Noia - Noia

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Noia is a small town on the eponymous Ría in Galicia.


At the end of Ría de Muros e Noia is the small town, which is also the economic and commercial "center" of the surrounding area, i.e. here you can find shopping opportunities and service providers have their branches.

The town is located at the western end of the estuary, at the mouth of the river Rio Traba, this is spanned by several bridges. The tides already have a strong effect in the area of ​​the mouth, at high tide fishing boats sway majestically in the water, at low tide only a very narrow trickle runs through the shallow silt.
The old town is north of the mouth around the Igrexa / Iglesia di S. Martin and the Praza do Tapal and invites you to stroll along the narrow streets, instead of a beach promenade, the coastal road runs along the shore; There are only limited bathing opportunities, in the south there are much more attractive beaches. The town no longer has a deep-water port for large ships.

A few centuries ago it was different. The town Noia was founded in 1168 after pirate settlements had already existed nearby. It was considered a port city for Santiago de Compostela and was used by the Archbishops of Santiago as a summer residence.

getting there

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Santiago-Lavacolla.

By train

The railway line Santiago de Compostela - Vigo circumnavigates the estuary and the town of Noia in the west.

By bus

There are bus connections with Santiago and the places along the coastal road Monbus SA.

In the street

Of Santiago de Compostela resp. the AutopistaA9A Coruña - Santiago - Pontevedra - Vigo you can reach Noia on the road AC-543, parallel to this is the expressway CG-1.5 built.
The coastal road AC-550 pulls from Fisterra in the north about Noia and the coastal towns to the south around the Ría de Arousa to circumnavigate. "Abbreviations" through the interior of the country may appear tempting on the map, on the few narrow streets that cross the hills, getting around with the motor vehicle is arduous and with the bike it is sweaty.

By boat

Noia does not have a ferry or sea port, a small one 1 The marina is to the west, near the beach Praia do Testal.


Map of Noia

The town can be easily explored on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Noia: Igrexa S. Martino
Noia: rose window on the Igrexa S.Martino
Noia: Igrexa de Santa María a Nova
Igrexa de Santa María a Nova
  • the city church 1 Igrexa de S. Martino de Noia was in the 15th century. Built in the Gothic style, the design of the portal is based on the glorious portal of the cathedral in Santiago, a huge rose window dominates the facade.
about the church and the Praza do Tapal the old town expands with alleys and numerous shops.
  • the 2 Igrexa de San Francisco, which in the 16th century The Franciscan church built is based on the town hall, which was set up in the area of ​​the subsequent monastery that became state-owned.
  • the former church 3 Igrexa de Santa María a Nova was in the area of ​​previous buildings in the 14th century. built in Romanesque - Gothic style. In 1973 the surrounding cemetery was classified as an art historical monument and the church was converted into a museum. Over 500 grave steles are exhibited in and around the church, some with inscriptions, and the many steles with depictions of tools and symbols from various professions and guilds are exceptional. They should be unique in Europe. The story that one could be buried in Noia in the earth of Jerusalem, which was transported by galleons from the Holy City to Noia, belongs in the realm of legend.
  • the church can still be found in the vicinity 4 Igrexa de Sta Mariña do Obre, the 5 Igrexa de S. Pedro de Boa in the west and the 6 Igrexa de Santa Maria de Roo north.
Noia: Casa do Concello
  • the 7 Casa do Concello, the town hall is housed in the monastery building next to the former Franciscan church.
  • Pazo Dacosta. From the 14th century
  • Pazo do Forno do Rato. From the 15th century
  • Hospital de Adentro. The only pilgrim hospital from the Middle Ages still preserved in Noia.


Noia: Praia de Boa
  • the beaches are ideal for swimming and water sports 1 Praia do Testal, the 2 Praia do Taramancos and 1 Boa Grande further west at boa, the small beach close to the city 3 Abruñeiras and the 4 Praia da Barquiña further north.


Numerous shops can be found in the old town around the church and the Praza do TapalAs everywhere in Galicia (in the far west of the time zone CET, the sun rises late and sets extremely late on summer evenings) the shops are open in the morning from 10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and in the evening from 4.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

The supermarkets Eroski and Slide with a relatively large supply are located on the western approach road.


Typical Galician dishes include the Empañadas (dumplings with vegetables and / or meat filling) and the hearty Galician stews.



  • 1  Hotel Noia, Rúa Curros Enriquez, Nº27 Noia. 15200.
  • 2  Hotel Tio Manolo, Rúa Outonil 1, 15200 Noia.


  • the 2 Centro de Saúde de Noia, Rúa República Argentina 21, Tel. 34 981 842 180 runs an emergency department

Practical advice

  • Tourist Office, Rua Luis Cadarso, 6. Tel.: 34 981 824 169.
  • 3  Oficina de Correos (Post Office), at Rúa Santísima Trinidad 15. Tel.: 34 981 822 405.


Noia: Cova da Moura, Argalo
  • the 4 Dolmen of Argalo / Cova da Moura, de facto a stone ring, because the cover plate is missing, is located southwest of the city.
  • more welcoming beaches in the region are found north of Muros (5 Carnota Beach and in the course of AC-550 south to Ribeira.
  • for a trip to the following in the south Ría de Arousa Allow enough time for your popular holiday destinations.
  • as day trips can Santiago de Compostela with the much-visited cathedral and that Cabo Fisterra can be easily reached.


Web links

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