New Zealand - Nya Zeeland

New Zealand
New Zealand - Location
Weapon & Flag
New Zealand - Weapons
New Zealand - Flag
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New Zealand is a country in Oceania.

Planning before the trip

To take with you to New Zealand

It is forbidden to bring food to New Zealand. Everything must be left, sweets, fruits - nothing comes through customs.

To bring with you from New Zealand

New Zealand is a mixture of several different cultures and therefore e.g. traditional maori crafts a nice souvenir.

Facts about New Zealand

New Zealand has a well-developed tourism infrastructure. Both the north and south islands are rich in sights, and these sights are accurately and clearly marked on the tourist maps. Impressive is also the condition of all the bridges and paths that have been built around these sights to make it easy for tourists to find and get to the right place. Wherever you turn, there is a sign with "scenic view".


New Zealand was uninhabited until sometime between 1000 and 1300, then polynesian settled there. This culture then became known as the Maori.

The first Europeans to arrive in New Zealand were the Dutchman Abel Tasman's expedition in 1642. James Cook's expedition mapped the islands 1769-1770. In 1840, New Zealand became part of the British Empire.

New Zealand became an independent territory on September 26, 1907. Full independence was granted by the British Parliament with "The Statute of Westminster" in 1931. This was completed by the New Zealand Parliament in 1947. Since then, New Zealand has been an independent constitutional monarchy during the British Commonwealth.

The locals


New Zealand has a mild temperate climate that rarely falls below 0 ° C or reaches above 30 ° C. However, there are regional differences; The southern island has the coldest climate with tendencies towards a continental climate inland, while the northern north island has the closest Mediterranean climate [1].


In New Zealand, National Day is celebrated on 6 February.



Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and has 450,000 inhabitants. Largest city: Auckland with 1.2 million inhabitants.

Getting to New Zealand

By plane

By bus

By train

By boat

With car

With bike

Relocation in New Zealand

By plane

By bus

By train

With car

By taxi

With bike

With lifting


Acceptable currencies

Traveler's checks

Charge card



Food and drinks

New Zealand's favorite dishes are meat, especially lamb and beef. On their national day, they eat food like Fish'n Chips because their food culture is very British. There are also Indian and Chinese restaurants in New Zealand.

To see

If you like magnificent nature experiences, New Zealand is the right place to go. Here you will find everything from subtropical nature to high mountains with glaciers.

To do

Great Barrier Island: The island has fantastic sandy beaches and great places to hike. Not many tourists find their way here, either.





Problem solver

In Sweden

In place


Absolutely not to be missed

Try bungee jumping from the famous bridge outside Queenstown.