Kilimanjaro National Park - Parco nazionale del Kilimangiaro

Kilimanjaro National Park
Kilimanjaro National Park
Panorama of Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro National Park - Location
Area type
Institutional website

Kilimanjaro National Park (Kilimanjaro National Park) is located in the Northeast Tanzania.

To know

Geographical notes

With its 756 km² it is one of the main national parks of Tanzania. The park is located in the north-eastern part of the country, on the border with the Kenya. The main entrance to the park, the Marangu Gate is located about 30km north of the city of Moshi, at 1,870 m of altitude.

Flora and fauna

The vegetation of Kilimanjaro can be divided into four areas:

  • there rainforest area (from 1,801 m to 2,700 m), rich in luxuriant vegetation dominated by tall trees;
  • there moorland area (from 2,700 m to 4,000 m), inhabited mainly by shrub species;
  • there high altitude desert area (from 4,000 m to 5,000 m), desert and desolate;
  • there summit area (from 5,000 m to 5,895 m), often covered by snow and subject to extreme climatic conditions.


In 1910 it was declared a nature reserve by the German colonial government. In 1921 it became a forest reserve. In 1973 the mountain area above the tree line (~ 2,700 m) was reclassified as a National Park and opened to public access in 1977. The park was declared a World Heritage Site by theUNESCO in 1987. Kilimanjaro, an extinct volcano for centuries, is the highest mountain in Africa and reaches the considerable altitude of 5895 meters of "Ururhu Peak". Since Hans Meyer's first ascent in 1889, things have changed a lot, the glaciers have almost disappeared and a century ago they went down to 4000 m, and today Kilimanjaro has become a tourist destination, many are those who try even if, the arrival at the top is 30/40%, precisely because many underestimate it, climb unprepared, and are not ready with either the body or the head.

How to get

By plane

By plane you can arrive directly at "Kilimanjaro international airport" which in recent years has opened traffic to several European companies, the airport is 40 km from Arusha. Or get to Nairobi and from there take a bus to Arusha.

By bus

Arusha it is well connected with a bus service with Nairobi. Here in Arusha you will find countless tourist agencies that can organize transport to the slopes of Kilimanjaro, or all the trekking.

Permits / Rates

Rates range from a minimum of USD 900 to a maximum of USD 1300 per person for a complete package that includes: one guide for every two clients, two porters for each client, the cook, the waiter, overnight accommodation in the shelters, insurance. in the park and the entrances to the park. (data June 2011)

How to get around

What see

What to do

Travel Notice!ATTENTION: Some of the contents shown could generate dangerous situations or damage. The information is for illustrative purposes only, not exhortative or didactic. Use of Wikivoyage is at your own risk: read the warnings.
  • Ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro - The climb is a simple trek that only in the last part becomes particularly steep, the problem is altitude sickness which begins to hit after 4000 meters: the symptoms are stomach pain, dizziness, loss of balance, which when they appear, they leave no way out, the only solution is to go back and go down immediately so as not to take a big risk. Some make the ascent with an extra day of acclimatization, sleeping 2 nights at the Horombo Hut, climbing and then descending on the stand-by day, is considered a good strategy for those suffering from mild altitude sickness ailments. The following describes the ascent to the top of "Ururhu Peak" through the "Via Marangu", which is the most classic and well-known, you cannot climb alone but you will be obliged to hire the guide, the cook and two porters each. The trek always takes place along a well-defined path, with significant slopes only in the last stretch, there is no need for crampons because you don't walk on ice, only comfortable, high and well-tested boots in the past. You can buy water at the gate of the park before leaving, it is better that you take 2 bottles each, then every day fill the same bottles with the water that the cook will boil for you; it is still possible to buy water in the shelters if available (but don't give it for sure), beer but it is not the recommended drink to go up, coke, snacks like Mars or Snickers.
    • The 1st stage starts from the park gate at 1,828 m a.s.l. and reaches the Mandara Hut at 2697 m a.s.l., walking time of about 5 hours, through the rainforest, a path always in the shade that sometimes runs along a stream, you can meet monkeys.
    • The 2nd stage goes from the Mandara Hut to the Horombo Hut at 3,719 m asl, the forest ends and the "moorland" begins, the tall trees end almost immediately, replaced by the arboreal heather, Mediterranean scrub, and in the last part you begin to see the extraordinary "giant seneci", unique in the world, endemic to Kilimanjaro, travel time about 6 hours.
    • The 3rd stage goes from Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut at 4,703 m asl, the moor gradually ends and becomes lower and lower and the high altitude alpine desert begins, with mosses and lichens, small birds and mice among the stones, probably the last forms of life, in addition to kites and eagles circling up there, travel time 6 hours.
    • The 4th stage goes from Kibo to the top of Uhruru Peak at 5,895 m asl, travel time 6.5 hours, it is the most grueling and hard stage, the alpine desert is replacing the ice, the slopes of the path are considerable, yes walk slowly on dusty and very slippery volcanic ground, which can sometimes make you slip. Before reaching the top, you pass the "Gillmans' point" at 5,681 m a.s.l. which is none other than the edge of the immense crater and the "Stella Point" at 5,730 m s.l.m., for both, in addition to the top of course, a certificate of congratulations is issued. Still on the same day, after arriving at Uhruru Peak, we return first to Kibo Hut for a rest of a few hours and to eat something, then we descend again to Horombo where we sleep. Finally, the last stage involves the descent of Horombo directly to the park gate where the diplomas are delivered. The pace during the ascent is very slow and is marked by the leading guide, do not try to take shots or run forward, in fact the arrival at the edge of the crater for a curious nocturnal optical effect seems very close, but it is not so and the calculated time takes everything.
All 3 shelters have shared bathrooms, however, while the first two have respectively 4 and 6 bed huts, the last, the Kibo, offers dormitories: there is always electricity even if generated by solar panels , on the beds there are mattresses where you can sleep with a sleeping bag, then a large hut functions as a canteen where you can all eat together. For meals, no worries, there is the cook who cooks discrete and always varied dishes and the waiter who serves at the tables and clears up, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, a snack is also served in the afternoon.
What to bring: A very large bag to check in and a 30/40 liter backpack to carry as hand luggage and as a personal backpack for trekking, essential backpack cover to protect and waterproof the luggage (Please note: during the trekking, porters load the baggage on their shoulders, no more than 25 kg, they put it in jute bags, it is better that you cover it in advance if it rains)
A k-way, an extra piece of clothing to cover up with onion-shaped clothing, is always recommended as the temperature can vary a lot within a few minutes. A very efficient headlamp with spare batteries is used both for walking during the last stage, because we leave at midnight, and for camping and in shelters. Gore-tex windbreaker, heavy sleeping bag (at least -15 °), windproof gore-tex over pants, heavy pants, tights also double or triple, thermal mountain socks, one light and one heavy fleece, T-shirts and briefs in capilene or similar, rain cape, gloves (essential on the last day), telescopic poles for those accustomed to walking on them, cap and balaclava, already tested boots, sunglasses, thermal bottle (at high altitude water could freeze), high protection sunscreen, lip balm, a towel, toiletry bags, wet wipes and toilet paper, mineral salts, energy bars. Consider that during the trek it is almost impossible to take a shower unless you have a high cold tolerance; furthermore, reduce clothing to essentials, considering however that it can be really cold, the shelters are never heated and the last one, the Kibo Hut is in stone at 4,750 m a.s.l.


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


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