Caboclos Nucleus - Núcleo Caboclos

Caboclos Nucleus is part of one of the most important Conservation Units in the world, the Alto Touristic State Park – PETAR. PETAR is located in Vale do Ribeira in Iporanga, in the southern region of the state of São Paulo.

To arrive

  • Km 294 of Rodovia SP – 250 (26 km from Apiaí or 37 km from Guapiara), continues for 17 km by Estrada do Espírito Santo (ground road) to the base of the Nucleus.

The Caboclos Nucleus is about 75 km from the Santana Nucleus (main PETAR nucleus) and 43 km from the City of Apiaí.


24°25′59″S 48°35′10″W
Caboclos Nucleus Map
  • cave of the hat - 1 . it has 300 m of extension and 5 m of unevenness. Among its attractions are the lounge near the entrance with sand and a skylight that illuminates it at certain times and a hat-shaped speleothem that gives the cave its name. Relatively flat cave with no difficulties in the way. Entrance with low ceiling and the first room illuminated by the light of a secondary entrance. It has a closed circuit (entry and exit through the same mouth). Its visiting circuit, with about 200 m, starts with a low ceiling at the entrance, but the rest does not present difficulties when walking.
  • Cave Kid Hat I - 2 . it is practically a straight tunnel traversed by a river, 169 m long and 8 m in level. It is considered an easy level cave with a wide entrance. Its circuit, with about 100 m of visitation, involves crossing the river and walking always in the opposite direction of its current.
  • Cave Kid Hat II - 3 . it is 58 m long. The crossing (enters one mouth and exits the other) without ramifications. Its visitation circuit, with about 65 m, is made partially by the river and banks, on the rock of one of its banks, in the direction of its current.
  • cave of spiders - 4 . presents 210 m of extension and 7 m of unevenness. Very humid cave, crossed by a river, relatively flat, without a low ceiling and last room in contact with granite rocks. It has a closed circuit (entry and exit through the same mouth) with small lateral branches. Its visitation circuit, about 100 m, starts at the upwelling of the river, which is crossed a few times, requiring some narrow passages through the water to access the final hall.
  • Temimina Cave I - 5 . with 52 m in length and 2.5 m of unevenness, it is known for its scenic beauty of the limestone walls and large conduit amidst the well-preserved vegetation of the Atlantic Forest. Access is from the headquarters of the Nucleus for 9.5 km of distance, with 5 km covered on foot by very steep trails. It has a closed circuit (entry and exit through the same mouth), with about 50 m, which occurs when going down the river and back against its current.
  • Cave Temimina II - 6 . with 1969 m of extension and 85 m of unevenness, it is known for its "Suspended Gardens" Room, wideness of its conduits, great diversity of speleothems, in particular the speleothem called "shower", flowing underground river, large skylights connecting the gallery from the river to the upper fossil galleries, allowing the passage of light and the presence of native vegetation in some stretches. There is the possibility of a closed circuit (entry and exit through the same mouth) with side shunts; or crossing (with entry through one mouth and exit through another) with lateral diversions of 1,500 m.
  • Pedra do Chapéu – It is a Geological Monument formed by granite and supported by an outcrop of limestone. The name lives up to the training;
  • Maximiniano Waterfall – Same access as Sete Reis waterfall, but this time the walk is upriver. It has two 6 m long falls and a natural pool
  • Hat Trail: From the headquarters of the Nucleus, it is a 600 m walk along a well-defined trail, with bridges, steps and stowage. The trail is well preserved, easily accessible and connects the Chapéu Mirim I and II, Aranhas (river gallery) and Chapéu caves – a circuit of about 200 meters in a large ornate gallery.
  • Maximiano Trail: visit the Maximiano and Sete Reis waterfalls;

eat and drink


There is no type of trade within the park, but access with food is allowed at the site - some trails even have a picnic area. Outside the park, meals can be taken at inns, hotels and restaurants in Apiaí.


Accommodation at the park

  • To enter the nucleus is charged a fee of R$ 12.00 (daily visit) and R$ 18.00 per night to camp. The site has a camping area (capacity 60 people), laundries, bathrooms and toilets.


  • It is essential to have a guide to enter the park.
  • Bring sneakers, regular shirt and pants (mandatory items) preferably fabrics that dry quickly (example: tactel), swimwear (bikini, swim trunks etc), sunscreen, insect repellent, canteen, non-slip sneakers, socks, towel, cape of rain and small backpack.
  • Have extra batteries for flashlights and plastic bags to waterproof equipment, as well as to bring your trash back.
  • Be careful on dirt roads in times of heavy rain, which can cause barrier falls and landslides.

Respect (rules)

  • 01 local environmental monitor for every 08 people
  • 20 or 30 minute intervals between each group to enter the caves
  • Every visitor must have a flashlight powered by an electric battery
  • The use of carburetors (visitors and local monitors) is prohibited
  • The visitor must be wearing proper footwear, pants and a shirt with a normal sleeve that protects the shoulders
  • Everyone must fill in a form at the Nucleus entrance or at the Guides' Kiosk with personal data and the control of each cave
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