Arnota Monastery - Mănăstirea Arnota

Arnota Monastery
RO VL Church „St. Archangels ”of the Arnota monastery.JPG
The church „St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel ”
The profile of the monastery
Hram:The Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel
Founder:Matei Basarab and his wife, Elina
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Location:Bistrița, Vâlcea

Arnota Monastery is a monastic settlement located in Vâlcea county, Romania.


Arnota Monastery is the foundation of Matei Basarab and his wife, Elina. It dates from the 17th century, and in 1999, the Archdiocese of Râmnicu (diocese of the Romanian Orthodox Church) transformed this settlement into a nunnery. The monastic ensemble includes: the church „St. Archangels ”built in 1634, the precinct and the body of cells built between 1852-1856. The church has plastered facades and given with lime. They are divided into two unequal registers by a belt. The narthex is covered with two caps, separated by a rectangular arch. The nave is separated from the narthex by a wall through a door. Above the narthex is an octagonal tower. A second tower rises above the nave. The painting dates from 1644 and is attributed to the Stroe painter from Târgoviște. In the narthex of the church are the tombs of Matei Basarab and that of his father, Danciu vel-vornic. The whole of the Arnota monastery is on the list of historical monuments in Romania


The monastery is located in Bistrița village in Vâlcea county, a locality belonging to Costești commune.



  • Pilgrims can be host at the Bistrița Monastery (60 places, bedrooms with 4-6 beds) nearby.


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