Møgeltønder - Møgeltønder

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Møgeltønder is a place in South Jutland.


Historically, the small village of Møgeltønder is much more significant - and above all older - than its large neighboring town Tønderwhich used to be "little Tønder". Schackenborg Castle and its predecessors together with their first episcopal, later noble, and finally royal owners formed a Danish enclave in the Duchy of Schleswig for over 400 years - today forms the southern border of the parish (so) at the same time the Danish-German border.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street


When arriving from Germany you drive over Niebüll continue on the B5 across the German-Danish border to Tønder and then turn onto 416 to Møgeltønder.

By boat

By bicycle

The North Sea Cycle Route runs just a few kilometers west of Møgeltønder. If you are coming from Germany and want to cycle to Møgeltønder from here, turn right in Rudbøl on the dt-dan. Border on the border route, which then continues to Tønder.


Map of Møgeltønder

Tourist Attractions

Schackenborg Castle
1  Schackenborg Castle. Schackenborg Castle is a baroque castle that was built by Count von Schack in 1662-1666. He had received the dilapidated Møgeltønderhus of the former Bishop of Ribe from the Danish king as thanks for his services in the war. The grounds of Schackenborg Castle consist of the three-wing castle, the adjoining manor buildings and extensive gardens. The last Count von Schack, who remained without an heir, transferred the castle to the Danish royal family in 1978. From 1993 Prince Joachim, the second son of the Danish Queen, ran the estate. In 2014, however, the palace and estate were transferred to a foundation because the prince moved his center of life to Copenhagen. Schackenborg Castle has not been run as a royal castle since then. However, the viewing times are still irregular. However, the restaurant belonging to the castle is accessible Schackenborg Slottskro.






1  Møgeltønder Camping, Sønderstrengvej 2, Møgeltønder, 6270 Tønder. Tel.: 45 74 73 84 60, Email: .


Practical advice



Web links

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