Osuna (Seville) - Osuna (Sevilla)

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Osuna is a city in the Andalusian Seville Province.


The ducal city of Osuna is considered an art historical monument. In the old town there are whitewashed houses next to aristocratic palaces and churches. Osuna was owned by the Iberians Urso called. The Romans developed Osuna into a garrison town. The Moors also left their mark. The Almohads built the water tower and the city wall. Ferdinand III conquered the city from the Moors. He installed the Duke of Osuna. Osuna became a center of art and science through the university founded in 1548. In the 16.-17. In the 18th century the city flourished under the rule of the powerful dukes. Nobles built numerous palaces. The archaeological site of Las Canteras can be visited. One can compare Osuna with the not far away old Écija, because both have a lot of historical buildings from the 16th to 18th centuries Osuna is located on a fertile plain that is used for agriculture.

getting there

By plane

The closest airport is Seville.

By train

By bus

In the street

  • From Seville or Granada: Exit 84 of the A-92 motorway from Seville to Granada leads to the A-378 and directly into the center of Osuna.
  • From Ècija: From Ècija to Osuna there is a direct connection road, the SE-8202.
  • From Carmona: Via the A-380 and on via Marchena to Osuna.


Map of Osuna (Seville)

All sights can be reached on foot.

Tourist Attractions

Churches and monasteries

Santa Maria de la Asunción Church
Church with the well
Storks nest on the church tower
  • Santa Maria de la Asunción. The collegiate church of Santa Maria de la Asunción, located on a hill, was built in the 16th century (1534-1539) in the Renaissance style (Plateresque). The unfinished tower dates from 1918. In the church you can admire very beautiful pictures by the painter José de Ribera. The Duke of Osuna had commissioned the paintings while he was viceroy in Naples. The baroque carved figure of Cristo de la Misericordia in the chapel of the Inmaculada was made by Juan de Mesa. Next to the church is the burial chapel of the Dukes of Osuna. In the church there is an organ that is operated with a bellows. It is still used today.
  • Convento de la Encarnación. The baroque Convento de la Encarnación from the 16th century was first used as a hospital and later as a nunnery. The two-storey cloister has been clad with brown and blue tiles (azulejos) since the 18th century. The nuns sell homemade sweets.
  • Convento de Santa Catalina
  • Santa Domingo Church, at Plaza Rodríguez Marin. The Santa Domingo church dates from the 16th century (1582-1585). The main altar is a copy of the altar from the Convento San Leandro de Sevilla, after a work by Diego de Velasco and Jeronimo Fernandez. There used to be a hermitage here (Hermit). This is where the Hermandad de San Sebastín de los Ballesteros brotherhood stayed, tasked with defending the city. In 1531 the Hermit destroyed and then part of the new church. The chapel of San Sebastian is now that of Santa Domingo.
  • Convento de San Pedro, at the Plaza de Juan XXIII.
  • Convento del Carmen, on Calle Carmen. From the 16th century. There is a three-part altar from the 17th century made by Oviedo del Viejo.
  • San Agust Church, in the Plaza de Santa Rita. From 1548, today a sculpture museum. It used to be a church and was called Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza. The architecture is interesting. It is exemplary of a Jesuit church.

Palaces and other buildings

  • Palacio del Cabildo de la Catedral de Seville, on Calle San Pedro 16. The Palacio has a very beautiful facade decorated with columns. On the pillars are amphorae with azucenas. On the roof stalls you can see an inscription from 1773 "Silla de la Santa Metropolitana Patriarcal Iglesia de Sevilla". In the last chapel there are scenes from the life of San Agustin and carved depictions of Christ. Columbus brought the wood with him from one of his trips to South America. The sculptures used to belong to the Convento de San Francisco.
  • Palacio de los Marqueses de Gomera, on Calle San Pedro 20. Today a **** hotel.
  • Palacio de los Cepeda, on Calle de la Huerta. Now the Palace of Justice. It impresses with the columns, the elegant inner courtyard and the staircase.
  • Casa Peña Bética
  • Universidad de Osuna. The Universidad de Osuna with its tall, slender and pointed towers looks sober. It is on the same hill as the Church of Santa Maria de la Asunción. Interesting are the Renaissance inner courtyard with the two-story arcades, the Mudejar-style panels in the auditorium and the wall paintings in the large salon (Sala de Grados) from the 16th century. It is said that the founder of the University of Duque de Ureñia painted the paintings himself. In the plateresque style chapel there is the altar of the Virgin Inmaculada and beautiful paintings by Fernando de Esturmio from 1548. When it was founded, there were already 4 universities in Andalusia, two in Seville and one each in Baeza and Granada, which Charles V (Carlos I) had founded. Theology, law, medicine and art were taught in Osuna. In 1771 the university was closed. It was reopened in 1807, but closed again in 1824. The university has been back in operation since 1993.


