Puszcza Zielonka Landscape Park - Park Krajobrazowy Puszcza Zielonka

The Zielonka Forest welcome.jpg
Landscape park map
Legend of greenery.png

Puszcza Zielonka Landscape Park - a forest area north-east of Poznań. In 1993, by the decision of the Voivode of Poznań, a landscape park with an area of ​​9,981 ha was created here. After the border correction carried out in 2003, its area is 11,439.40 ha.

Basic information

The forest is a little urbanized area of ​​great landscape and natural value, largely covered with forests, among which picturesque lakes are a frequent picture. Throughout the year, this place is visited by tourists looking for peace and quiet. The Zielonka Forest owes its varied relief to the last glacial period, after which there are traces in the form of hills, valleys and lake gutters. The highest elevation of the Forest is Dziewicza Góra, which rises at an altitude of 143 m above sea level. The special attractiveness of Zielonka Forest is determined by lakes surrounded by forests, of which there are about 50. The largest lake is Kołatkowskie Lake.

(78 ha) frequented by tourists and owners of recreational plots. The reservoirs located deep in the forests are not very large and generally lack recreational development, therefore they have retained their original beauty. The lakes: Miejskie near Okoniec, Leśne near Głęboczek and Tuczno are considered to be particularly picturesque. Artificial water reservoirs on Główna are also worth mentioning. The Zielonka Forest is the largest forest complex in the vicinity of Poznań. Most of them are coniferous forests and, to a lesser extent, mixed forests. There are half of the country's average amount of old tree stands.

In terms of nature, the most valuable part of the forest is the Maruszka wilderness (approx. 500 ha), located between Pławno and Ludwikowo. There is a pine and oak forest with an admixture of hornbeams, beeches, birches, alders, ash, maples, lindens and elms, aged 110-150 years. These stands, little deformed in the past, are close to natural. Another multi-species tree stand, of a nature similar to the natural one, is protected by the "Mixed Forest" reserve in the Łopuchówko Forest District. Nearby, there is the "Klasztorne Modrzew" reserve, which includes the oldest and most magnificent larch forest in Wielkopolska with the participation of other tree species. The other reserves in the Zielonka Forest are the floristic reserves: "Jezioro Czarne", "Jezioro Pławno" and "Żywiec Dziewięciolistny".

Many hiking and biking trails lead through the area of ​​the Forest, but the most important of them are:


As the Forest is located just outside Poznań, access is not difficult. From the west, there is a busy provincial road No. 196 (Poznań-Wągrowiec), with PKS buses running in the direction of Skoki, Wągrowiec, Nakła, Bydgoszcz, Chojnice and numerous suburban buses of the Czerwonak commune (lines 10 and 12 Transkom) departing from Poznań from the Śródka Railway Station. The Poznań railway line runs parallel to the road - Wągrowiec - Gołańcz with 8-10 (depending on the day of the week) connections a day. You can get off from a modern air-conditioned railbus in Czerwonak, Owińska, Bolechowo, Murowana Goślina or Łopuchów.

From the south, the Forest is limited by the national road No. 5 (numerous bus stations to [[Gniezno | Gniezna}}, Kłecka, Pobiedzisk) and a railway line parallel to it towards Gniezno / Bydgoszcz / Toruń / Tricity. The railway station provides several trains a day, and the most convenient stations for tourists are: Biskupice Wlkp, Promno, Pobiedziska Letnisko and Pobiedziska.

You can get to the interior of the Forest by a local road through Koziegłowy - Kicin to Tuczno, or alternatively by a local road that disconnects from the national "five" in Kobylnica (left) and leads towards Wierzenica. The route through Kicin is run by suburban buses no. 21 and 23 Transkom, which also depart from Poznań from the Śródka Railway Station.



Tourist information

Detailed information on the forest can be found in:

  • even before going on the trail, in Poznań, at the Tourist Information at 59/60 Stary Rynek. In high season, it is open until 9 p.m. (shorter in winter and on weekends). Contact: phone / fax: 061 852 61 56. http://www.cim.poznan.pl
  • at the Tourist Information Point in Owińska, at the gate of the former palace of the Von Treskow family: on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sundays from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., or by phone : tel: 0-509-750-709
  • at the seat of the Intercommunal Union The Zielonka Forest, at 8 Nowy Rynek in Murowana Goślina, tel: 061 81 13 801 mailto: [email protected]

Tourist routes

In the area of ​​the Forest, over 270 km of bicycle routes have been marked, which are integrated with railway lines PoznanWągrowiec and PoznanGniezno, parking lots and long-distance bicycle routes - incl. ring around Poznań.

You can pedal through the forest on the following routes:

  • The Big Bicycle Ring (51.7 km) from Czerwonak along the Poznań Route to Dąbrówka Kościelna, then through Stawica, Brzeźno, Pacholewo and Uchorowo to Starczanów.
  • The Small Bicycle Ring (35.4 km) from Murowana Goślina through Kamińsko, Zielonka, Głęboczek, Wojnowo, Długa Goślina, Kąty, Starczanowo back to Murowana Goślina

In addition, connecting routes have been marked:

  • R-1 (15.1 km) with Owińska through Mielno, Wierzenica and Kobylnica to Gruszczyno
  • R-2 (21.8 km) from Murowana Goślina through Kamińsko, Tuczno, Jerzykowo to Biskupice
  • R-3 (26.0 km) - fragment bicycle ring around Poznań
  • R-4 (11.6 km) from Murowana Goślina via Boduszewo, Głęboczek to Dąbrówka Kościelna (the route continues with the R-8 route)
  • R-5 (10.9 km) from Murowana Goślina through Głęboczko, Boduszewo to Brzeźno
  • R-6 (10.2 km) from Murowana Goślina through Kąty to Leśniczówka Łoskoń
  • R-7 (11.4 km) from Murowana Goślina through Leśniczówka Starczanowo, Białężyn to Nieszawa
  • R-8 (29.7 km) from Dąbrówka Kościelna through Pawłowo, Rybno Wielkie, Kiszkowo and Szkrzetuszewo to the Third Millennium Gate
  • R-9 (45.5 km) from Niedźwiedziny through Rejowiec, Stawiany, Raczkowo, Skoki, Budziszewice, Słomowo to Pacholewo

A folder with a map of bicycle routes can be downloaded from the website Of the Intercommunal Association "Puszcza Zielonka"

This website uses content from the website: [1] published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0
Geographical Coordinates