Pannerdensch Kanaal - Pannerdensch Kanaal

The Pannerdensch Kanaal is the remaining part of the Rhine after the bifurcation of the stream at Pannerden.


The canal is 6 km long and was dug between 1701 and 1709 to remove excess water from the overflow Waal in the IJssel and the Neder-Rijn derive. Fort Pannerden is located at the junction of Waal and Pannerdensch Kanaal, which was supposed to protect this strategically important connection.

Of the total amount of water that the Rhine from Germany brings only 1/3 into the Pannerdensch Kanaal. At the second fork point, a little north of Huissen, 2/9 of the entire Rhine water is channeled into the Neder-Rijn and 1/9 into the IJssel.

Old arms of the Rhine

In the area of Gelderse Poort there are also river beds of old arms of the Rhine, which were once the main arteries of the river: z. B. Oude Rijn and Oude Waal. These old river arms will be strand and that is why the area between the Pannerdensch Kanaal and Oude Rijn is called Rijnstrangengebied or Gelders island (Geldrische Island). This area is a complex of partly silted river beds and meanders. The Neder-Rijnwhen the Pannerdensch Kanaal was put into use. At Kandia, where the Oude Rijn flows into the Pannerdens Kanaal, the canal uses the old river bed of the Neder-Rijn from the 18th century. Some beautiful hiking and cycling routes run through this almost uninhabited area.

Tourist Attractions

  • Doornenburg Castle Kerkstraat 27, Tel: 0491-421456. Castle from the 13th century located at a strategic point, the original junction of the Waal and Rhine. The castle, which consists of a bailey and a main castle (connected by a narrow main bridge), is one of the largest and best-preserved castles in the Netherlands.
Guides: April-October Sun 1.30pm, 2.30pm, 3.30pm; In July and August there are additional guided tours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 11am, 1.30pm, 3pm and, if there are no activities in the museum café in the castle, also on Fridays and Saturdays at 1.30pm and 3pm. Entrance fees: Children (-12) € 2.50; Adults (13) € 5.00.


  • Pannerden-Doornenburg (Car ferry cable ferry with motor "Willem") Tel: 0481-424249 (J. Mathijssen).
Ferry times: daily all year round.
  • Loo-Huissen (Car ferry cable ferry with motor "Christoffel") Tel: 026-3252328; Mobile: 06-12993838 (Looveer Huissen b.v.).
Ferry times: daily all year round (except on Christmas Day)
  • Zevenaar-Aerdt (Oude Rijn) (Cable ferry with self-service for pedestrians and possibly 1 or 2 bikes)
Ferry times: all year round daily (only during the day)


The Pannerdensch Kanaal is completely free of bridges, there is only one railway tunnel on the freight line from Rotterdam to Emmerich. This is not usable for other traffic. The next bridge leads from Huissen to Arnhem and already spans the Neder-Rijn:

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