Morro do Diabo State Park - Parque Estadual Morro do Diabo

O Morro do Diabo State Park stay in São Paulo.


Morro do Diabo State Park (PEMD), located at coordinates 27o 27' to 22o 40' of Latitude S and 52o 10' to 52o 22' of Longitude W. It is an area of ​​almost 35,000ha of semi-deciduous seasonal forest ( inland atlantic forest) with great diversity of species, whose best representation is the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus), which finds refuge there for its largest free population. The Morro do Diabo State Park (PEMD) is managed by the Forest Foundation, of the State Secretariat for the Environment. To visit the PEMD, it is necessary to make an appointment by calling (18) 3282-1599, in the Public Use sector.


It was created in 1941 as a reserve, becoming a park in 1986. It has 34,000 ha. and it preserves one of the last areas of highland forest in the country, with ecosystems still original to the region. The Park's own history, intricate with the ancient Guarani reductions and other forest peoples who inhabited the region, mixed with the conflicts between them and the inexorable white civilization, which witnesses the occupation of the territory in the most irrational and imaginable way. it makes the mysterious nickname gained in some remote time count, it makes the Morro do Diabo State Park something spectacular and wonderful. At the time of the explorers they came to enter the place to explore and in this region there were cannibal Indians, they ended up killing all the first explorers and take some to sacrifice on the top of the hill, as nobody knew why the explorers didn't come back they thought it was some kind of curse and from there came the name "Morro do Diabo", but one day a group of explorers went to the hill again and some ended up dying but some survived and told others what happened there.


The entire landscape is dominated by Morro do Diabo, a flat-topped elevation 600 m high.

Flora and fauna

It is one of only four protected areas with more than 10,000 ha, inserted in the morphoclimatic domains of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, more precisely, the Tropical Seasonal Semideciduous Forest, which some authors call the Atlantic Forest of Interior, which covered part of the states of Minas Gerais , Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná, from the western range of the coastal mountains. Within the Atlantic Forest domain, the Interior Forest is the most threatened ecosystem and, within this context, we find the PEMD and the fragments that surround it. It should be noted that this Unit is the only one of this size located in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

The relatively large extension of the PEMD area and its good conservation status allow the occurrence of important species of fauna, including some mentioned in lists of Brazilian animals threatened with extinction. THE tapir (tapirus terrestris), a jawbone (tayassu peccary), O howler monkey (alouatta fusca), O Puma (puma concolor), a Jaguar (panthera onca) and other cats, in addition to one of the most endangered primate species in the world, the black lion tamarin (leontopithecus chrysopygus) which here has its largest population in nature, are just a few examples of the animals that find space for life in the Park's forests.


The regional climate is of the fundamental type CWA, that is, dry climate, hot and humid summer and subtropical macrothermal. The region's rainfall regime is governed by the relief and the predominance of air masses. In summer, the hot, humid and very unstable Continental Equatorial Mass flows in, causing frequent and intense rains. In winter, the region is invaded by the Atlantic Tropical and Atlantic Equatorial Masses, dry and unstable, producing a well-defined dry period. Rainfall presents values ​​between 1,100 mm and 1,300 mm annually. Temperatures range between 13°C (May to August) and 32°C (January to March). The average annual temperature in the region is 21°C.

To arrive

The region is well served by paved highways that connect the municipalities of Pontal to the States of Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul and North of the State of São Paulo, the main one being SP-270 – Rodovia Raposo Tavares – which connects São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul.

From the seat of the municipality of Theodore Sampaio, along the Córrego Seco side road (SPV-28), 11 km from downtown.

Fees and Permissions

The park is open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. You must book in advance by phone: 55 18 32821599.


At PEMD there are 4 interpretive trails, with different attractions, such as the Morro do Diabo and its dazzling landscape, the Paranapanema river, centenary perobas-roses, green lagoon with a suspension bridge. See section Knife.


The rich biodiversity existing in the Park


Hiking along the hill's trail


  • . A place where the visitor receives guidance and information about historical, ecological and cultural aspects, as well as the activities' itinerary. The Museum has taxidermized specimens of fauna, models and indigenous artifacts found in the Park.
  • . With 1200 meters, it has as attractions a lake similar to a large green carpet, due to the vast distribution of the aquatic plant Azola, and also a large anthill of saúvas and an immense Pau-d'alho, completely hollow.
  • . 1400 meters. It takes the visitor to the top of Morro do Diabo, from where the entire area of ​​the Park can be seen, as well as some threat factors and the surrounding landscape: the SP-613 highway, the agrarian reform settlements, the sugarcane fields.
  • . Trail with 3000 meters in length where it is possible to observe numerous pink perobas.
  • . Path that leaves the headquarters and goes along the banks of the Paranapanema River, in an extension of 2000 meters. It has an 8 m high observatory that allows visitors to glimpse the lake landscape and the regenerating forest.


With the

Drink it



The park has simple accommodation, with 7 rooms (2 with 8 seats, 2 with 6 seats, 1 with 5 seats and 2 with 4 seats) with bathrooms (suites); the living room, kitchen and cafeteria are common; does not offer meals, but cooking is possible. Daily: R$ 20.00/person.


In the field


  • It is only possible to visit the park by appointment
  • Do not take food on the trails
  • Do not smoke or produce fire
  • don't go off the trails
  • Do not scratch stones, trees and buildings


The PEMD has specialized surveillance 24 hours a day at Headquarters. The park guard body is composed of 10 members, who travel throughout the Park's areas, carrying out an intense inspection work against hunting, predatory fishing and fires. All trails are monitored of trained guides.


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