National Park Pre-Delta - Nationalpark Pre-Delta

The National Park Pre-Delta (also Diamante National Park) is in the south of the province Entre Ríos in the argentinianMesopotamia, near the city Diamante. It is quite small with 2,458 hectares and protects a swampy, humid landscape with meadows and forests in the upper delta of the Río Paraná.

The park, which is located entirely on Delta Islands, can only be visited by boat; there are also tourist excursions.


National park map


The park was established in 1992.


The park includes low islands, some of which are inundated during floods. In the lower areas there are reed areas and wet meadows, while forests thrive in the higher areas.

Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna are adapted to the humid habitat. Willows and alders dominate the forests. Numerous species of birds live in the region, including many water birds such as swans, ducks and herons. Only small mammals populate the region, such as armadillos and nutrias; the previously numerous pampa deer were almost completely exterminated. A small species of crocodile, up to 2.50 m long Spectacled Caiman (in Argentina as Yacaré Ñato known) was also detected.


The climate is temperate to subtropical and humid all year round. The summers are very warm and humid, then temperatures of 30 to 35 degrees are to be expected. Spring and autumn are pleasantly warm, while winter can be fresh, especially at night (around 15 degrees during the day).

getting there

The starting point is the city Diamante, which is 60 km south of Paraná and is served by many bus routes, especially those on the route Buenos Aires - Paraná run.

From Diamante it is 6 km to the south on a dirt road that is temporarily closed when it rains La Jaulawhere there is a campsite and a meeting point for visitors; a little further west La Azoteawhere you can get the essentials.

Fees / permits

Entry to the park is free.


The only way to get around the park is by boat. There are driveways on the northern bank of the Arroyo La Azotea, which forms the northern boundary of the park.

Tourist Attractions


There are two created nature trails in La Jaula, but they are only short walks. Longer hikes are not possible in the park.

If you have your own boat, you can use it to explore the park. Otherwise there is the possibility of an excursion with boats from a travel agency (Excursiones Fluviales Ave Fénix, Tel: 0343-154768525 and 154657314).

Sport fishing is allowed in La Jaula.


In La Azotea there is a small shop to stock up on essentials. Otherwise Diamante, which as a middle provincial town has almost all amenities, is the better place for shopping.


In the park itself you have to bring everything with you. In Diamante, on the other hand, there are numerous restaurants.


Hotels and hostels

There are no hotels in the park itself, but there is a small hostel in La Azotea (

Rancho La Azotea, Paraje La Azotea. Tel.: (0)343- 498 1792.


There are better accommodation options in Diamante. On the portal Diamante Digital you will find updated information on hotels, hostels and campsites in Diamante.


A small, free campsite without any special infrastructure has been set up in La Jaula.


The crocodiles are potentially dangerous, but very rare and critically endangered. Bathing should therefore only be done in designated areas.


To the north of Diamante there are some villages that have developed from colonies of Volga Germans and have thus developed their own architecture. These include the small, very traditional ones Aldea Protestant, Valle María, Aldea Brasilera, Aldea San Francisco and Sparrow cutter as well as the larger ones further to the east Crespo and General Ramirezthat have developed into prosperous country towns.


Web links

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