São Paulo (state) - São Paulo (estado)

São Paulo is a state in the region Southeast of Brazil. It is, without a doubt, the country's economic power, contributing alone to a third of the Brazilian GDP. Among visitors, the state is best known for its huge and somewhat chaotic capital, São Paulo. However, the state's vast countryside offers so much more to enjoy, including wonderful beaches surrounded by forest, a rich Italian and Japanese heritage blended seamlessly with local culture (bumpkin) and thriving, relaxing small towns that can make you forget you're in a developing country.



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São Paulo's rivers, at their best, and an extremely popular hot spring water park.
With the most famous beer in the country and the biggest rodeo festival.
Quiet city and strong marks left by Japanese immigration.
A transition area between the industrialized east and the rural north and west of the state.
Metropolitan Region of Campinas
The bustling metropolis of Campinas, welcoming cities of mineral spring and traditional farms founded by European immigrants.
The city of Sorocaba, the state capital, the tranquility of the Jurumirim and Barra Bonita reservoirs, the canyons and waterfalls of the Itararé Valley.
Baixada Santista
The coastal metropolis of Baixada Santista side by side with the UNESCO protected rainforest area of ​​Vale do Ribeira.
Big Sao Paulo
The extensive metropolitan area of ​​the largest city in the Southern Hemisphere.
North Coast
Beach getaways and, inland, some charming towns in the Paraíba Valley.


The government of the state of São Paulo grants the title of tourist resorts to municipalities that present tourist characteristics and certain requirements such as: leisure conditions, recreation, specific natural and cultural resources.

Other destinations

To arrive



The state of São Paulo has two main accents of the Portuguese language: the accent Paulistan (usually called the São Paulo accent), predominates in Greater São Paulo and surrounding areas, and the accent Bumpkin predominates in the central and western parts of the state. In both accents, the word you is always used to say "you", instead of you.

However, due to the large migration of the North East of the country during the second half of the 20th century, the accents of this region of Brazil can be heard in the big cities, especially in the suburbs.


With the

drink and go out

Rua Augusta is known for its famous rock and LGBT clubs, as well as bars and restaurants from different cultures. The region that was previously marginalized, is now home to new developments, high-end buildings and concert halls.



The state has three state universities, considered the best in the country, University of São Paulo (USP), State University of São Paulo (UNESP) and University of Campinas (UNICAMP).


As of 2010, São Paulo is the Brazilian state with the third lowest homicide rate, just behind Santa Catarina and Piauí. For a visitor, the risk of suffering from violent crime is greater in metropolitan areas (São Paulo, Campinas and Baixada Santista), where social inequality is greater, although crime is highly distributed in these areas. Smaller cities are generally safe for a visitor, but in poorer cities and neighborhoods, it's very wise to avoid displaying goods and keep a low profile.



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