Narino - Nariño

Narino is a department of Colombia.


  • Pacific region
  • Andean region
  • Amazon region

Other destinations


Located in the south east of the country, Nariño is limited to the south by Ecuador, to the east by the department of Putumayo, to the north by the department of Cauca and to the west with the peaceful sea. Its capital is Pasture, and stand out as main cities, Ipiales Y Tumaco. The department has a varied geography, in which we find the Andes mountain range and the knot of the pastures, where the three mountain ranges of Colombia, and different volcanoes such as the Cumbal, Azufral and Galeras volcanoes, with cold temperate climates and moors where you can see frailejones over 2 meters high (200 years). To the west of the department is the alluvial plain of the Pacific, through which the Patria, Mira and Iscuandé rivers circulate, which has a warm climate. On the other side to the east of the department, the Amazon slope, covered with jungle, begins, in which the Laguna de la Cocha, and the Caquetá and Putumayo rivers.


  • Carnival of Blacks and Whites, Pasture. January 3-6
  • Festivities of the Corota. The Encano.
  • Feast of Our Lady of Las Lajas. Ipiales.

To get

By plane



In taxi

By bus

By car

To eat

Drink and go out



external links