Papua New Guinea - Papua-Nowa Gwinea

Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea in Oceania (small islands magnified) .svg
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg
Main information
Capital cityPort Moresby
Political systemconstitutional monarchy
Surface462 840
Population8 251 162
Tongueenglish, tok pisin, hiri motu
Code 675
Time zoneUTC 10
Time zoneUTC 10
Papua New Guinea CIA map PL.png

Papua New Guinea - country in Oceania, in Melanesia, located mostly on the island New Guinea and additionally around 2,800 islands. Land borders only with Indonesiabut also in the immediate vicinity Australia and Solomon Islands. Papua New Guinea is flooded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the New Guinea Sea and the Coral Sea.



Papua New Guinea is located in the eastern part of New Guinea and in the neighboring archipelagos (mainly the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands). The relief of the islands is highly fragmented.

The central part of New Guinea, on which Papua New Guinea is located, is occupied by the Central Mountains - a mountain range that stretches across the entire island. The highest peak is Mount Wilhelm (4509 m) located in the Bismarck Mountains, which is one of the ranges of the Central Mountains.

From the south-west, the Central Mountains are adjoined by a flat, vast and in places heavily marshy lowlands. The swamps in the lowlands are one of the largest in the world. The islands off the north coast of New Guinea and New Britain lie in a seismic area. There are 18 active volcanoes in Papua New Guinea (including on the Long, Karkar and Manam islands). Earthquakes occur frequently in Papua New Guinea. The river network in Papua New Guinea is well developed. The longest rivers are: Sepik, Ramu, Fly, Purari.

Papua New Guinea has an equatorial climate (humid, in the mountains equatorial humid). The average daily temperature in the lowlands is approx. 26 ° C, and in the mountainous areas (2500–3000 m) it is less than 10 ° C. The annual rainfall ranges from 1,500 mm to 7,500 mm. From December to March, there is a wetter season which is associated with the northwest monsoon. The less humid season is from May to October. At an altitude of 2,500–3,000 m, there is continuous light rain (sometimes hail).

There are equatorial forests in Papua New Guinea, and mountain forests at an altitude of 1500–3000 m. Highland thickets and meadows lie below the upper edge of the forest in New Guinea. There are mangroves on low sea shores and at river estuaries. In the Fly River basin there is a savannah with acacia and eucalyptus trees. The forest cover is 63%.

There are coral reefs along the coast.



Europeans appeared in what is today Papua New Guinea in the 16th century. In 1884 the islands were proclaimed the protectorates of Germany (northern part - German New Guinea) and Great Britain (southern part - British New Guinea). In 1906, Australia took over the administration in the British part (called Papua Territory), and in 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, also in Germany. In 1942, the island was seizedJapan. In September 1945, the Allies drove the last Japanese troops from the islands. In 1946, the territory of New Guinea was declared a trust territory of the United Nations, which was administered by Australia. In 1949, Australia merged the two parts into a unified union overseas territory called Papua New Guinea. In 1951, the delegation of internal affairs management to local authorities began. The Legislative Council was established, which was replaced in 1964 by the Assembly House elected by the islanders. In December 1973, Papua New Guinea gained full internal autonomy, and on September 16, 1975, it declared independence, adopted the constitution, and became a member of the United Nations and the British Commonwealth of Nations.

The first Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea was Michael Somare, who was also the main initiator of independence. In 1980 Julius Chan took office as prime minister. In the 1980s, there was a conflict with neighboring Indonesia due to a massive influx of Papuans from the Indonesian part of New Guinea. In the late 1980s, separatist tendencies emerged on Bougainville Island. After the introduction of a state of emergency in 1989, civil war broke out on the island. As a result of the war, about 20,000 people died. people, and the economy of Papua New Guinea has suffered significantly (including after the closure of the copper mine in Panguna). In 1997, Silas Atopare took over as Governor General. After the armistice in 1998, the island's transitional administration body, the Bougainville People's Congress, was established. In 2001, the Bougainville People's Congress negotiated with the government to gradually increase the island's autonomy and to hold an independence referendum by 2020. In 2002, Michael Somare was re-elected prime minister, and in 2004 Paulias Matane was appointed governor-general.


75 Papua New Guinea 6.03 Flawed democracy Federalism, constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy



By car

There is only one land connection to another country, namely Jayapura in Indonesia and the small town of Vanimo on the northern coast of PNG. Unfortunately, the road between the Indonesian border and Vanimo is usually impassable due to tropical rains.

By plane

The largest airport in Papua New Guinea is Port Moresby. There is a regular flight to Australia - direct from Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns; with Singapore; and the Philippines - Manila. The most direct flight from Poland is via Singapore, not only because of the ticket price, but also because of the ease of obtaining a visa that can be purchased at the airport in Port Moresby for $ 100: tourist, entitling you to stay for two months. When departing from Australia, you already need a visa in your passport, which can be obtained in Europe through the Australian Embassy in London.

