Secu Monastery - Mănăstirea Secu

Secu Monastery
RO NT Secu Monastery (enclosure walls) .JPG
The enclosure walls and the bell tower
The profile of the monastery
Hram:The beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Founder:Nestor Ureche
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Location:Pipirig, Neamț County

Secu Monastery is a monastic settlement located in Suceava county, Moldavia, Romania.


Secu Monastery (historical monument), one of the oldest monastic settlements in the Neamț Mountains, was built in 1602 with the support of Nestor Ureche, the father of the famous chronicler Grigore Ureche, on the site of a small hermitage known as "Zosim's Hermitage" .

The monastery church

Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

The Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist preserves the Moldavian style of the 17th century voivodship places of worship. The architectural building has a tin roof and an open, polygonal tower, which rises above the nave. The interior is divided into four rooms; thus: a porch added in the 18th century, the narthex that houses the tomb of the founder Nestor Ureche (on the right) and that of his wife, Mitrofana (on the left), the nave and the altar. The iconostasis is carved in lime wood. The outer walls are surrounded by a simple median belt and a row of niches. Initially the church had a Byzantine interior fresco. In 1850 it was repainted in neo-Byzantine style. The place of worship houses a wooden cross from the Holy Cross on which the Savior was crucified, the relics of the Holy Martyr John the New from Suceava and the Holy Ark where the relics of St. John the Baptist were located.


The monastic settlement is located in the Neamț Mountains, on the administrative territory of Pipirig commune (Neamț county), 79 km. distance from Suceava (national road DN15C and DN2 / E85).


During the tourist season (between April 15 - October 15) Secu Monastery provides accommodation for Romanian and foreign tourists in the Archdiocese of the monastery, in rooms with 2, 4 and 8 beds. The reservation is made at no. of tel. 0233 251 862, at least 30 days before arrival.


  • Address: Str. Secu 1496, Vânători-Neamț village; Vânători-Neamț commune, Neamț county
  • Goal.: 0233 251 862 (Archim. Vichentie Amariei)
  • Official

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