Białowieża National Park - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Parc national de Białowieża — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Białowieża National Park
Bialowieza National Park in Poland0029.JPG
IUCN Category
52 ° 43 ′ 0 ″ N 23 ° 50 ′ 41 ″ E
Official site

Located east of the Poland, straddling the border with the Belarus, the Białowieża National Park is the last part of primary forest in Europe. Formerly the Tsars' hunting ground Russians and Polish kings this forest has not been exploited for its timber for many centuries.


Created in 1921, it took the name of a national park in 1932. It was classified as a "world heritage of humanity" by UNESCO in 1977, this classification was extended to Belarusian side of the park in 1992.

The "Strictly Protected" part of the park covers 4747 hectares. In this part, visits are strictly supervised and must be accompanied by a guide. However, it would be a shame to do without it because it is an extraordinary forest and the quality of the guides will quickly make you forget the cost of the visit.

Białowieża is also the territory of the European bison. The last wild bison died there in 1919 before being reintroduced from animals bred in captivity ten years later. Around 250 bison are currently present in the Polish part of the Park. Over 12,000 animal species as well as 4,500 plant species have been identified in the park.

To go




  • Guided tour in the forest of Bialowieza Logo indicating a link to the website PL17-230 Bialowieza, Kolejowa ul. 17 (Reservation at the museum), Logo indicating a telephone number  48856812295, email:  – It is forbidden to go unaccompanied in the "primary" part of the forest, which is open only to scientists and guided tours. Don't expect to go it alone. Prices for guided tours start at 225 PLN and cover only a small peripheral part of the forest ~ km on loop trails on the edge of the forest. There are also tours that can be done perfectly with children, but it remains a memorable experience.



Have a drink / Go out



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