 10 am-12.30pm, Sat and Sun 2.30pm-5pm, March-October daily 9.30am-12.30pm 3pm-5pm, April September until 7.30pm, July and August until 11pm.
  • Archaeological excavations Poggio Civitate


Please refer Montagnola senese.



Please refer Montagnola senese.



  • Borgo La Bagnaia, Bagnaia.
  • Hotel Mirella, Casa Chiavistrelli.
  • L'Albergo di Murlo, Via Martiri di Rigosecco.



Practical advice


  • Siena. Provincial capital with a very interesting old town.


Web links

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