Transnistria - Naddniestrze

Приднестровская Республика
Flag of Transnistria (state) .svg
Transnistria in Europe.svg
Coat of arms of Transnistria.svg
Capital cityTiraspol
CurrencyTransnistrian ruble (PRB)
Time zone 3
Surface4163 km²
Population555 500
Official languageMoldavian, Russian, Ukrainian
Dominant religionOrthodoxy
Telephone code 373
Car trafficright hand
Internet domainnone (often used Moldavian .md)

Transnistria - partially internationally recognized country with the capital of Tiraspol, located in Europe. It is only recognized by Abkhazia and South Ossetia (the rest of the countries consider them to be part of the Moldova).


The state is very poor and corrupt. There is a strict registration obligation (within 10 hours of crossing the border).


Transnistria is a lowland country with no access to the sea (it is about 60 km as the crow flies). It is approx. 200 km long and approx. 15 km wide, and lies on the left bank of the Dniester. The country is adjacent to Moldova and Ukraine.


The climate is temperate continental, dry in the south, with relatively mild winters and long hot summers. The average temperature in January ranges from –5 ° C in the north to –3 ° C in the south, in July 19 ° C and 22 ° C respectively. Annual rainfall 400 mm in the south to 560 mm in the north. Rainfall mainly in spring and summer. Snow cover is determined only during the coldest winters. Northwest winds prevail. In winter, frequent thaws.

fauna and Flora

The flora of Transnistria, unlike the fauna, differs from the typical plant formation in central and western Europe. The dominant plant formation are steppes and forest steps. Currently, however, almost the entire area of ​​the former flower and Stipa steppes is occupied by arable fields and meadows, which cover a large part of the country's area. Forest areas occur with steppes and as riparian forests growing along rivers. Forest areas are concentrated mainly on the edges of the country, where beeches, oaks, hornbeams, ash, linden and others are common, and poplars and willows are the most common in riverside forests.

The animal world here is typical of European mixed forests. The forests are home to deer, wild boars, and smaller species of mammals include foxes, badgers, squirrels and martens. Birds are mainly blackbirds, magpies and nightingales. Small game, represented by numerous rodents, occurs in non-forested areas. Steppe birds include larks, quails and partridges. In the meadow areas, species typical of the steppes are common, and in winter, European bustards, rare in Europe, appear.

Culture and art


Mostly poor, more than 60% consists of Russians and Moldovans, who are usually poor, and many of whom are related to the neighboring Ukraine, incl. through a better situation than with Moldova, to which it belongs. Recently, this situation has slightly worsened, mainly as a result of pressure on the Ukrainian government, which is turning a blind eye to the smuggling of goods on the Transnistrian-Ukrainian border.

According to statistics, 91% of the inhabitants of Transnistria belong to the Orthodox Church and 4% to the Catholic Church. Catholics are mainly inhabitants of the north of the country inhabited by the Polish minority.

Worth seeing


Transnistria is divided into 7 districts (including two urban ones):

  1. Kamionka area
  2. Dubosary district
  3. Grigoriopol district
  4. Administrative divisions of Transnistria
    Rybnica area
  5. Slobozia area
  6. Bendery (town with district rights)
  7. Tiraspol (city with district rights)


Other interesting places

  • Dniestersk
  • Kickany
  • Slobozia-Rașcov


By plane

The main airport is Tiraspol airport. There are no direct connections to Poland. It is recommended to connect to Chisinauand from there direct to Tiraspol. Air connections from Poland (Warsaw-Okecie Airport) to Moldavian Chisinau (Chisinau airport) are operated by LOT Polish Airlines.

By train

The only railway connections in the Republic of Transnistria include towns on the lines Podojmica-Bodeni, Rybnica-Kobasna and Bendery-Tiraspol-Dniestersk. Unfortunately, these lines run from east to west and connect towns in Ukraine with towns in Moldova. In total, the Transnistrian railways cover almost 162.5 km of tracks and about 20 railway stations.

By car

It is best to get to Transnistria by car, but you should remember about strict passport and customs control.

By bus


There are hardly any rail connections in the country, so buses - if available - will be your only choice. Marshrutkas (minibuses) travel between cities much faster (and more often) than buses. They cost a bit more, but travel much faster and sometimes more comfortably. Of course, if you choose your own car as a means of transport, you should take into account that there will be no difficulties, apart from the condition of the roads in Transnistria, no gas stations and no police checks.


Taxis in Tiraspol are very popular and quite cheap. However, beware of frequent scams - negotiate the price before entering the taxi. If you are late on the last bus to Chisinau at 18:35, you can take a taxi from Tiraspol to Chisinau, which should not cost more than $ 30. As of August 2018, taxis booked by a local guide on this route can be negotiated from as low as $ 15.


Everywhere you can communicate in Russian, which is also the language of the government administration, but also Ukrainian and Moldavian (regional Romanian, written in Cyrillic) are well known.



The prices of food products in stores are approximately 30% lower than in Poland. Similarly, in fast food establishments - in the popular chain Andy's Pizza or La Placinte, specializing in local cuisine, we will not pay more than PLN 20 for a full-size dinner (with a drink).


Tipping waiters etc. is not common practice but will be gladly accepted.

Food and cuisine

Entertainment and nightlife



The main scientific center of Transnistria is its capital, where most of the national schools operate. The seat here is the Transnistrian National University. Taras Shevchenko, founded in 1930.


Working in Transnistria is a practically unprecedented practice due to the constant threat of a conflict with Moldova, and also for economic reasons. 1 Transnistrian ruble is about 0.25 Polish zlotys, therefore Poles are not profitable to work in this "country".


There are often arrests for political reasons. Participation in rallies, holidays and political gatherings can be dangerous, so it is worth avoiding participation in such events, and in the crowd you should keep an eye on your belongings and check your surroundings (the area you are currently in).


Cultural aspects


Diplomatic representations

There is no Polish diplomatic representation in Transnistria - it should be remembered that it is in Chisinau (or any other!) does not help Polish citizens entering Transnistria.