North (Sudan) - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Nord (Soudan) — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Northern Province
Local transport in Kerma
Local transport in Kerma
Chief town
19 ° 16 ′ 12 ″ N 29 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ E

The northern province (in Arabic: الشمالية, al-šmalyh, "Ach Chamaliyah") is a state of Northern Sudan.


The natural axis to visit this desert region crossed by the Nile is obviously the river. We can however distinguish two main areas of interest:

  • Karima and its region
  • the Nile valley north of Dongola


The main cities of the Northern Province are:

  • 1 Dongola Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – (the capital)
  • 2 Karima Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • Marawi
  • Kerma
  • Argo
  • Shelter
  • Ed Deba

Other destinations

Along the Nile

  • 1 Wadi Halfa (وادي حلفا) Logo indicating a wikipedia link – City on the shore of Lake Nubia (Sudanese name for Lake Nasser)
  • 2 2 ° Cataract of the Nile  – it was in Nubia, now submerged by the waters of Lake Nasser


  • 3 Tiyi temple Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Tiyi, wife of Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten

Jebel dosha

  • 4 Jebel Docha  – Engraving of Jebel Docha (or Jebel Dosha)


  • 5 Temple of Amun Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Temple of Amun at Soleb



TO 16 km north of Delgo English bridge with deck, relic of the abandoned railway:

Kagbar Ottoman Fort

Twin sisters

  • 6 3 ° Cataract of the Nile  – Third cataract or cataract of Kagbar, in the vicinity of Tumbus


  • 7 Tumbus (a few km north of Kerma) – Statue and hieroglyphics.


capital of the Nubian kingdom from -2450 to -1480

  • Western Deffufa
  • Eastern Deffufa

Towards -2400, the city is centered around a monumental religious building built in mud bricks, called the Deffufa.

  • 8 Doukki Gel ("the red hill" in Nubian) Logo indicating a wikipedia link
  • 9 Kerma  – Capital of the Nubian kingdom from -2450 to -1480
Sudan. The great mud brick temple, known as Western Deffufa in the ancient city of Kerma.
  • 10 Ancient karima  – El-Kourrou - Vast ancient necropolis used between the end of the IXe century and the VIIe century BC. Petrified forest. Jebel Barkal. The Pyramids of Nurri.

In the Libyan desert

Gala Abu Ahmed is a ruined fortress downstream from Wadi Howar, measuring 120 meters on 180 meters. It is located at 110 km west of the Nile. Discovered in 1984 by archaeologists from the University of Cologne, it dates from the Napatan era (around 750-350 BC) of the kingdom of Kush. [[1]]. It is the largest construction known to date in the Sudanese desert.

To speak


To buy


Have a drink / Go out


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Destinations located in the region