Palembang - Palembang

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Palembang is the capital of the Indonesian province Sumatera Selatan and with 1,507,000 inhabitants (as of 2004) the after Medan second largest city in Sumatra.


Arrival and departure

By plane

The Airport Sultan Badaruddin II, Tel. 0711 413695, is located 12 km north of the city center. SilkAir flies to Singapore three times a week and Air Asia flies daily to Kuala Lumpur. Garuda, Lion Air, Wings, Merpati, Batavia, Sriwijaya regularly connect Palembang with Jakarta. In addition, Garuda flies daily to Yogyakarta and Surabaya. There are connections within Sumatra to Batam, Medan and Jambi.

The taxi ride from the city center to the airport costs 80,000 Rp. The airport tax in Palembang for flights abroad is 100,000 Rp, for flights within Indonesia 35,000 Rp.

By train

The train station Kertapati located 8 km south of the city center. There are two trains a day to Bandarlampung. The morning train (only economy class Rp 45,000), the evening train (executive class Rp 95,000, business class 65,000). The travel time is 9-10 hours. There are also 2 trains going north towards Lubuklinggau.

The city minibuses marked "Kertapati" drive to the railway station (4,000 Rp).

By bus

The bus station Karyajaya (Jl Sriwijaya Raya) is 12 km from the city center. Long-distance buses run from this station to Bukittinggi (165,000 Rp 18 hours), Medan (260,000 Rp 36 hours, Jakarata (190,000 Rp., 20 hours). Shorter distances are also driven by minibuses that pick up travelers directly from the hotel (approximately according to Jambi 100,000 Rp, 6 hours)

The city minibuses marked "Karyajaya" go to the bus station (4,000 Rp).

By boat

The Palembang ferry terminal Boom Baru is located 5 km downstream from the city center / Ampera Bridge.

There are daily ferry connections to Pulau Bangka (travel time 4 hours).

And especially interesting as a travel alternative to a flight Singapore-Djakarta: the ferry connection Singapore-Batam-Palembang (then by bus to Jakarta). Three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7.30 a.m.) there is a ferry directly from Palembang to the Indonesian island of Batam (Sekupang port) near Singapore. It takes 10 hours to drive. Business class 285,000 Rp., VIP class 345,000 Rp. Also 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) this ferry then drives back from Batam (Port of Sekupang) to Palembang (8 hours 305,000 Rp.)

The port of Sekupang in the Indonesian city of Batam has through the Penguin line Hourly ferry connections (25 min. travel time, one-way S $ 30) to and from Singapore / Harbourfront Center (from Batam to Singapore from 6:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m., from Singapore to Batam from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). The terminal that receives the ferries from Singapore. to Singapore, has immigration offices and is located next to the terminal to and from Sumatra (Harbor Departure Tax S $ 7, one hour time difference!) for departure to Sumatra.

Warning: traveling by ferry is not without risk. On November 22, 2009, a ferry on the Dumas Line sank on the way from Batam to Dumas in Sumatra due to a particularly high wave.


Tourist Attractions

Stone Age sculpture in the Sumatera Selatan Museum










Practical advice



Web links

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