Nahal Amud - Nahal Amud

Nahal Amud Nature Reserve is a national park in Upper Galilee.

"The Pillar"


The nature park extends over an extensive area along the course of the Nahal Amud (or Wadi Lamun). The Amud Stream takes south of Dalton Lake resp. the settlement of Dalton its origin, in its course the Nahal Meron (Nahal Meiron) flow from the west and Nahal Sekhvi from an area north of Safed. The Israel National Trail enters the river valley from the north and leaves it in the south towards the Arbel to turn.

in the Northern part The park's paths lead to the year-round water source Ein Yakim and to the Sekhvi Pools, which are formed at the confluence with the Nahal Sekhvi.

In the middle section that dated West access The park reached by Kfar Shamai is the short twisted one Nahal Seter reachable. From Mount Mizpeh Yamim there is an excellent view of Galilee, the Lake genezareth, on the summit ruins of an Israelite fortress. The path then leads down into Nahal Seter and to the source A setter.

In the southern section you can reach the rock pillar "The Pillar", which gave the valley its name, and several caves.


The caves in the south of Nahal Amud were already settled in prehistoric times; skeletal remains from the time of the Neanderthals were found here.


The Nahal Amud extends from north to south and flows into the Sea of ​​Galilee, it receives various tributaries from the side valleys Nahal Meron, Nahal Sekhvi, in the middle section Nahal Seter and in the southern area Nahal Achbera. There are numerous caves in the steep slopes of the gorge.

Flora and fauna

The river valley is lined with Tabo oak, Judas tree, Kermes oak, Christ thorn Jujuba and along the river oleander. In spring, the blooms on the slopes Two-flowered tulip (Tulipa biflora).

Birds of prey and rock pigeons nest on the steep slopes, and wall creepers can rarely be seen.


In northern Galilee there is a Mediterranean climate, in the hills in northern Israel comparatively large amounts of rain fall in the winter and spring months.

getting there

The parking entrances are practically only accessible with your own (motor) vehicle, unless you complete it Israel National Trail completely on foot.

Fees / permits

29/15 NIS, for overnight stays at the campsite an additional 40/30 NIS


In the park area one moves on foot, due to the steep terrain, the paths can only be conquered on foot.

Tourist Attractions





Hotels and hostels





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