Olympos (Lycia) - Olympos (Lykien)

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Olympos (Lycia) is an alternative holiday village, Lycian ruin site and beach in the Turkey South from Kemer. The village of Cirali (Çıralı) is located immediately north of Olympos and is included in this article as a common travel destination. Both places have long ceased to be independent municipalities. The Chimeras of Olympos are well worth a visit.


In Greek mythology, the fire-breathing chimera once lived nearby before it was heroically defeated by Bellerophon. Even today the mountain blazes continuously from numerous holes in the ground due to a gas fire. Beginning of the 1st century v. The city appeared in sources for the first time. Here it is assigned to the six most important cities of Lycia. Located on a mountain slope with a mountain stream, the city had its own port, Korykos, in addition to the fresh water supply. Olympos was also known for the Mithras cult practiced here. The location was so strategically valuable that pirates soon settled here. From here and from Phaselis They went out on a foray under the guidance of a certain Zeniketes, whose origin is unknown to this day. It was so successful that Rome in 77 BC. BC sent troops to become this master. The victory of the Romans was clear. In his hopeless situation, Zeniketes locked himself in his house and set himself on fire. The war was a bitter blow for the city from which it should no longer recover. Although the place soon became the place of worship of Hephaestus and trade flourished in the port, the place increasingly lost its importance. In 150 AD the city was renamed Hadrianopolis by the Emperor Hadrian. In the 3rd year AD the city gets a bishopric. After that, the history of the city is lost. Man assumes that the last residents left the city in the 15th century.

Today the area belongs to the Olympos National Park. Here you will find the ruins of the ancient city in a dreamlike environment. The beach, which is a nature reserve due to the turtles that live here, is free and enjoys a rather alternative flair. So it is not surprising that the public and the accommodations live up to this alternative claim.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is certainly the one in Antalya. From here the road continues. Another possibility is in the Dalaman airport to be found, but which is further away.

By bus

From the bus station Antalya there is a bus every half hour Fethiye after about 1.5 hours it will reach the Olympus stop. This is directly on the federal highway D400. From here, the Dolmuş goes the last 11 km into the valley. This is where it gets tricky. Those who follow Çirali want to have to walk about 300 meters on the D400 in the direction of Antalya, as the way into the valley for Çirali begins here. There is also a dolmuş connection here, but this is much less frequented. Therefore, it makes sense to make sure that a car is also here about the final destination. In any case, do not forget to give the bus driver the destination address when boarding. From Fethiye the buses to Antalya only run every hour. But here too, from the D400 onwards, you should take the Dolmuş into the valley.

In the street

Of Antalya take the D400 in the direction of Kumluca. The road has four lanes and is in relatively good condition. KGS signs are hanging in front of some tunnels, but most recently (06/2012) no money was charged here. About 75 km behind Antalya a paved road leads down into the valley. The descent is clearly signposted. After another 10km of winding roads, you first come to numerous simple guest houses and finally a parking lot in front of a ford. From here it is a few 100 meters to the ruins. If you want to go to the beach, you have to cross the ruins, but that's the final destination Çirali drive 300 meters in the direction of Antalya and then down the valley in the direction of the coast.

By boat

Numerous providers offer a boat tour along the coast. Most of the time, a stop in the Bay of Olympos including swimming and visiting ruins is part of the tour.


The area can only be explored on foot. Parking spaces are available directly at the hotels or directly at the archaeological site.1

Map of Olympos (Lycia)

