Huerquehue National Park - Nationalpark Huerquehue

Vista del Vulcón Villarrica desde el Parque Nacional Huerquehue.jpg

The Huerquehue National Park is north of Pucón in Chile. It is a popular hiking destination and is best known for its lagoons and native forest.


Location map of Chile
Huerquehue National Park
Huerquehue National Park



Flora and fauna


getting there

The park entrance is about 40 km northeast of Pucon near "Caburgua" and the lake of the same name. The easiest way to get there is by bus. This runs three times a day (Jan / Feb four times) and costs CLP 2,000 / 3,600 (one way / return trip).

Fees / permits

Entry costs CLP 2,500 once for foreigners and must be paid in cash. You receive a simple hiking map as well as a marker that you should always carry with you officially (e.g. on your rucksack).


Map of Huerquehue National Park

The trails in the park are only accessible on foot or on horseback.

Tourist Attractions

The park is known for its well-marked hiking trails that lead through native forest to dazzling lagoons. To the north of the park are the secluded and natural ones Eco Termas Río Blancothat are ideal for multi-day hikes. The surroundings of the park, such as the "Lago Tinquilco" in front of the park entrance, are also very popular with anglers.


Sendero San Sebastian

This easy summit tour takes you through the original Araucania forest and later along the ridge up to a beautiful panoramic summit. The starting point of the hike is on the road a few hundred meters behind the national park entrance 1 Lake Tinquilco, where there is also a parking lot. Duration: 6.5h (4h ascent) Difference in altitude: 1100m

Sendero de los Lagos

The Sendero de los Lagos begins at the end of the driveway on the northern side of "Lago Tinquilco". You climb up stairs and a well-paved path through the forest to a high plateau. On the way you pass two beautiful viewpoints with the lake in the foreground and the Villarica volcano in the background. You can also make two short detours to waterfalls, which, however, can also be very arid during the season.

Once on the high plateau, you can marvel at a multitude of individual blue-green lagoons in the rustic forest. The Laguna Toro and the Laguna Verde with their viewpoints "Puntilla de Laguna Verde / Toro" are particularly recommended. The different lagoons are connected by a branched network of paths, so that you can choose your own circular route before you descend again on the ascent route.

We also recommend the "Mirador Renahue" at the northern end of the Plateus with a beautiful panorama.

This hike is also suitable as a multi-day tour if you descend from the Mirador Renahue north into the valley to "Camping Renahue". From there you can then hike as a further day's stage to the Termas del Rio Blanco. It is also possible to hike directly from Lake Tinquilco to the thermal baths in a day's stage. However, this is physically very demanding and takes about 8 hours / over 20km.

Termas del Río Blanco

The Eco Termas del Río Blanco are north of the park in a very remote valley. Via the "Sendero de los Lagos" they can be easily reached via hiking trails (1-2 day tour one way). The approach via the gravel road between "Curarrehue" and "Cunco" is tedious.

The thermal bath consists of two near-natural stone pools in the open air and is surrounded by orchards and two campsites, as well as the Rio Blanco. The thermal bath is permanently open (24 hours, 365 days a year) and entry costs CLP 4,000. At night has my beautiful view of the starry sky in the remote and dark valley. The campsite is on the meadow next to it and costs CLP 3,000.


At the northern end of "Lago Tinquilco" there is a small kiosk on the road that sells the most essential items. You can also look after yourself at the Olga campsite.

There are only a few small grocery stores between Pucon and the park entrance. It is advisable to do all the necessary errands in Pucón.


Simple meals are served at Camping Olga as well as in the accommodations. If you are looking for culinary diversity, you have to look again Pucón to return.


Hotels and hostels

  • Refugio Tinquilco. Woody mountain hut on the northern shore of Lake Tinquilco near Camping Olga but without access to the beach.
  • Refugio Renahue. Simple accommodation in the middle of the national park for multi-day hikes; at Camping Renahue.


  • Camping y Refugio Olga. simple but beautiful campsite on the shores of Lake Tinquilco with a beach; Close to all hiking trails; Dining room; also Refugio (12er Dorm) and Cabaña on site; small shop (bread, kiosk, breakfast); no wi-fi; USB charging possible.Price: CLP 6,000.
  • Camping Renahue. Only campsite in the park; halfway between the thermal baths and the park entrance at the end of the Sendero de los Lagos; Near the refugio of the same name; almost no infrastructure but still chargeable.

Practical advice

The accommodations and campsites usually have no internet connection. With a SIM card from "Entel" or "Movistar", however, you have reliable cellular reception and slow mobile internet around "Lago Tinquilco" and in the southern section of the park (Sendero San Sebastian and ascent to the lakes).

There is no cell phone coverage in the north of the park and at Termas Río Blanco.


There were a few problems with that Hantaviruswhich can be transmitted to humans from rats through their feces. Up-to-date information on the spread and simple protective measures is available when you enter the park.

Therefore, and to protect against foxes and other wild animals, you should always keep your food supplies safe.


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