Notranjsko-kraška - Notranjsko-kraška

GoriškaObalno-kraškaNotranjsko-kraškaGorenjskaCentral SloveniaSoutheast SloveniaSpodnjeposavskaZasavskaSavinjskaKoroškaPodravskaPomurskaAustriaItalyCroatiaHungary
Location of the Notranjsko-kraška region

Notranjsko-kraška is a region in the south Slovenia on the border with Croatia.


Other goals



getting there


Tourist Attractions

  • Snežnik Castle
  • War History Park, in Pivka. Armored vehicles used by the former Yugoslav People's Army in both world wars are exhibited here.


  • Postojna Caves. To visit about 5 of the altogether 21 kilometers long corridors, one is driven with the electric cave train. The only cave vertebrate in Europe lives in the cave, the Cave olm, a pale amphibian.
  • Križna jama cave, near Loško Polje.
  • 1  Javni zavod Notranjski regijski park, Tabor 42, 1380 Cerknica. Tel.: 386 1 709 06 26. Notranjska Regional Park, there are well-marked cycle paths within the park.
    • Bee educational trail by Lake Cerknica - Pretržje
    • Scientific educational trail Rakov Škocjan
    • Menišija scientific educational trail
  • Rakov Škocjan. Canyon.



Typical for the Notranjsko-Kraška region are: vegetable soups, pasta dishes, gnocki, dumplings, dishes with mushrooms, game meat dishes, sausages with sauerkraut and turkey meat with flatbread




The lowest temperature ever recorded in Slovenia was measured from this area, -35 degrees Celsius.


Web links

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