By ship


  • Papua - the region of the former British colony with the capital of Port Moresby. Connection to this city only by air from Australia, Singapore and the Philippines. Apart from the airline, Port Moresby has no other connections to the rest of the country.
  • Morobe - the eastern tip of New Guinea with its capital in Lae, with an important seaport from which goods are delivered to the mountain provinces of the country, up to the gold mine in Porger.
  • Madang (province) - the northern region of the island with the main city of Madang, a picturesque resort by the sea of ​​Bismarck.
  • Sepik - a region on the mighty Sepik and Ramu rivers, known for its famous initiation rites.
  • Western Highlands - with the capital at Mount Hagen, the area is the most populated and relatively industrially developed due to gold and copper mines.


According to official data from 2013, Papua New Guinea had over 60 cities with a population of over 300 inhabitants. The country's capital, Port Moresby, was the only city with over 300,000 inhabitants. residents; 1 city with a population of 100,000 ÷ 300,000; 1 city with a population of 50,000 ÷ 100,000; 4 cities with a population of 25,000 ÷ 50,000 and the rest of the cities below 25,000 residents. In 1991, the urban population comprised 16% of the total population of Papua New Guinea.

Alphabetical list of cities in Papua New Guinea: Cities of Papua New Guinea with more than 300 inhabitants:

  • Aitape
  • Alotau
  • Ambunti
  • Angoram
  • Arawa
  • Baimuru
  • Balimo
  • Banz
  • Bereina
  • White
  • God
  • Buka
  • Bulolo
  • Buluma
  • Chuave
  • Daru
  • Goldie
  • Goroka
  • Hagita Estate
  • Hoskins
  • Ialibu
  • Ihu
  • Kainantu
  • Kandrian
  • Kavieng
  • Kerema
  • Kerevat
  • Kerowagi
  • Kikori
  • Kimbe
  • Kiunga
  • Kokoda
  • Kokopo
  • Kundiawa
  • Bought
  • Kwikil
  • Lae
  • Laiagam
  • Lakurumau Estate
  • Lombrum Navy Base
  • Londolovit
  • Lorengau
  • Madang
  • Malalaua
  • Mamba
  • Maprik
  • Mendi
  • Minj
  • Moreguin
  • Morehead
  • Mosa
  • Mount Hagen
  • Namatanai
  • Nonga Base
  • Paiam
  • Panguna
  • Popondetta
  • Porger
  • Port Moresby
  • Rabaul
  • Ramu Sugar
  • Sogeri
  • Tabubil
  • Tapini
  • Tari
  • Tufi Government Station
  • Vanimo
  • Wabag
  • Wapenamanda
  • Wau
  • Wewak

Interesting places

The state has mainly natural attractions, but there will also be architectural attractions. The main sites worth visiting are:

  • Archaeological site of Kuk - showing the agricultural activity of man in the last few thousand years (UNESCO site),
  • Mount Wilhelm (4 509 m) - an ideal peak for fans of high mountain climbing, it is located in the Bismarck Mountains,
  • Kimbe Bay - a large bay in the province of New Britain, is characterized by high biodiversity, which means that it is often visited by divers and surfers,
  • Tavurvur volcano - located near the city Rabaul, with a height of 223 m, it is an active old volcano, the last eruption of which was in 2006 (the volcano dates back to the 6th century,
  • PNG National Museum and Art Gallery is a state national museum and art gallery located in Port Moresby. It has a collection of about 100,000. exhibits,
  • Kokopo War Museum - museum in the city Kokopowith numerous interesting objects and exhibits from World War II,
  • McAdam National Park - national park based in Bulolo, covers 2080 hectares, the main attractions of the park are sanders of mountain rivers, forest lakes and the climate of the park


There are three types of transport in Papua New Guinea: air transport, road transport and sea transport. There are over 580 airports and runways in Papua New Guinea. The international airport is located in Port Moresby. Cabotage shipping is developed. The main seaport is Lae. The length of the roads is 19.6 thousand. km (686 km has a paved surface).


The official languages ​​are English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu.



The cuisine of Papua New Guinea is based on seafood, fish, rice and meat. It is rarely varied. Exquisite dishes and dishes can be eaten in restaurants in Port Moresby, Lae, Mendi, Popondetta if Mount Hagen.



Basic information

Watch out for theft in Port Moresby and other major cities. There are also attacks and rapes.

When traveling inside the country, it is recommended that you hire a local guide. Moreover, due to the presence of crocodiles, it is not recommended to bathe in places not designated for this purpose.

Before going to Papua New Guinea, it is worth getting acquainted with the current events in the country - ethnic conflicts often occur here.


In the country, tourists can naturally develop tropical diseases, so find out how to avoid contamination. There are several medical chambers and hospitals in the country, incl. as much as 2 in Port Moresby.


Diplomatic representations

Diplomatic missions accredited in Papua New Guinea

No post - country served by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra (Australia).

Diplomatic representations accredited in Poland

High Commission of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea in Brussels

Avenue de Tervuren 430

1150 Brussels

Phone: 32 22 779 06 09

Fax: 32 22 772 70 88

E-mail: [email protected]

This website uses content from the website: Papua New Guinea published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0