Nazca (city) - Nazca (città)

Map of Peru

Nazca (or Nasca) is a city in the Southern coast of Peru belonging to the territory Peruvian in the Department of Ica.

To know

Nazca is a dusty outpost of the coastal desert of the Peru, razed several times to the ground by disastrous earthquakes. Its tourist interest would therefore be reduced to a flicker if it were not for the presence in its immediate vicinity of the so-called Nazca lines, man-made paths that form stylized figures of plants and animals visible only from above. The largest figures reach dimensions of 300 m. The designs were made by the Nazca people who in the 4th century BC. snatched from the Parasca the dominance over these desert lands and managed to maintain it until the 7th century AD.

The motive that induced the Nazca people to draw the lines is unknown even if the most disparate hypotheses have been formulated in this regard.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By car

Nazca is located on the Pan-American Highway, 443 km south of File. Cuzco it is 420 km further east. Both roads are in good condition considering the standards Peruvians.

On the Panamericana in the direction of File are Ica (130 km), the departmental capital e Pisco (205 km)

How to get around

What see

  • Nazca Lines (20 km north of the town on the Pan-American road). The lines are located about twenty km north of the town in correspondence with the Pan-American cart at the edge of which a mirador (observation tower) has been set up. To climb to the top of the mirador you pay an entrance ticket. However, the view is limited to just three figures who don't even stand out all that well. To see them all clearly, you will need to fly over them by plane or helicopter. At the local airport are the counters of 6/7 charter companies that offer to take aspiring visitors around the skies of Nazca in small pleasure planes. Otherwise you can contact one of the many agencies in the city. One, the [http: / Alegría Tours], belongs to the owners of the Alegria hotel shown below. A closer way of flying is by helicopter and is offered by the agency [http: / Mystery Peru]. On board you will not find any guide that will give you explanations on what unfolds before your eyes.
  • Antonini Museum, Avenida de la Cultura 600 (10 minutes walk from Plaza de Armas). Ecb copyright.svgEntrance fee. Inaugurated in 1999, the Antonini museum exhibits finds from archaeological excavations in the surrounding area, including some mummies
  • Acueductos de Cantalloc (4 km southwest of Nazca on the Puquio – Cuzco carriageway). Underground system of stone canals intended to irrigate the surrounding desert fields. The channels have a serpentine shape to slow the flow of water. Many date back to the Inca era and are still in operation. Entrance fee.
  • María Reiche House-Museum, Location San Pablo, Carretera Panamericana Sur Km 420 (26 km from the town in the direction of Ica). Museum dedicated to María Reiche, a mathematician of German origin who lived many years in this humble house dedicating himself to the study of the Nazca lines.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices

  • Alegría hotel, Lima 168, 51 056 522444. Hotel with 43 rooms, some of them with A / C. The price includes the 1st breakfast. Free Internet access. If you request it, you will be picked up for free at the suburban bus terminal. Restaurant service, swimming pool. The owners of the hotel also run a tourist agency


How to keep in touch


Cementerios de Chauchilla (40 km south of Nazca) Necropolis of the Inca-Chincha period dating back to a period of time between the 11th and 15th centuries AD. C. Only 12 of the hundreds are open to the public. Many were looted by local grave robbers (huaqueros in Spanish)


From Nazca it is possible to proceed on the Panamericana Carretera in a southerly direction to the city of Arequipa (about 580 km). From there you can continue for Puno (another 300 km) and, once made the excursions to the islands of the lake Titicaca, to Cuzco (388 km).

If you do not want or time to take such a long tour you can take a bus to Nazca that will take you in 7/8 hours directly to Cuzco going up a mountain road kept in good condition.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Nazca (city)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Nazca (city)
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