Tourist Attractions

Ancient Olympus

  • 1 - The Mosaic house lies at the end of a path along a moat. The house was originally two story and was probably built in the 3rd or 4th century AD. built as a bathhouse. In the 5th or 6th Year there was an extensive renovation that made it possible to use it more for religious purposes. The second floor has collapsed completely and broken mosaic floors are spread over broken mosaic floors on the floor. Originally, in addition to Thalassa, the female embodiment of the sea, a lot of animals such as ducks, fish, etc. could be seen here. Of course, framed with beautiful ornaments. The Antalya Archaeological Museum has been researching here since 1992. The largest areas are cordoned off to protect the mosaics on the floor.
  • 2 Funerary monument - It dates from the second half of the 3rd century. Unfortunately, the associated vault has been destroyed. The whole monument is U-shaped. The core of the monument is a massive bench all around, on which three sarcophagi can stand. The walls are made comparatively thin and in them you can still see the images of the wooden beams for the vault. Two sarcophagi are currently still in the monument. The third sarcophagus is the so-called Sidamara sarcophagus. This is in the museum of Antalya and shows numerous reliefs. The monument was discovered in 1990.
  • 3 - acropolis Directly behind the harbor mausoleum, a small path leads up to the Acropolis. Depending on the season, the ascent is very strenuous (too hot) or not advisable (when it rains) but is rewarded with a beautiful view over the bay.
  • 4 - From roman temple only the front is left. But it is impressive with its height. Based on an inscription that has been found relating to Marc Aurelius, it can be assumed that the temple was built in the 2nd century AD. has been erected.
  • 5 - Everyone who goes to the beach inevitably comes to the Harbor mausoleum past. This consists of two grave rooms. There are two sarcophagi in the western chamber. The first sarcophagus belongs to the captain Endemos. On the sarcophagus there is a relief of a ship and an inscription about his life and experience as a captain on the Mediterranean. Interesting are, for example, negative comments on the chalcedony of that time, today's Istanbul / Kadıköy, and of course praises to Lycia. At the end the inscription changes into a rather philosophical tone and speaks of the last port that he will never leave again. The grave next to it belongs to the grandson of the captain Endemos by the name of Marcus Aurelius Zosimas, who claims to be the owner and client of the burial chamber in an inscription. Nothing is known about the third sarcophagus in the burial chamber next to it.
  • 6 - This is a three-aisled one basilica between the 5th century AD. and was built in the 6th century. This architectural style is typical of that time. In the 9th century AD. the basilica has been redesigned again.
  • 7 - The roman bath is located directly on the river and the windows of the bathroom can still be seen today. You can well imagine that the bathing atmosphere was particularly beautiful here.
  • 8 - From theatre there is a lot left, but like the entire ruin, it is in poor condition. The huge entrance and a few rows of seats are remarkably well preserved. The rest of the theater disappears into the forest as if you were the first to discover the theater.
  • The 9 fortress Above the beach is the expansion policy of the republic Genoa Thanks to. They built a small castle here in the 14th century.
  • The 10 Alcestis sarcophagus dates from the 2nd century and is covered with beautiful reliefs.
  • The 11 high school dates back to the Lycian era and was the place for exercise. After the city was captured by Roman troops, the building is used by soldiers for training such as individual battles.
  • 12 North necropolis
  • 13 South necropolis

Olympos Bay

The beach at Olympos

The 14 Olympos Bay With the beach and the woods behind it, many a boat trip invites you to stop here. The clear water and the two fortresses protruding from the woods complete the look for an ideal postcard motif.


15 There are numerous great family-owned pensions here.

  • 16 Olympos village
  • 17 chimera


  • Hikes along the Lycian Way
  • Swimming at Olympos Beach
  • water sports
  • Visit to the ruins of Olympos


There are also some supermarkets on the way to the beach, although the supermarkets between the entrance to the archaeological site and the ford through the mountain stream are significantly more expensive than those in front of the ford.

At the entrance of the archaeological site there is a small shop of the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, which has a very good selection of books. These include some special editions that cannot be found even at the major tourism highlights.


Restaurants in Ulupinar: There are many trout restaurants in this small valley between Tekirova and Cirali. All tables are built right into the great river. If you want, you can also sit at a table and let the cold water wash your legs. The dishes served are mainly Turkish delicacies, trout, sea fish or roast lamb on a spit or from the earth oven (tandir kebab).



Wooden house / tree house hotel in Olympos

Tree houses - Still all the rage in Olympos, wooden house and tree house guest houses are beautifully integrated into the landscape:

  • KADİR'S YÖRÜK TOP TREE HOUSES, Kadir's Yörük Top Tree House Olimpos / ANTALYA (Right on the road to the beach or ruin on the left). Tel.: 90 (0)242 892 12 50, Fax: 90 (0)242 892 11 10, Email: . Multiple award-winning. Parking spaces in front of the house. In addition to numerous wooden houses, a main building with a bar, a campfire every evening, a pizza house, a disco and an extensive range of tours.Price: Double bungalow with air conditioning & half board approx. € 40.00.


Practical advice

Olympos and Chirali are travel destinations for Istanbulers as well as hippis, actually people who want to relax far away from the usual currents. It's relaxed and time doesn't matter. A little deeper in the forest there is an impressive disco for going out in the evening. It is completely embedded in a stone cauldron and floors with seating are attached to the rugged walls.


There are several established climbing areas in the region. Somewhat out of the way (or sleepy) Adrasan is a seaside resort a few kilometers south.


Web links

Olympos Bey Mountains Coast National Park

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