Oltenia - Oltenia

Cozia National Park
Oltenia - Localization

Oltenia (former Wallachia Minor, Wallachia Alutana or Wallachia Caesarea) is a region of Romania.

To know

In its sub-Carpathian area there are the spas of Olănesti, Călimanesti Căciulata, Govora, the monasteries of Horezu and Cozia, the "Peşterea Muierii" and Polovragi caves.

Geographical notes

It is sandwiched between the Danube, the Transylvanian Alps and the Olt River.

When to go

It has a temperate climate.

Territories and tourist destinations

The territory of Oltenia today consists of the five administrative districts of Mehedinţi, Gorj, Dolj, Vâlcea and Olt.

Urban centers

  • 1 Calafat - Located on the banks of the Danube, facing the city Bulgarian of Vidin.
  • Craiova - The main city of the region.
  • 2 Călimăneşti - Small town surrounded by mountains and known for its thermal springs.
  • 3 Drobeta-Turnu Severin - There are Roman remains.
  • 4 Horezu - Near a monastery declared patrimony of theUNESCO.
  • 5 Râmnicu Vâlcea - Inhabited since Roman times, but heavily rebuilt at the end of the 20th century.
  • 6 Târgu Jiu - Developed around a large coal seam. There you can admire the works of the famous sculptor Constantin Brâncuşi, "Poarta sărutului"(The door of the kiss),"Masa tăcerii"(The table of silence) and"Coloana infinitului"(The column of infinity).

Other destinations

  • Bistret lake - Located in the Dolj district.
  • Buila-Vânturarița National Park (Parcul Național Buila-Vânturarița)
  • Cozia National Park (Parcul Național Cozia)

How to get

How to get around

What see

Tismana Monastery
  • 1 Tismana Monastery (Mănăstirea Tismana) (TO Tismana. On the Drobeta - Târgu Jiu highway.). Tismana Monastery (Q3320345) on Wikidata
  • 2 Baia de Aramă Monastery (Mănăstirea Baia de Aramă) (TO Baia de Aramă). Baia de Aramă monastery (Q15079577) on Wikidata
  • 3 Monastery of Horezu (TO Horezu). Heritage UNESCO, built between 1691 and 1697. Horezu Monastery on Wikipedia Horezu Monastery (Q733069) on Wikidata
  • 4 Cozia Monastery (Mănăstirea Cozia). Cozia Monastery on Wikipedia Cozia Monastery (Q3320280) on Wikidata
  • Trajan's Bridge. Bridge over the Danube, built by Apollodorus of Damascus, in the years 103 - 105 AD, during the conquest of Dacia.
  • Roman fort (Castrum). Built in the time of Emperor Hadrian.

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Oltenia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Oltenia
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