  • Plaza Mayor. At the Plaza Mayor are the town hall from 1533 at the old city gate Puerta del Teba, the casino founded in 1820 and the Convento de la Concepción. Interesting paintings by Rodriguez Jaldon can be seen in the town hall. From the old Convento de San Franciso only the monastery has been preserved. The plaza has existed since the 15th century. The buildings all around date from the 16th century. The casino also contains a small library. Not only members (800) have access.
  • Plaza de Toro. The Plaza de Toro was inaugurated in 1904. The seats are part of the old Roman city wall. The bullring is going for Corridas (Bullfights), riding demonstrations and livestock exhibitions. A total of 360 bullfights have taken place here so far.


  • Archaeological Museum. The archaeological museum in Torre del Agua (Water tower) in the Plaza de la Duquesa shows excavations from the Iberian and Roman times. The most famous exhibit is a copy of the Bull of Osuna from Iberian times, the original of which is in the Louvre de Paris.
  • Torre del Agua. The Torre del Agua from the 12th century, the time of the Almohads, is the oldest preserved building in the city.Open: Oct - Apr 11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. May - Sep 11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.; Jun - Aug 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.Price: Admission: 1.60 euros.

Archaeological sites

  • In the south-eastern part of the city, the roman theater excavated. Many historical pieces were found. This also included a bronze plaque with laws from the Roman period. Marble tablets with inscriptions were also found. The city administration is currently restoring the theater to make it accessible to the public again.
  • Outside the city in the countryside Las Canteras there are other excavation sites. Here you can find underground necropolis and remains from the 7th century BC. Until the time of the Visigoths.




There are some restaurants around the Plaza Mayor.


Price group 20 to 40 euros:

  • Doña Guadelupe, at Plaza de Guadelupe 6-8. The restaurant offers regional cuisine. A specialty is "Tocino de cielo", a fried oxtail. The recommended restaurant is air-conditioned. You can pay by credit card. There is a terrace. The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays and in the second half of August.
  • El Corral de la Sopa, in the Plaza de la Encarnación.


  • Semana Santa. The Holy Week of Osuna is famous. The processions through the decorated city are worth seeing, because the figures of the old masters Juan de Astorga, José de Mora and Juan de Mesa are carried through the streets. Processions take place every day from the Sunday before Easter to Easter Saturday. Details (http://www.osuna.es) under the menu items Turismo, Fiestas and Semana Santa.
  • Romeria. Romeria on the last Sunday in April in honor of the city's patroness, Virgen de Consolicasiòn.
  • Feria



  • Hostal 5 puertas, not far from the Plaza Mayor.
  • Hostal Caballo Blanco, on Calle Granada.


  • Hotel La Casa del Duque de la Ciudad de Osuna ***, at Calle Granada 49.
  • Hotel La Casona del Calderon ***, at Plaza Cervantes 16. Restaurant available.


  • Hotel in the Palacio de los Marqueses de Gomera ****, Calle San Pedro 20. 20 large rooms and a good restaurant.



The general emergency number is 112. There are several pharmacies and doctors in town.

Practical advice

  • Tourist information, Calle Carrera 82, in the old hospital. Tel.: 34 954 815 732.


  • Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas de Córdoba. Nature lovers can visit the Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas de Córdoba. The natural park can be reached via the A-92 in the direction of Granada. At exit 175, change to the A-333 and drive north. The distance is about 120 km. to Iznájar on Embalse de Iznájar (Iznájar reservoir). The Centro de Visitantes de Santa Rita (Santa Rita Visitor Center) is on the A-340 after Priego de Cordoba. Another visitor center is in Cabra. There are no olive groves in the nature park. It's a great hiking area. You can stay overnight in Zuheros in the Hotel Zuhayra **, Tel: 34 957 69 46 93 with a nice restaurant or in Priego de Córdoba in the rural hotel Huerta de las Palomas ****, Tel: 34 957 72 03 05 or in the Villa Túristica ***, Tel: 34 957 70 35 03. Both middle-class hotels are on the CO-230 road in the direction of Zagrilla.


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