Parco Regionale di Porto Conte - Parco Regionale di Porto Conte

The Parco Regionale di Porto Conte is a national park in the west of the Sassari Province on Sardinia, which is about the capes Punta Giglio, Capo Caccia and the intermediate bay of Porto Conte and to Punta Cristallo extends.


The Porto Conte Regional Park with the marine reserve was founded in 1999/2002. It comprises two headlands on either side of the bay of Porto Conte.


The western headland extends from the area around the Monte Timidone until Capo Caccia, on whose western cliff lies the Grotta di Nettuno, a stalactite cave that can be reached by a staircase from the land and via a jetty from the sea.

Flora and fauna

Thirty-five species of mammals can be found in the reserve, plus 150 species of birds. Of the machia plants that cover the hills, special mention should be made of the nana palms with their small fan-shaped fronds.


As in all of Sardinia, there is a Mediterranean climate, the optimal travel months are in spring, April to June, when the temperatures are most pleasant for hiking.

getting there

Of Alghero from one travels over Fertilia from the SS127bis on, the road meets the SP55that leads out to Capo Caccia.

Fees / permits

Only for visiting the core zone around Monte Timidone are € 3.00 per visitor, if you drive into the park area by car, which shortens the way to the summit of Monte Timidone, another € 5.00 is due. The rest of the park area is freely accessible, but you have to enter the Grotta di Nettuno an additional fee will be paid.


The parking spaces at the entrance to the Grotta di Nettuno at Capo Caccia, at Monte Timidone and the accesses to the paths to Monte Rudedu and Monte Milivone can be reached by private vehicle.

Different paths are available as hiking routes, respectively. Marked bike trails.

Tourist Attractions

Grotte di Nettuno

Sala della Reggia
  • 1  Grotte di Nettuno. Tel.: 39 368 3536824. The Neptune Rotten, a system of karst caves at the foot of a huge rock face, are accessible to tourists in the first 800 m. The entrance can be reached via the 654 steps of the Escala del Cabirol. The salt water lake begins in the entrance area Lago Lamarmorawhich continues inside the cave and shows tidal fluctuations. After a narrow passage you get into a huge hall, the Sala della Reggia; In addition to a huge stalactite wall of "organs", a stalactite formation that resembles a church dome is worth seeing. After an ascent to a balcony-like crevice, from which one can look down to the cave lake, the path describes a loop and it goes back on the same path to the starting point. Another 2.5 km of caves have been explored, but not opened up to tourists. Originally, the Nettuno grotto could only be reached from the sea, visitors were brought into the cave by rowing boats, and the stairway was completed in 1959. From Alghero and also the one at the driveway Cala Dragunara you can reach the grotto by boat. The long climb up the stairs can be avoided, but the inside of the cave is only accessible on foot Not barrier-freeNot barrier-free.Open: every hour from 9:00 a.m. to around 5:00 p.m.; in bad weather resp. In stormy seas, access to the caves is not possible.Price: 14.00 €.

Parco di Porto Conte

Capo Caccia lighthouse
Tower of Porto Conte
  • 2 Faro di Capo Caccia lies on the cliff of Capo Caccia
  • 3 Tramariglio with the National Park House Casa Gioiosa. Inside the former prison complex a botanical garden, an information center on ecological issues and an exhibition on the past of the complex as a prison.
  • the 4 Torre del Tramariglio / del Buru can be reached on foot.
  • 1 Visitor Center Parco Porto Conte / "Prigionette", Access to the park area around the 5 Monte Timidone, a footpath leads to the 6 Cala della Pegna.
  • the 7 Isola piana is protection zone A and must not be entered, here the rare birds of the park area have their refuge.
  • the 1 Park access for the Flatly to 8 Punta Giglio, to the 9 Capo Galera and as a round trip back around the 2 Monte Rudedu can be reached via a small road past the two hotels in Maristella.
  • 10 Tower of Porto Conte and the lighthouse are on a promontory, near the hotel "Il Faro".
  • 11 Park access to another loop around the 3 Monte Milrone and the 4 Monte Palmavera is on the SS127bis.


Nuraghe di Palmavera
  • 12 Nuraghe Sant'Imbenia
  • 13  Nuragic village of Palmavera. On the SS127bis road there is an entire nuragic village. The ruins can be traced back to the 15th - 7th centuries. B.C. They were discovered in 1904 and further excavated in 1962/78. A wall belt made of sandstone with round bastions surrounds the defense complex with two nuraghe towers (tower A, the main tower, from whose anteroom the corridor to tower B leads) and a round hut with a surrounding bench and a central altar ("Capanna delle Riunioni"), surrounding the Housing estate consisting of ring-shaped hut walls, which were covered by a conical roof made of wood and branches. A giant grave belonging to the village was destroyed during construction work.Open: Nov-March 10 am-2pm, April and October 9 am-6pm, May-Sept. 9 am-7pm.Price: € 6.00, combined ticket with the Anghelu Ruju necropolis € 8.00.


  • Bathing at the 1 Spiaggia Mugoni
  • Walks in the park area
  • Visit the Grotte di Nettuno, either by land or by sea from Alghero or from the nearby bay of Cala Dragunara.


  • Information material, books and a few regional products are offered in the park visitor centers.
  • Groceries and everyday items are in Alghero or in the closer Fertilia available.



  • Hotels around the Bay of Porto Conte
  • 1  Camping Villaggio Torre del Porticciolo, 07041 Alghero (SS). Tel.: 39 079919007, Fax: 039 079919212. The campsite with bungalows, a separate area for tents and mobile homes, restaurant, mini market and swimming pool is located in the immediate vicinity of the picturesque bay at Torre Porticciolo.



  • to AlgheroHowever, most visitors will take a trip here in the opposite direction from Alghero.


  • a map of the nature park with the hiking trails will be handed in at the visitor centers.
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