Skaftafell National Park - Parco nazionale Skaftafell

Skaftafell National Park
View of the Skaftafell park with the mountains in the background
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Skaftafell National Park is located in theAusturland, the eastern region ofIceland.

To know

The panorama is very similar to an alpine view, but the whole area has been formed by several volcanic events over thousands of years. Small volcanic eruptions under the glacier can give rise to frozen rivers (in Icelandic: jökulhlaup) which contribute to swelling the Skeiðará River in a massive way.

Inside the park there is an information center which you can use before embarking on a visit to it.

Geographical notes

Skaftafell National Park is located between Kirkjubæjarklaustur (or Klaustur), and the city of Höfn and there is the valley Morsárdalur, the mountain Kristínartindar and the glacier Skaftafellsjökull; the latter forms an offshoot in the great Vatnajökull glacier.

The wasteland and sandy land between the glacier and the sea caused by the explosion of the frozen lake is called Sandur. The last such explosion dates back to 1996.

Flora and fauna

The park has a birch forest inside, Bæjarstaðarskógur, and many species of arctic birds and foxes.

When to go

Skaftafell is renowned in Iceland for its pleasant climate and sunny days in summer, which are certainly not common in southern Iceland.


Park established on September 15, 1967, and integrated in 2008 in Vatnajökull National Park.

During the Middle Ages, many farms were located in the area, but were abandoned after two volcanic eruptions that caused frozen avalanches. The two surviving farms are now a tourist attraction.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

The Svartifoss waterfall and the basaltic constructions of the geosite
  • Svartifoss waterfall (Black waterfall). It has a height of about 12 meters. Its name (black waterfall) comes from the black basalt columns located behind the waterfall itself.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay

Inside the park there is a campsite.


How to keep in touch



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